Kasdi Merbah University of Ouargla
Faculty of Letters and languages
In This paper we will examine the relationships between research and developmental processes in the activities of modern Arabic linguistics. Three main factors are dominated and govern the scope of Arabic linguistics; the administrative... more
غة ّ الل ة ّ مجل ة ّ العربي د ّ جل ا : 21 العدد : 48 نة ّ الس : ّ ثي ّ الث ا ابع ّ لر 2019 ص : 193-214 193 Vì †'^ù] ìËÖ] » íée †ÃÖ] íÇ×Ö] ð] †mý ífl é‰^‰_ …^'Ú ímøm l^rã×Ö]ae HØñ]aeù] ì^vßÖ] l^¿uøÚ... more
Communication Language Teaching: Main Assumptions and Classroom Activities. In This paper we will examine the methodology known as Communicative Language Teaching or CLT, and we will explore the main assumptions it is based on; Its... more
Contemporary scientific investigations tell us about the child's genius and his amazing passion for learning, it open in his brain during the first seven months of his birth, legitimate windows that challenge him to capture all possible... more
Contemporary scientific investigations tell us about the child's genius and his amazing passion for learning, it open in his brain during the first seven months of his birth, legitimate windows that challenge him to capture all possible... more
ّ Cognitive linguistics and the issues of language acquisition and learning ّ This study suggests a general review of cognitive linguistics a new approach stand mostly in the opposite side of chomskyan school traditions. Although many... more
The Arabic language and the future of socio-cultural development in Algeria. Our study of the history of languages in Algeria confirms that the Arabic language was and still a special case; because it is the only child of the Western... more
Little creative rising: YouTube Theater for children in Algeria, exploring talents and awakening childhood emotions. Theatrical experience rises wonderful aspects inside the little child; it gives him a special state of present and mental... more
تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى التعريف بأهم الوسائل العلمية المعتمدة في مجال البحث الميداني الرامي إلى تسجيل المادة اللغوية من أفواه الناطقين. ويتعلق الأمر بثلاث وسائل رئيسة: الاستبانة، الاستعلام بواسطة الهاتف، والتحري عن طريق الشابكة. توضح هذه... more
تهدف هذه الدراسة إلى توضيح المراحل الآساسية التي يمر بها إعداد الآطالس اللسانية العامة، وهو نوع من الآطالس يتطلب جهودا كبيرة وتحضيرات كثيرة وموارد وفيرة؛ لأنه أطلس شامل؛ يغطي إقليما جغرافيا واس ع ا، ويعكس ج لّ الملامح اللغوية في لسان من... more
Le présent article se veut une relecture des concepts fondamentaux de la Structure informationnelle (SI), à travers laquelle, nous mettons en exergue les différentes partitions (du moins les plus évidentes à notre avis), qui mettent en... more
This paper is intended as a re-reading of the fundamental concepts of the Information Structure (SI), through which we highlight the different partitions (at least the most obvious in our opinion), which involve binary articulations... more
We describe mutations in the hepatitis B virus (HBV) polymerase gene in viruses which reactivated in two patients during therapy with -2′-deoxy- 3′-thiacytidine, or lamivudine (3TC), and following orthotopic liver transplantation for... more
Nitric oxide (NO) is a pleiotropic regulator, critical to numerous biological processes, including vasodilatation, neurotransmission and macrophage-mediated immunity. The family of nitric oxide synthases (NOS) comprises inducible NOS... more
Ce document vise à aider les étudiants inscrits en sciences du langage et en textes littéraire, dans leur préparation d'un projet de mémoire de licence ou de master LMD. Il pourra aussi servir à toute personne désireuse d'entreprendre un... more
Tout d'abord je vais apporter de nouveau à travers ma recherche par rapport aux recherches précédentes par la précision de rôle fondamentale de l'image pour renforcer le contenu textuel on va utiliser l'image comme un objet linguistique.... more
- by ali soufli