Background: It is assumed that practical skills learned through simulation can be transferred to ... more Background: It is assumed that practical skills learned through simulation can be transferred to the clinical setting, but little is known about students' skill performance on real patients after simulation-based learning. The literature shows that newly qualified nurses lack proficiency in skill performance, implying that transfer of learning is challenging. The aim is to explore practical skill transfer from skill centre to clinical setting.
... Søk i denne teksten. Medstudentveiledning i praksisstudiene. av Elisabeth Hessevaagbakke, Bjø... more ... Søk i denne teksten. Medstudentveiledning i praksisstudiene. av Elisabeth Hessevaagbakke, Bjørg Christiansen, Trude Aaseth, Anne Grethe Johansen, Ida Torunn Bjørk og Anton Havnes. Logg inn. ... E-post:[email protected]. Anne Grethe Johansen. ...
Oslo University College, Faculty of Nursing places undergraduate students in peer learning partne... more Oslo University College, Faculty of Nursing places undergraduate students in peer learning partnerships: 3rd year students as tutors, and 1st year students as tutees during practical skill learning. A study was designed to investigate this peer learning project. One of the research questions in particular on the role of the tutors: How do 3rd year nursing students carry out their role as supervisors for 1st year students in the skills laboratory? The study had an exploratory design. Qualitative data was gathered by three members of a research team, using video recordings of the supervised sessions and focus group interviews with both 1st and 3rd year students. Data collection was repeated in 2006e2007e2008 in different groups of students. Four identified themes illustrate how the 3rd year students supervise during the performance of the procedures in the skills laboratory:
Det må ikke kopieres fra denne bok i strid med åndsverkloven og fotografiloven eller i strid med ... more Det må ikke kopieres fra denne bok i strid med åndsverkloven og fotografiloven eller i strid med avtaler om kopiering inngått med KOPINOR, Interesseorganisasjon for rettighetshavere til åndsverk. Kopiering i strid med lov eller avtale medfører erstatningsansvar og inndragning, og kan straffes med bøter eller fengsel. Forord Førstelektorprogrammet ved Høgskolen i Oslo ble vedtatt opprettet i 2000 og drives av Pedagogisk utviklingssenter. Det første opptaket av stipendiater ble gjort i 2002. Fullt stipendiatprogram går over 5 år. Det er to alternative kompetanseutviklings-og karriereveier i universitets-og høgskolesystemet. Den ene veien er primaert forskningsbasert, med doktorgrad som grunnlag for førstestillinger som førsteamanuensis og opprykk til professor. Den andre veien er primaert utviklings-/erfaringsbasert, med førstelektorbedømmelse som grunnlag for førstestillinger som førstelektor og opprykk til dosent. De to veiene er prinsipielt likeverdige. Endring i forskrift og veiledning gjorde de to veiene tydeligere fra 2006. (Ref. FOR 2006-02-09 nr.129, sist endret 20.06.2007.) Stipendiatprogrammet/førstelektorprogrammet er m.a.o. sidestilt med doktorgradsprogram, men med utviklingsarbeid rettet mot yrkesfeltet som faglig basis, også kalt praksisrettet FoU.
… and Sustainable Futures: Proceedings of the …, Jan 1, 2005
Abstract: There is an increasing interest in the notion of peer learning in higher education. In ... more Abstract: There is an increasing interest in the notion of peer learning in higher education. In the literature peer learning is mainly presented as a pedagogical tool used by institutions and teachers to promote curriculum learning, but also to include a variety of competences ...
Balancing dilemmas in assessment and learning in …, Jan 1, 2008
8 Assessment A boundary object linking professional education and work? Anton Havnes The existenc... more 8 Assessment A boundary object linking professional education and work? Anton Havnes The existence of schools and universities is justified by reference to the factor rather the hopethat they are enabling students to handle situations other than the ones which they ...
Improving student learning implies improving the assessment system. Teachers might assume that it... more Improving student learning implies improving the assessment system. Teachers might assume that it is their teaching that directs the students' learning, but students orient themselves as learners in relation to what will be assessed. In spite of the underlying idea that assessment ...
Teachers and Teaching: theory and practice, Jan 1, 2009
A diverse range of social structures, for instance teacher teams, professional communities and te... more A diverse range of social structures, for instance teacher teams, professional communities and teacher learning communities, are established to advance collaboration among teachers. In Norway, Interdisciplinary Teacher Teams (ITTs) have become a common way ...
Improving student learning: diversity and incllusivity, Jan 1, 2004
The main purpose of this paper is to test how learning outcome among students in professional edu... more The main purpose of this paper is to test how learning outcome among students in professional education is affected by the background of the students or characteristics of the learning environment of the institution. The analyses are based on a survey among students in their final year of professional education. The effects of students' family background are very weak. This is surprising, since school marks, which usually explain a considerable part of study results, are strongly correlating with family background. The study effort, measured by average study hours per week explains very little, but interactive and autonomous study strategies seem to lead to positive learning outcomes. Also teaching quality and social climate have an impact on learning outcome.
Abstract For students and for society a core aspect of higher education is to prepare for future ... more Abstract For students and for society a core aspect of higher education is to prepare for future employment. Employability, however, goes beyond getting a job and this paper focuses on the quality of job performance, or job mastery. Employability is understood as a ...
Assessment has not been a major concern over recent decades in Norwegian higher education, either... more Assessment has not been a major concern over recent decades in Norwegian higher education, either as a topic in educational literature, or as an area of practical development. This paper argues that it is essential to introduce alternatives to the traditional assessment ...
In higher education, there is an increasing interest in student interaction in the form of peer l... more In higher education, there is an increasing interest in student interaction in the form of peer learning. In the literature, peer learning is mainly presented as a pedagogical tool used to promote curriculum learning. This article is based on observations of peer learning that expand ...
Purpose The paper aims to investigate the role of educational development centres, and their po... more Purpose The paper aims to investigate the role of educational development centres, and their potential for playing a broader and more central role in quality and organisational development. ... Educational development centres: from educational to organisational development? ...
Background: It is assumed that practical skills learned through simulation can be transferred to ... more Background: It is assumed that practical skills learned through simulation can be transferred to the clinical setting, but little is known about students' skill performance on real patients after simulation-based learning. The literature shows that newly qualified nurses lack proficiency in skill performance, implying that transfer of learning is challenging. The aim is to explore practical skill transfer from skill centre to clinical setting.
... Søk i denne teksten. Medstudentveiledning i praksisstudiene. av Elisabeth Hessevaagbakke, Bjø... more ... Søk i denne teksten. Medstudentveiledning i praksisstudiene. av Elisabeth Hessevaagbakke, Bjørg Christiansen, Trude Aaseth, Anne Grethe Johansen, Ida Torunn Bjørk og Anton Havnes. Logg inn. ... E-post:[email protected]. Anne Grethe Johansen. ...
Oslo University College, Faculty of Nursing places undergraduate students in peer learning partne... more Oslo University College, Faculty of Nursing places undergraduate students in peer learning partnerships: 3rd year students as tutors, and 1st year students as tutees during practical skill learning. A study was designed to investigate this peer learning project. One of the research questions in particular on the role of the tutors: How do 3rd year nursing students carry out their role as supervisors for 1st year students in the skills laboratory? The study had an exploratory design. Qualitative data was gathered by three members of a research team, using video recordings of the supervised sessions and focus group interviews with both 1st and 3rd year students. Data collection was repeated in 2006e2007e2008 in different groups of students. Four identified themes illustrate how the 3rd year students supervise during the performance of the procedures in the skills laboratory:
Det må ikke kopieres fra denne bok i strid med åndsverkloven og fotografiloven eller i strid med ... more Det må ikke kopieres fra denne bok i strid med åndsverkloven og fotografiloven eller i strid med avtaler om kopiering inngått med KOPINOR, Interesseorganisasjon for rettighetshavere til åndsverk. Kopiering i strid med lov eller avtale medfører erstatningsansvar og inndragning, og kan straffes med bøter eller fengsel. Forord Førstelektorprogrammet ved Høgskolen i Oslo ble vedtatt opprettet i 2000 og drives av Pedagogisk utviklingssenter. Det første opptaket av stipendiater ble gjort i 2002. Fullt stipendiatprogram går over 5 år. Det er to alternative kompetanseutviklings-og karriereveier i universitets-og høgskolesystemet. Den ene veien er primaert forskningsbasert, med doktorgrad som grunnlag for førstestillinger som førsteamanuensis og opprykk til professor. Den andre veien er primaert utviklings-/erfaringsbasert, med førstelektorbedømmelse som grunnlag for førstestillinger som førstelektor og opprykk til dosent. De to veiene er prinsipielt likeverdige. Endring i forskrift og veiledning gjorde de to veiene tydeligere fra 2006. (Ref. FOR 2006-02-09 nr.129, sist endret 20.06.2007.) Stipendiatprogrammet/førstelektorprogrammet er m.a.o. sidestilt med doktorgradsprogram, men med utviklingsarbeid rettet mot yrkesfeltet som faglig basis, også kalt praksisrettet FoU.
… and Sustainable Futures: Proceedings of the …, Jan 1, 2005
Abstract: There is an increasing interest in the notion of peer learning in higher education. In ... more Abstract: There is an increasing interest in the notion of peer learning in higher education. In the literature peer learning is mainly presented as a pedagogical tool used by institutions and teachers to promote curriculum learning, but also to include a variety of competences ...
Balancing dilemmas in assessment and learning in …, Jan 1, 2008
8 Assessment A boundary object linking professional education and work? Anton Havnes The existenc... more 8 Assessment A boundary object linking professional education and work? Anton Havnes The existence of schools and universities is justified by reference to the factor rather the hopethat they are enabling students to handle situations other than the ones which they ...
Improving student learning implies improving the assessment system. Teachers might assume that it... more Improving student learning implies improving the assessment system. Teachers might assume that it is their teaching that directs the students' learning, but students orient themselves as learners in relation to what will be assessed. In spite of the underlying idea that assessment ...
Teachers and Teaching: theory and practice, Jan 1, 2009
A diverse range of social structures, for instance teacher teams, professional communities and te... more A diverse range of social structures, for instance teacher teams, professional communities and teacher learning communities, are established to advance collaboration among teachers. In Norway, Interdisciplinary Teacher Teams (ITTs) have become a common way ...
Improving student learning: diversity and incllusivity, Jan 1, 2004
The main purpose of this paper is to test how learning outcome among students in professional edu... more The main purpose of this paper is to test how learning outcome among students in professional education is affected by the background of the students or characteristics of the learning environment of the institution. The analyses are based on a survey among students in their final year of professional education. The effects of students' family background are very weak. This is surprising, since school marks, which usually explain a considerable part of study results, are strongly correlating with family background. The study effort, measured by average study hours per week explains very little, but interactive and autonomous study strategies seem to lead to positive learning outcomes. Also teaching quality and social climate have an impact on learning outcome.
Abstract For students and for society a core aspect of higher education is to prepare for future ... more Abstract For students and for society a core aspect of higher education is to prepare for future employment. Employability, however, goes beyond getting a job and this paper focuses on the quality of job performance, or job mastery. Employability is understood as a ...
Assessment has not been a major concern over recent decades in Norwegian higher education, either... more Assessment has not been a major concern over recent decades in Norwegian higher education, either as a topic in educational literature, or as an area of practical development. This paper argues that it is essential to introduce alternatives to the traditional assessment ...
In higher education, there is an increasing interest in student interaction in the form of peer l... more In higher education, there is an increasing interest in student interaction in the form of peer learning. In the literature, peer learning is mainly presented as a pedagogical tool used to promote curriculum learning. This article is based on observations of peer learning that expand ...
Purpose The paper aims to investigate the role of educational development centres, and their po... more Purpose The paper aims to investigate the role of educational development centres, and their potential for playing a broader and more central role in quality and organisational development. ... Educational development centres: from educational to organisational development? ...
Papers by Anton Havnes