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Cílem této práce je rozebrat možnosti argumentu holandské sázky ve prospěch probabilismu a stanovit jeho meze. Existuje mnoho podob argumentu, proto se nejprve budu věnovat popisu argumentu v jeho klasické podobě. Následně je podroben... more
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The aim of this study is to consider possibilities of a Dutch Book Argument in favor of Probabilism and to determine its limits. There are many versions of the argument; therefore at first I analyze a description of a classic version of... more
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Tato diplomová práce nazvaná „Common sense nebo vědecký realismus? Debata Thomase Reida a Josepha Priestleyho“ se věnuje doktrinálnímu sporu mezi Thomasem Reidem a Josephem Priestleym. Cílem práce je rekonstrukce hlavních argumentů této... more
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      MaterialismThomas ReidCommon Sense PhilosophyJoseph Priestley
The notion of common sense has been widely used in everyday speech and had its place within numerous philosophical doctrines in the past. One of the most comprehensive analysis of common sense was done by Thomas Reid. The problem is that... more
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      Scottish EnlightenmentThomas ReidCommon Sense PhilosophyCommon Sense
Most of us perceive Hume as a sceptic regarding objective existence of causal powers or a necessary connexion between cause and effect, as well as a sceptic about objective existence of any secret powers of nature. However, in recent... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of MindCausal reasoningCausation
Resume: Most of us perceive Hume as a sceptic regarding objective existence of causal powers or a necessary connexion between cause and effect, as well as a sceptic about objective existence of any secret powers of nature. However, in... more
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Článek se snaží přiblížit přístup Josepha Priestleyho ke zkoumání lidské mysli. Postupně jsou ukázány dva kroky, ve kterých Priestley mění svůj pohled na hmotu a ducha a dochází k materialismu. V prvním kroku redefinuje pojem hmoty a... more
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      MechanicsPhilosophy of MindHistory and theory of ideasJoseph Priestley
The paper deals with Thomas Reid’s comments against Joseph Priestley’s materialism. Priestley’s mechanical materialism is based on the philosophy of Isaac Newton, especially Newton’s rules of reasoning. Priestley rejected substantive... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of MindMaterialismThomas Reid
The paper deals with Thomas Reid's comments against Joseph Priestley's materialism. Priestley's mechanical materialism is based on the philosophy of Isaac Newton, especially Newton's rules of reasoning. Priestley rejected substantive... more
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      Cognitive SciencePhilosophyFilozofia
David Hume (1711-1776) is often considered as a sceptic about the existence of causal powers or the necessary connection between cause and effect, and his work is interpreted in various books on the history of philosophy in this way. In... more
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      Cognitive SciencePhilosophyEpistemologyFilozofia
This article attempts to introduce Joseph Priestley’s approach to the research of the human mind. It is demonstrated in two consecutive steps how Priestley changes his view of matter and spirit, and how he moves to materialism. In the... more
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      MechanicsPhilosophyPhilosophy of MindHistory and theory of ideas
Čím se liší filosofické poradenství od jednotlivých druhů psychoterapie? Co je opravdu specifické pro tuto pomáhající profesi? Je tento obor udržitelný nebo je natolik problematický, že do budoucna již nemůže ve své stávající podobě přežít?
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      Psychotherapy and CounselingPhilosophical CounselingPhilosophy as TherapyPhilosophical Practice
This article deals with the previously discussed, yet still unresolved question: What was the relation of J. A. Comenius to the philosophical work of the Croatian philosopher Francesco Patrizi? Based on the analysis of their major works,... more
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      Renaissance PhilosophyIohannes Amos ComeniusComeniologyFrancesco Patrizi
The paper deals with the teachings of the Czech thinker Petr Chelčický. The research focuses on his theologizing philosophy, which was rather neglected in the previous philosophical and historical works dealing with his thought. The... more
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      ViolenceCzech HistoryConflictChurch History
This study follows the author’s previous research that pointed out to significant similarities between the philosophical conceptions of Francesco Patrizi and those of Jan Amos Comenius. If we admit that the contents of Patrizi’s greatest... more
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      Early Modern HistoryCzech HistoryRenaissance PhilosophyNeoplatonism
The talk deals with the question of the reception of Franciscus Patricius and his philosophical work in early modern Central Europe, especially in two cases – of Jan Amos Comenius and his teacher Johann Heinrich Alsted. Based on the... more
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      Renaissance PhilosophyEncyclopedismIohannes Amos ComeniusAlsted, Johann Heinrich
In Consultatio catholica man is presented as a being determined by its own and unique nature. Yet this nature is based on man’s free and unlimited will, in other words, on the unlimitedness of man’s existence. Man is thus described as... more
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      AnthropologyRenaissance StudiesFree WillMarsilio Ficino
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      Renaissance StudiesEschatology and ApocalypticismMillenarianismIohannes Amos Comenius
This study deals with the concept of natura as it is presented in Comenius’s Pansophia. Since Comenius’s concept of nature is inseparable from his anthropological views, the paper discusses also his anthropology. Man is considered here a... more
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      AnthropologyRenaissance StudiesFree WillNature
This book maps the entire development of Comenius’s considerations on man, from his earliest writings to his philosophical masterwork. Although this book primarily offers an analysis and description of the conception of man in Comenius’s... more
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      Intellectual HistoryAnthropologyPhilosophyPolitical Philosophy