University of Otago
Anthropology and Archaeology
Over several decades there has been much discussion regarding the nature of Early Lapita subsistence, and in particular whether domesticated animals and horticulture were central components or whether initial Lapita subsistence strategies... more
This article considers the interplay between the bodily experience of landscape and the formation of sociality. We investigate the social experiences of landscape in 19th century Roviana Lagoon in the Solomon Islands, dealing specifically... more
James Fox coined the term ‘topogeny’ to refer to practices where the recitation of an ordered sequence of place names is employed as a means of categorizing and transmitting social knowledge. In the Solomon Islands such narratives are an... more
In this paper I examine the role of constructed shrines in the landscape history of the New Georgia region of the Solomon Islands. I trace the emergence and role of shrines in the sociality of prehistoric New Georgia, and examine their... more