Showing posts with label freedom. Show all posts
Showing posts with label freedom. Show all posts

Thursday, June 4, 2015

4th of July Decorating

It is only 1 month until one of my favorite holidays...Independence Day! Our 4th of July usually consists of spending the day on the lake and then coming back to our home for a BBQ, flag cake and  then going back on the boat to see the fireworks on the is magical! Unfortunately my daughter & son in law have to work on the 4th (they are both nurses) and my brother & sister in law that usually come down from TN have other plans this yr. So it will be a very different 4th this yr as it will only be hubby, our 18 yr old daughter & I.

Anyway, I will still decorate & make my home look festive!

Last year hubby & I traveled the coast of Maine and saw so many homes with patriotic bunting on them. It was so beautiful and hubby & I mentioned how the American Pride really showed! Maybe because they were the original 13 colonies.

I have lots of 4th of July decor but I don't have bunting so I am buying some this year.
I have found a good deal and this is what I'm getting.  Get your Patriotic Bunting Here It has a vintage look which I really like....but this one is really nice too Red White Blue Bunting

Now for indoors decor...I love using these signs  Find them HERE There are other designs as well.

Or if you want something smaller, these prints are awesome. Add them on the table with your 4th of July food, hand a collection up on your wall. Celebrate our country's birthday! Find the 8x10 prints HERE

I will also do a post soon on festive 4th of July foods so stay tuned!

Have an awesome day!

The Family

The Family