Papers by Jenny E Kangasvuo
Hyvän suhteen normi? Miksi 2000-luvun lesbo-ja homoyhteisöt haluavat uuskunniallisuutta, avio-oik... more Hyvän suhteen normi? Miksi 2000-luvun lesbo-ja homoyhteisöt haluavat uuskunniallisuutta, avio-oikeuksia ja parisuhteita? Yhdysvaltalainen kulttuurintutkija Laura Kipnis väittää pamfletissaan Avioliiton ansa (2005), että rakkaudesta, parisuhteesta ja avioliitosta muodostuva kolmiyhteys jäsentää vallitsevia suhdeoletuksia yksilöllisistä ratkaisuista riippumattavaikka muutamat kapinalliset onnistuisivatkin solmimaan suhteita normiohjailusta riippumattomin tavoin. 1 Kipnisin mukaan luovumme vapaaehtoisesti sekä seksuaalisista että seksittömyyteen liittyvistä mahdollisuuksista, sillä hyvän suhteen normi vaatii, että seksiä saman ihmisen kanssa harjoitetaan useammin kuin neljä kertaa vuodessa. Myös uskollisuutta kiristetään kumppanilta kuin työpanosta palkansaajilta. Niitä parisuhteissa kärvisteleviä ihmisiä, jotka kaipaisivat muitakin seksuaalikumppaneita, pelotellaan sinkkuelämän ankeudella. Avioliitosta ja muista parisuhteista tulee uurastusta ja tuotantolaitoksia,
SQS – Suomen Queer-tutkimuksen Seuran lehti, Dec 1, 2010
Introduction I "A proof is a proof. What kind of a proof? It's a proof. A proof is a proof. And w... more Introduction I "A proof is a proof. What kind of a proof? It's a proof. A proof is a proof. And when you have a good proof, it's because it's proven."-Jean Chrétien "Mathematical proofs, like diamonds, are hard and clear, and will be touched with nothing but strict reasoning."-John Locke Mathematical proofs are, in a sense, the only truly absolute knowledge we can have. They provide us with a guarantee as well as an explanation (and hopefully some deep insight). Introduction II Mathematical proofs are necessary in computer science for several reasons. An algorithm must always be proven correct. You may also want to show that its more efficient than other method. This requires a proof. Proving certain properties of data structures may lead to new, more efficient or simpler algorithms. Arguments may entail assumptions. It may be useful and/or necessary to make sure these assumptions are actually valid.
Introducion positions, just as it is the case when binary oppositions are created between any two... more Introducion positions, just as it is the case when binary oppositions are created between any two constructs. In this case, however, these oppositions are upheld in an academic environment by parties that one would expect to be aware of the constructed nature of such definitions of quality.
This book has been made as a part of the Aware-project-"Increasing Awareness in educational Organ... more This book has been made as a part of the Aware-project-"Increasing Awareness in educational Organisations of Sexualised and Gendered Violence-publication and web project 2001-2002". Articles are based on current and ongoing research made worldwide. The Aware-project is funded by the European Commission's Daphne-programme. The aim of the whole Daphne-programme is to develop measures to prevent violence targeted at children, youth and women. The aims of the Aware-project were 1) to increase public and academic awareness of sexualised and gendered violence in educational organisations, 2) to develop communication between existing research networks and 3) to produce a publication, which would be suitable educational material for teacher education pedagogical studies. Our way to prevent violence is to increase administrators', educators' and public awareness about various forms of sexualised and gendered violence. We are proud to publish this book in the Femina Borealis-publication series, which is the publication forum which concentrates especially on Northern Women and Gender Studies. The Aware-project was organised by the Women's Studies of the University of Oulu, which has been actively developing Women and Gender Studies in the northern part of Europe. The book presents some results of the projects which have roots also in Femina Borealis. Most of the writers of the book are from the northern part of Europe and the book gives some special insights into gendered and sexualised violence in educational environments from a northern perspective as well as comparative insights from other parts of the world. The book is partly based on work done in various networks and reserach projects. The most important of them are the research project entitled "Gendered power relations and violence in schools and teacher education in Northern Finland", and the research network entitled "Gendered violence in schools and teacher education in the Barents region". The network is organised between research groups from Finland, Norway, Sweden and Northwest Russia. Most of the writers come from North and Middle Europe and several of them are working as educators in institutions of higher education and as teachers and psychologists and also crisis centre workers. The project had also a public call for papers, which resulted in a few dozen interesting abstracts. Some of them developed to full grown articles, others have important subjects like trafficking, prostitution and child abuse and may be published in future publications. The call for papers gave us a possibility to find new and future partners in different parts of Eastern Europe like Karelia, Lithuania, Tadzhikistan and Georgia. Central theme areas of the publication are violence as a part of school culture, representations of femininity, masculinity and the body, sexual harassment and coercion, heteronormativity and sexual violence. The themes are intertwined in the articles. The Aware-project participated in organising two seminars, the NCRB closing seminar "Crisis Centres and Violence against Women", Oulu, in which Aware-project had a special workshop "Sexism, Sexual Harassment and Anti-Sexist Pedagogy" and the theme seminar "Culture, Violence and Gender-Dialogue between Africa and the Arctic" held in Oulu together with the NCRB-project and the Gender & Violence network. The project was presented in several international conferences, for example NERA
SQS – Suomen Queer-tutkimuksen Seuran lehti, Apr 8, 2015
Sexualised and gendered violence in educational environments as tools to reproduce and fight for ... more Sexualised and gendered violence in educational environments as tools to reproduce and fight for heterosexist domination and pleasure
Routledge eBooks, Nov 1, 2020
Bisexuality became a viable identity in Finnish sexual culture in the early 1990's. Prior to this... more Bisexuality became a viable identity in Finnish sexual culture in the early 1990's. Prior to this, bisexuality was not a concept to which identities could be credibly attached. Instead, the concept was used to explain the fundamental nature of human sexuality. This usage also played a role in sexual minority politics, explaining the existence of homosexuality and justifying its acceptance. Bisexuality has helped define the border between comprehensible and incomprehensible sexuality, at certain times strengthening the normal, at other times positioning itself among the weirdest of the weird. The research material of this dissertation includes volumes of publications by the Finnish organizations active in sexual minority politics from the years 1969-1994, volumes of porn magazines from the years 1972-2006, a selection of single articles collected from mainstream press from the years 1993-2012 as well as interviews of 40 Finnish bisexuals from the years 1999, 2005 and 2009-2010. There is a total of 52 interviews, 12 of the informants having been interviewed twice. These interviews form a longitudinal study of Finnish bisexuals and their experiences. This doctoral thesis explores the question of how changes in Finnish legislation, sexual minority politics and media landscape have affected the concept of bisexuality and the experiences of the people who define their sexuality through that concept. This research traces the processes which made bisexuality a viable identity term in Finland after the removal of same-sex fornication from the criminal law. The concept of bisexuality has seen frequent use in porn as well, and the study reflects on how bisexual experiences can be characterized in a situation where the concept of bisexuality has been pornified. This research explains how bisexuality evolved from an instrument of sexual minority politics in the 1970's and 1980's to a concept employed by identity politics starting from the 1990's, and finally to a term which can be used to entice and entertain different audiences in the 2010's.
Lähikuva – audiovisuaalisen kulttuurin tieteellinen julkaisu
Naiseus ja eksotiikka japanilaisessa gosurori-muodissa |apanilainen gosurori-muoti ottaa vaikutte... more Naiseus ja eksotiikka japanilaisessa gosurori-muodissa |apanilainen gosurori-muoti ottaa vaikutteensa eksotisoidusta eurooppalaisesta historiasta. Se tarjoaa romanttisen synkiin pakopaikan teinitytoille ennen astumista vastuulliseen aikuisuuteen. Jo metrossa heihin tormiili. Tyttoihin pitseillii somistetuissa mustissa kerroshameissaan ja royheloisissii piiiihineiss?iiin. Tytot ovat matkalla Harajukuun, Tokionl kaupunginosaan, joka on nuorisomuodin solmukohta. He kantavat kiisivarsillaan tyhjiisilmiiisiii posliininukkeja tai tarkoituksellisesti vahingoitettuja pehmoleluja ja vetdvdt perdssddn rullilla kulkevia laukkuja. Laukussa on vaatteita ja muuta rekvisiittaa, joiden avulla tavallisesta koulupukuun pukeutuvasta lukiolaistytostii tulee synkkii prinsessa. Mutta vain iltapiiiviin ajaksi: illalla puvut pakataan takaisin laukkuun ja palataan kotiin, omaan arkiseen eliimiiiin. Harajukun vaateputiikeissa ja kahviloissa, Takeshita-ja Omotesando-kaduilla ja Yoyogi-puiston kupeessa olevalla, rautatien piiiille rakennetulla aukiolla niikyy japanilaisen katumuodin koko kirjo. 1990luvun loppupuolen kirjavan, cyberpunk-vivahteisen muodin2 rinnalle on 2000-luvulla noussut romantiikkaa ja viatonta tyttomiiisyyttii korostava lolita-muoti ja sen synkkd pikkusisar, gothic lolita, japanilaisittain translitteroituna gosurori.3 Gosurori-muodin synkkyyden ihannoinnin vuoksi siinii voi niihdii tiettyjii yhteneviiisyyksiii liinsimaisen gootti-alakulttuurin kanssa, mutta siind missd gootti-alakulttuurin ytimessd on ensisijaisesti musiikki ja vasta toissijaisesti pukeutumistyylla , japanilainen gosurori-muoti on leimallisesti pukeutumis taja nimenomaan pukeutumista sosiaalisena tapahtumana. ]apanilaisia gosurori-pukeutujia ei yhdistii tietyn musiikkityylin kuunteleminen, vaan viehtymys samaan muotiin. Cosurori-muodillakin on kuitenkin musiikilliset juurensa, jotka loytyviit niiyttliviin visual kei-rockin puvustuksesta ja esillepanosta. Tiirkeimmiiksi gosurori-muodin vaikuttajaksi on yleensd nostettu nyttemmin jo hajonnut visual kei-yhtye Malice Mizer ja erityisesti sen miespuolinen kitaristi Mana, jonka tummasdvyiset esiintymisasut soveltavat 1800-ja 1700-lukujen eurooppalaista naistenmuotia,
Lähikuva, Mar 1, 2006
Naiseus ja eksotiikka japanilaisessa gosurori-muodissa |apanilainen gosurori-muoti ottaa vaikutte... more Naiseus ja eksotiikka japanilaisessa gosurori-muodissa |apanilainen gosurori-muoti ottaa vaikutteensa eksotisoidusta eurooppalaisesta historiasta. Se tarjoaa romanttisen synkiin pakopaikan teinitytoille ennen astumista vastuulliseen aikuisuuteen. Jo metrossa heihin tormiili. Tyttoihin pitseillii somistetuissa mustissa kerroshameissaan ja royheloisissii piiiihineiss?iiin. Tytot ovat matkalla Harajukuun, Tokionl kaupunginosaan, joka on nuorisomuodin solmukohta. He kantavat kiisivarsillaan tyhjiisilmiiisiii posliininukkeja tai tarkoituksellisesti vahingoitettuja pehmoleluja ja vetdvdt perdssddn rullilla kulkevia laukkuja. Laukussa on vaatteita ja muuta rekvisiittaa, joiden avulla tavallisesta koulupukuun pukeutuvasta lukiolaistytostii tulee synkkii prinsessa. Mutta vain iltapiiiviin ajaksi: illalla puvut pakataan takaisin laukkuun ja palataan kotiin, omaan arkiseen eliimiiiin. Harajukun vaateputiikeissa ja kahviloissa, Takeshita-ja Omotesando-kaduilla ja Yoyogi-puiston kupeessa olevalla, rautatien piiiille rakennetulla aukiolla niikyy japanilaisen katumuodin koko kirjo. 1990luvun loppupuolen kirjavan, cyberpunk-vivahteisen muodin2 rinnalle on 2000-luvulla noussut romantiikkaa ja viatonta tyttomiiisyyttii korostava lolita-muoti ja sen synkkd pikkusisar, gothic lolita, japanilaisittain translitteroituna gosurori.3 Gosurori-muodin synkkyyden ihannoinnin vuoksi siinii voi niihdii tiettyjii yhteneviiisyyksiii liinsimaisen gootti-alakulttuurin kanssa, mutta siind missd gootti-alakulttuurin ytimessd on ensisijaisesti musiikki ja vasta toissijaisesti pukeutumistyylla , japanilainen gosurori-muoti on leimallisesti pukeutumis taja nimenomaan pukeutumista sosiaalisena tapahtumana. ]apanilaisia gosurori-pukeutujia ei yhdistii tietyn musiikkityylin kuunteleminen, vaan viehtymys samaan muotiin. Cosurori-muodillakin on kuitenkin musiikilliset juurensa, jotka loytyviit niiyttliviin visual kei-rockin puvustuksesta ja esillepanosta. Tiirkeimmiiksi gosurori-muodin vaikuttajaksi on yleensd nostettu nyttemmin jo hajonnut visual kei-yhtye Malice Mizer ja erityisesti sen miespuolinen kitaristi Mana, jonka tummasdvyiset esiintymisasut soveltavat 1800-ja 1700-lukujen eurooppalaista naistenmuotia,
Bisexuality became a viable identity in Finnish sexual culture in the early 1990's. Prior to this... more Bisexuality became a viable identity in Finnish sexual culture in the early 1990's. Prior to this, bisexuality was not a concept to which identities could be credibly attached. Instead, the concept was used to explain the fundamental nature of human sexuality. This usage also played a role in sexual minority politics, explaining the existence of homosexuality and justifying its acceptance. Bisexuality has helped define the border between comprehensible and incomprehensible sexuality, at certain times strengthening the normal, at other times positioning itself among the weirdest of the weird. The research material of this dissertation includes volumes of publications by the Finnish organizations active in sexual minority politics from the years 1969-1994, volumes of porn magazines from the years 1972-2006, a selection of single articles collected from mainstream press from the years 1993-2012 as well as interviews of 40 Finnish bisexuals from the years 1999, 2005 and 2009-2010. There is a total of 52 interviews, 12 of the informants having been interviewed twice. These interviews form a longitudinal study of Finnish bisexuals and their experiences. This doctoral thesis explores the question of how changes in Finnish legislation, sexual minority politics and media landscape have affected the concept of bisexuality and the experiences of the people who define their sexuality through that concept. This research traces the processes which made bisexuality a viable identity term in Finland after the removal of same-sex fornication from the criminal law. The concept of bisexuality has seen frequent use in porn as well, and the study reflects on how bisexual experiences can be characterized in a situation where the concept of bisexuality has been pornified. This research explains how bisexuality evolved from an instrument of sexual minority politics in the 1970's and 1980's to a concept employed by identity politics starting from the 1990's, and finally to a term which can be used to entice and entertain different audiences in the 2010's.
Proceedings of the 9th Nordic Conference on Human-Computer Interaction, 2016
This paper presents an anthropological design fiction envisioning a future hybrid city where 3D v... more This paper presents an anthropological design fiction envisioning a future hybrid city where 3D virtual city models and physical reality are intertwined seamlessly. The crafted fiction addresses three broad themes. Firstly, it explores how not only digital and physical but also past and present as well as near and distant places might become entangled in such a hybrid city. Secondly, we speculate what it means if the digital traces of a person-perhaps even his/her digitalized body-continue "living" in a hybrid city after s/he has passed away. Thirdly, we raise questions regarding power: who owns the digital city, and who has the right to change it? Lastly, we ponder some sociocultural questions and design ideas opened up by the fiction.
Suomen Queer Tutkimuksen Seuran Lehti, Apr 8, 2015
Suomen Queer Tutkimuksen Seuran Lehti, Apr 8, 2015
This paper presents an anthropological design fiction envisioning a future hybrid city where 3D v... more This paper presents an anthropological design fiction envisioning a future hybrid city where 3D virtual city models and physical reality are intertwined seamlessly. The crafted fiction addresses three broad themes. Firstly, it explores how not only digital and physical but also past and present as well as near and distant places might become entangled in such a hybrid city. Secondly, we speculate what it means if the digital traces of a person – perhaps even his/her digitalized body – continue " living " in a hybrid city after s/he has passed away. Thirdly, we raise questions regarding power: who owns the digital city, and who has the right to change it? Lastly, we ponder some sociocultural questions and design ideas opened up by the fiction.
Papers by Jenny E Kangasvuo