Showing posts with label Cousins. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Cousins. Show all posts

Saturday, June 23, 2012

Sevey Cousins at the Olmstead Stables

From left: Margaret Ann (Margaret), Christine Chritiansen (Maude), Steve Bailey (Minerva), Anita Olmstead, Greg Olmstead (Phyllis), Sue Bailey, Karen Christiansen (Maude), Eddie Anderson (Margaret), Mike Sevey
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Three Cousins

Jamie, Paul Christiansen's daughter (Maude), Mike, son of Junius, Cheri, Lucille's daugher

Lucille's Daughters

Cheri, Pam, Judy, Vicki in 1959

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Standing: Eileen holding her son, Dennis, Francis and wife Vilma, Grandma Sevey, Margaret
Children in front: Joe Sevey (Francis), Joe Christiansen [I think], Francis Gene and Margaret Ann behind Gene

Carol and Dale

Carol (Christiansen) and Dale Brunken with first son, Jeff.


Phyllis, 16 years old

Phyllis in the Moapa Valley High School Marching Band (Overton, Nevada)

Phyllis and her mother, Grandma Sevey

Wedding day
In back: Grandpa Sevey, Cliff Olmstead, Roy Olmstead, Bill Olmstead
In front: Grandma Sevey, Ruth, Phyllis, Grandma Olmstead

Phyllis and Roy's wedding day

Phyllis holding her daughter, Laurie
As always, click on any photo to view a larger version.