To detect children with dysfunctional levels of fear and anxiety, we need reliable and valid meas... more To detect children with dysfunctional levels of fear and anxiety, we need reliable and valid measures that fit the contemporary diagnostic system and suit and support current practices in mental health. Therefore, we devel- oped the Youth Anxiety Measure for DSM-5 (YAM-5), a questionnaire that assesses symptoms of the full range of the contemporary anxiety diagnoses of the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Dis- orders (DSM-5). Part I of the YAM-5 measures all of the major anxiety disorders and Part II measures all of the specific phobias. The current study evaluated the psychometric properties of the child self-report version of the YAM-5. Children (N = 414) aged 8 to 12 years (M = 10.49, SD = 1.04) were recruited via regular primary schools and the data were collected at school during regular classes. Good internal consistencies were demon- strated for the subscales of Part I and for the total scale of Part I and Part II. Furthermore, good test-retest reliability, good concurrent validity and good construct validity of both parts of the questionnaire were found. Overall, this study strongly indicates that the YAM-5 is suitable for measuring symptoms of anxiety disorders in community samples.
Kurt Lewin zei het al: 'Er is niets zo praktisch als een goede theorie&a... more Kurt Lewin zei het al: 'Er is niets zo praktisch als een goede theorie'. Het toepassen van theorieën vergt niet alleen grondige kennis over deze theorieën, maar kan ook het best een aantal stappen doorlopen. In de jaren 90 heb ik dit zelf geleerd aan de hand van het Nederlandstalige boek 'Sociale psychologie en praktijkproblemen. Van probleem naar oplossing' van Bram Buunk en Peter Veen. Hierin werd precies uitgelegd hoe theorieën moeten worden toegepast. Na het lezen van dat boek was niet alleen duidelijk dat theorieën bijzonder nuttig zijn om ...
Kurt Lewin zei het al: 'Er is niets zo praktisch als een goede theorie&a... more Kurt Lewin zei het al: 'Er is niets zo praktisch als een goede theorie'. Het toepassen van theorieën vergt niet alleen grondige kennis over deze theorieën, maar kan ook het best een aantal stappen doorlopen. In de jaren 90 heb ik dit zelf geleerd aan de hand van het Nederlandstalige boek 'Sociale psychologie en praktijkproblemen. Van probleem naar oplossing' van Bram Buunk en Peter Veen. Hierin werd precies uitgelegd hoe theorieën moeten worden toegepast. Na het lezen van dat boek was niet alleen duidelijk dat theorieën bijzonder nuttig zijn om ...
Indonesia has a high incidence of tuberculosis (TB), despite the successful introduction of the d... more Indonesia has a high incidence of tuberculosis (TB), despite the successful introduction of the directly observed treatment short-course strategy (DOTS strategy). DOTS depends on passive case finding. It is therefore important to identify determinants of patient delay and reasons for visiting a DOTS healthcare provider when seeking care. The aim of this study was to assess these determinants in TB suspects (coughing for at least 2 weeks). Cross-sectional data were gathered with a structured questionnaire in which psychosocial determinants were based on an extended version of the theory of planned behaviour (TPB). The study was conducted in five governmental lung clinics of Yogyakarta province. In total, 194 TB suspects that registered at the lung clinics were interviewed. The median patient delay was 14 days (range 0-145). Ordinal regression analyses showed that visiting a private healthcare provider when first seeking health care, reporting travel distance/travel time as reason for choosing a certain healthcare provider when first seeking health care, discussing the symptoms with family and a reported short travel time, but no factors of TPB, were significantly associated with a shorter patient delay. An important factor negatively associated with visiting a DOTS clinic was the reported travel time. Accessibility of the healthcare provider was the main determinant of patient delay, but the role of psychosocial factors cannot be fully excluded. Urban and suburban areas have relatively good access to (private) health care, hence the short delay. Thus, future studies should be focussed on extending the DOTS strategy to the private sector.
KNAW Narcis. Back to search results. Publication HIV stigma and social interaction : examining st... more KNAW Narcis. Back to search results. Publication HIV stigma and social interaction : examining strategies to... (2001) Open access. Pagina-navigatie: Main. ...
Aim: Given the costs and prevalence of workplace mobbing, it is important to examine factors cont... more Aim: Given the costs and prevalence of workplace mobbing, it is important to examine factors contributing to the mobbing process. One of these factors is bystander behavior. The aim of this study is to examine to what extent bystander’s behavior is influenced by the coping style of the victim. Coping is defined as “cognitive and behavioral efforts to manage (reduce, minimize, master, or tolerate) the internal and external demands of the person-environment transaction that is appraised as taxing or exceeding the person's resources” (Folkman, Lazarus, Gruen, & DeLongis, 1986). Research shows that non-victims expect victims to react to mobbing with an approaching coping style, more than victims actually do (e.g. Rayner, 1997). We assume that bystanders consider an avoiding (vs. approaching) coping style to be less adequate and hold victims with an avoiding coping style more responsible for the ongoing of the mobbing (offset responsibility). Consequently, bystanders will report less...
In South Africa, one in five adolescents attempt suicide. Suicide attempts continue to rise. We a... more In South Africa, one in five adolescents attempt suicide. Suicide attempts continue to rise. We aimed to identify psychosocial target points for future educational interventions. One-to-one semi-structured interviews were conducted to explore psychosocial factors associated with past suicide attempts among suicide survivors in Limpopo province, South Africa. A total of 14 adolescents (eight girls and six boys) who recently attempted suicide were interviewed. Lack of knowledge of available counsellors, conflicts in interpersonal ...
Female sex trafficking is a pressing concern. In this article, we provide a comprehensive overvie... more Female sex trafficking is a pressing concern. In this article, we provide a comprehensive overview of relevant issues regarding the concept of female sex trafficking and research in the field of human trafficking, drawing on a variety of disciplines, including economics, gender and sexuality studies, psychology, sociology, law, and social work. We discuss the debates surrounding the definition of human trafficking, compare and contrast it with human smuggling, and outline connections between female sex trafficking and the issue of sex work and prostitution. We further discuss the history and current estimations of female sex trafficking. We then outline the main actors in female sex trafficking, including trafficked persons, traffickers, clients, and service providers, and we overview the trafficking process from recruitment to identification, recovery, and (re)integration. Finally, we conclude with recommendations for future research that tie together the concepts of vulnerability,...
Female sex trafficking is a pressing concern. In this article, we provide a comprehensive overvie... more Female sex trafficking is a pressing concern. In this article, we provide a comprehensive overview of relevant issues regarding the concept of female sex trafficking and research in the field of human trafficking, drawing on a variety of disciplines, including economics, gender and sexuality studies, psychology, sociology, law, and social work. We discuss the debates surrounding the definition of human trafficking, compare and contrast it with human smuggling, and outline connections between female sex trafficking and the issue of sex work and prostitution. We further discuss the history and current estimations of female sex trafficking. We then outline the main actors in female sex trafficking, including trafficked persons, traffickers, clients, and service providers, and we overview the trafficking process from recruitment to identification, recovery, and (re)integration. Finally, we conclude with recommendations for future research that tie together the concepts of vulnerability, exploitation, and long-term recovery and (re)integration.
In this study, we explored stigma by association, family burden, and their impact on the family m... more In this study, we explored stigma by association, family burden, and their impact on the family members of people with mental illness. We also studied the ways in which family members coped with these phenomena. We conducted semistructured interviews with 23 immediate family members of people with mental illness. Participants reported various experiences of stigma by association and family burden. Social exclusion, being blamed, not being taken seriously, time-consuming caregiving activities, and exhaustion appeared to be the predominant forms of stigma by association and family burden experienced by the participants. The participants used problem-focused and emotion-focused coping strategies, separately or simultaneously, to cope with the negative impact of stigma by association and family burden. The results suggest that family members should have access to services to address these problems. Social, instrumental, and emotional support should be given to family members by community members and mental health professionals.
Africa have applied social cognitive theories such as the theory of planned behavior. However, a ... more Africa have applied social cognitive theories such as the theory of planned behavior. However, a recent sub-Saharan African review was unable to show increased effectiveness for theorybased interventions. This study assessed whether the predictive value of attitudes, subjective norms, self-efficacy, and intention was similar to studies in Europe and the U.S., and whether there were differences between three sub-Saharan sites. Longitudinal multigroup structural equation modeling was used to assess whether attitudes, subjective norms, and self-efficacy predicted condom use intentions and condom use (after 6 months) among adolescents in three sites, namely Cape Town (South Africa;N = 625), Dar es Salaam (Tanzania; N = 271), and Mankweng (South Africa; N = 404). Condom use intentions were predicted by subjective norms and self-efficacy in all three sites. Attitudes were not related to intentions in Dar es Salaam and were moderately related to intentions in Cape Town and Mankweng. The proportions of explained variance in intentions and behavior were decent (37-52 and 9-19 %, respectively). Although significant differences in predictive value were found between sites and in comparison to European and U.S. studies, intentions could adequately be explained by attitudes, subjective norms, and selfefficacy. However, the limited proportions of variance in behavior explained by intentions could signify the importance of contextual and environmental factors. Future studies are recommended to use an integrative approach that takes into account both individual and contextual factors, as well as social and environmental differences.
In dit experimentele onderzoek naar de rol van stigmatisering van depressieve werknemers bij hun ... more In dit experimentele onderzoek naar de rol van stigmatisering van depressieve werknemers bij hun arbeidsreı¨ntegratie kregen medewerkers (N = 320) uit de gezondheidszorg een vignet voorgelegd, waarbij zij zich moesten voorstellen dat zij zouden gaan samenwerken met een reı¨ntegrerende collega. Informatie over de persoonlijke verantwoordelijkheid voor het ontstaan van de klachten (hoog vs. laag), de ernst van de psychische klachten (hoog vs. laag) en de openheid over de klachten (open vs. gesloten) werden gemanipuleerd, ten einde de invloed van deze variabelen na te gaan op de mate van stigmatisering. Vervolgens moesten de deelnemers aan het onderzoek aangeven in hoeverre bepaalde persoonseigenschappen op de reı¨ntegrerende collega van toepassing waren en in hoeverre zij bepaalde emoties zouden ervaren als zij weer met hem zouden samenwerken. In de conditie hoge persoonlijke verantwoordelijkheid bleken meer positieve eigenschappen toegeschreven te worden dan in de conditie lage persoonlijke verantwoordelijkheid. Voorts werd gevonden dat er in de conditie hoge ernst meer angst opgeroepen werd en er meer negatieve persoonlijkheidseigenschappen toegeschreven werden dan in de conditie lage ernst. In de open conditie werden meer angst, meer boosheid en meer medelijden opgeroepen bij de werkomgeving dan in de gesloten conditie. Ook werden in de open conditie meer positieve eigenschappen toegeschreven. Theoretische en praktische implicaties van het onderzoek worden besproken.
Out-of-wedlock pregnancy among adolescents in sub-Saharan Africa is a major concern, because of i... more Out-of-wedlock pregnancy among adolescents in sub-Saharan Africa is a major concern, because of its association with health, social, psychological, economic and demographic factors. This article describes the development of the Teenage Mothers Project, a community-based intervention to improve psychological and social well-being of unmarried teenage mothers in rural Uganda. We used Intervention Mapping (IM) for systematically developing a theory and evidence-based comprehensive health promotion programme. A planning group consisting of community leaders, teenage mothers, staff of a community-based organization and a health promotion professional was involved in the six steps of IM: needs assessment, programme objectives, methods and applications, intervention design, planning for adoption and implementation and planning for evaluation. The programme includes five intervention components: community awareness raising, teenage mother support groups, formal education and income generati...
The objective of this qualitative study was to identify psychosocial correlates of HIV voluntary ... more The objective of this qualitative study was to identify psychosocial correlates of HIV voluntary counselling and testing (VCT), with an emphasis on the association between fear of AIDS-related stigma and willingness to have an HIV test. The study was executed in Limpopo Province at University of Limpopo, Polokwane, South Africa. Focus group interviews were held among 72 students, divided over 10 groups. Results showed that participants had different levels of knowledge about HIV/AIDS and VCT, and that AIDS was still strongly associated with 'death'. Results further demonstrate that HIV/AIDS related stigma is still a very serious problem in South Africa. Lack of HIV/AIDS related knowledge, blaming persons with HIV/AIDS for their infection, and the life-threatening character of the disease were seen as the most important determinants of AIDS-related stigma. The main benefit to go for VCT was 'knowing your HIV status', whereas main barriers for testing were 'fear of...
Previous research with adolescents has demonstrated that global self-esteem is related to various... more Previous research with adolescents has demonstrated that global self-esteem is related to various types of psychopathology including depression, anxiety and eating problems. In the last decade, other components of self-esteem have been identified, namely contingent and implicit self-esteem. Contingent and implicit self-esteem have not yet been extensively studied among adolescents. Furthermore, the unique and interactive effects of the different components of self-esteem on adolescent mental health have not yet been investigated. ...
To detect children with dysfunctional levels of fear and anxiety, we need reliable and valid meas... more To detect children with dysfunctional levels of fear and anxiety, we need reliable and valid measures that fit the contemporary diagnostic system and suit and support current practices in mental health. Therefore, we devel- oped the Youth Anxiety Measure for DSM-5 (YAM-5), a questionnaire that assesses symptoms of the full range of the contemporary anxiety diagnoses of the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Dis- orders (DSM-5). Part I of the YAM-5 measures all of the major anxiety disorders and Part II measures all of the specific phobias. The current study evaluated the psychometric properties of the child self-report version of the YAM-5. Children (N = 414) aged 8 to 12 years (M = 10.49, SD = 1.04) were recruited via regular primary schools and the data were collected at school during regular classes. Good internal consistencies were demon- strated for the subscales of Part I and for the total scale of Part I and Part II. Furthermore, good test-retest reliability, good concurrent validity and good construct validity of both parts of the questionnaire were found. Overall, this study strongly indicates that the YAM-5 is suitable for measuring symptoms of anxiety disorders in community samples.
Kurt Lewin zei het al: 'Er is niets zo praktisch als een goede theorie&a... more Kurt Lewin zei het al: 'Er is niets zo praktisch als een goede theorie'. Het toepassen van theorieën vergt niet alleen grondige kennis over deze theorieën, maar kan ook het best een aantal stappen doorlopen. In de jaren 90 heb ik dit zelf geleerd aan de hand van het Nederlandstalige boek 'Sociale psychologie en praktijkproblemen. Van probleem naar oplossing' van Bram Buunk en Peter Veen. Hierin werd precies uitgelegd hoe theorieën moeten worden toegepast. Na het lezen van dat boek was niet alleen duidelijk dat theorieën bijzonder nuttig zijn om ...
Kurt Lewin zei het al: 'Er is niets zo praktisch als een goede theorie&a... more Kurt Lewin zei het al: 'Er is niets zo praktisch als een goede theorie'. Het toepassen van theorieën vergt niet alleen grondige kennis over deze theorieën, maar kan ook het best een aantal stappen doorlopen. In de jaren 90 heb ik dit zelf geleerd aan de hand van het Nederlandstalige boek 'Sociale psychologie en praktijkproblemen. Van probleem naar oplossing' van Bram Buunk en Peter Veen. Hierin werd precies uitgelegd hoe theorieën moeten worden toegepast. Na het lezen van dat boek was niet alleen duidelijk dat theorieën bijzonder nuttig zijn om ...
Indonesia has a high incidence of tuberculosis (TB), despite the successful introduction of the d... more Indonesia has a high incidence of tuberculosis (TB), despite the successful introduction of the directly observed treatment short-course strategy (DOTS strategy). DOTS depends on passive case finding. It is therefore important to identify determinants of patient delay and reasons for visiting a DOTS healthcare provider when seeking care. The aim of this study was to assess these determinants in TB suspects (coughing for at least 2 weeks). Cross-sectional data were gathered with a structured questionnaire in which psychosocial determinants were based on an extended version of the theory of planned behaviour (TPB). The study was conducted in five governmental lung clinics of Yogyakarta province. In total, 194 TB suspects that registered at the lung clinics were interviewed. The median patient delay was 14 days (range 0-145). Ordinal regression analyses showed that visiting a private healthcare provider when first seeking health care, reporting travel distance/travel time as reason for choosing a certain healthcare provider when first seeking health care, discussing the symptoms with family and a reported short travel time, but no factors of TPB, were significantly associated with a shorter patient delay. An important factor negatively associated with visiting a DOTS clinic was the reported travel time. Accessibility of the healthcare provider was the main determinant of patient delay, but the role of psychosocial factors cannot be fully excluded. Urban and suburban areas have relatively good access to (private) health care, hence the short delay. Thus, future studies should be focussed on extending the DOTS strategy to the private sector.
KNAW Narcis. Back to search results. Publication HIV stigma and social interaction : examining st... more KNAW Narcis. Back to search results. Publication HIV stigma and social interaction : examining strategies to... (2001) Open access. Pagina-navigatie: Main. ...
Aim: Given the costs and prevalence of workplace mobbing, it is important to examine factors cont... more Aim: Given the costs and prevalence of workplace mobbing, it is important to examine factors contributing to the mobbing process. One of these factors is bystander behavior. The aim of this study is to examine to what extent bystander’s behavior is influenced by the coping style of the victim. Coping is defined as “cognitive and behavioral efforts to manage (reduce, minimize, master, or tolerate) the internal and external demands of the person-environment transaction that is appraised as taxing or exceeding the person's resources” (Folkman, Lazarus, Gruen, & DeLongis, 1986). Research shows that non-victims expect victims to react to mobbing with an approaching coping style, more than victims actually do (e.g. Rayner, 1997). We assume that bystanders consider an avoiding (vs. approaching) coping style to be less adequate and hold victims with an avoiding coping style more responsible for the ongoing of the mobbing (offset responsibility). Consequently, bystanders will report less...
In South Africa, one in five adolescents attempt suicide. Suicide attempts continue to rise. We a... more In South Africa, one in five adolescents attempt suicide. Suicide attempts continue to rise. We aimed to identify psychosocial target points for future educational interventions. One-to-one semi-structured interviews were conducted to explore psychosocial factors associated with past suicide attempts among suicide survivors in Limpopo province, South Africa. A total of 14 adolescents (eight girls and six boys) who recently attempted suicide were interviewed. Lack of knowledge of available counsellors, conflicts in interpersonal ...
Female sex trafficking is a pressing concern. In this article, we provide a comprehensive overvie... more Female sex trafficking is a pressing concern. In this article, we provide a comprehensive overview of relevant issues regarding the concept of female sex trafficking and research in the field of human trafficking, drawing on a variety of disciplines, including economics, gender and sexuality studies, psychology, sociology, law, and social work. We discuss the debates surrounding the definition of human trafficking, compare and contrast it with human smuggling, and outline connections between female sex trafficking and the issue of sex work and prostitution. We further discuss the history and current estimations of female sex trafficking. We then outline the main actors in female sex trafficking, including trafficked persons, traffickers, clients, and service providers, and we overview the trafficking process from recruitment to identification, recovery, and (re)integration. Finally, we conclude with recommendations for future research that tie together the concepts of vulnerability,...
Female sex trafficking is a pressing concern. In this article, we provide a comprehensive overvie... more Female sex trafficking is a pressing concern. In this article, we provide a comprehensive overview of relevant issues regarding the concept of female sex trafficking and research in the field of human trafficking, drawing on a variety of disciplines, including economics, gender and sexuality studies, psychology, sociology, law, and social work. We discuss the debates surrounding the definition of human trafficking, compare and contrast it with human smuggling, and outline connections between female sex trafficking and the issue of sex work and prostitution. We further discuss the history and current estimations of female sex trafficking. We then outline the main actors in female sex trafficking, including trafficked persons, traffickers, clients, and service providers, and we overview the trafficking process from recruitment to identification, recovery, and (re)integration. Finally, we conclude with recommendations for future research that tie together the concepts of vulnerability, exploitation, and long-term recovery and (re)integration.
In this study, we explored stigma by association, family burden, and their impact on the family m... more In this study, we explored stigma by association, family burden, and their impact on the family members of people with mental illness. We also studied the ways in which family members coped with these phenomena. We conducted semistructured interviews with 23 immediate family members of people with mental illness. Participants reported various experiences of stigma by association and family burden. Social exclusion, being blamed, not being taken seriously, time-consuming caregiving activities, and exhaustion appeared to be the predominant forms of stigma by association and family burden experienced by the participants. The participants used problem-focused and emotion-focused coping strategies, separately or simultaneously, to cope with the negative impact of stigma by association and family burden. The results suggest that family members should have access to services to address these problems. Social, instrumental, and emotional support should be given to family members by community members and mental health professionals.
Africa have applied social cognitive theories such as the theory of planned behavior. However, a ... more Africa have applied social cognitive theories such as the theory of planned behavior. However, a recent sub-Saharan African review was unable to show increased effectiveness for theorybased interventions. This study assessed whether the predictive value of attitudes, subjective norms, self-efficacy, and intention was similar to studies in Europe and the U.S., and whether there were differences between three sub-Saharan sites. Longitudinal multigroup structural equation modeling was used to assess whether attitudes, subjective norms, and self-efficacy predicted condom use intentions and condom use (after 6 months) among adolescents in three sites, namely Cape Town (South Africa;N = 625), Dar es Salaam (Tanzania; N = 271), and Mankweng (South Africa; N = 404). Condom use intentions were predicted by subjective norms and self-efficacy in all three sites. Attitudes were not related to intentions in Dar es Salaam and were moderately related to intentions in Cape Town and Mankweng. The proportions of explained variance in intentions and behavior were decent (37-52 and 9-19 %, respectively). Although significant differences in predictive value were found between sites and in comparison to European and U.S. studies, intentions could adequately be explained by attitudes, subjective norms, and selfefficacy. However, the limited proportions of variance in behavior explained by intentions could signify the importance of contextual and environmental factors. Future studies are recommended to use an integrative approach that takes into account both individual and contextual factors, as well as social and environmental differences.
In dit experimentele onderzoek naar de rol van stigmatisering van depressieve werknemers bij hun ... more In dit experimentele onderzoek naar de rol van stigmatisering van depressieve werknemers bij hun arbeidsreı¨ntegratie kregen medewerkers (N = 320) uit de gezondheidszorg een vignet voorgelegd, waarbij zij zich moesten voorstellen dat zij zouden gaan samenwerken met een reı¨ntegrerende collega. Informatie over de persoonlijke verantwoordelijkheid voor het ontstaan van de klachten (hoog vs. laag), de ernst van de psychische klachten (hoog vs. laag) en de openheid over de klachten (open vs. gesloten) werden gemanipuleerd, ten einde de invloed van deze variabelen na te gaan op de mate van stigmatisering. Vervolgens moesten de deelnemers aan het onderzoek aangeven in hoeverre bepaalde persoonseigenschappen op de reı¨ntegrerende collega van toepassing waren en in hoeverre zij bepaalde emoties zouden ervaren als zij weer met hem zouden samenwerken. In de conditie hoge persoonlijke verantwoordelijkheid bleken meer positieve eigenschappen toegeschreven te worden dan in de conditie lage persoonlijke verantwoordelijkheid. Voorts werd gevonden dat er in de conditie hoge ernst meer angst opgeroepen werd en er meer negatieve persoonlijkheidseigenschappen toegeschreven werden dan in de conditie lage ernst. In de open conditie werden meer angst, meer boosheid en meer medelijden opgeroepen bij de werkomgeving dan in de gesloten conditie. Ook werden in de open conditie meer positieve eigenschappen toegeschreven. Theoretische en praktische implicaties van het onderzoek worden besproken.
Out-of-wedlock pregnancy among adolescents in sub-Saharan Africa is a major concern, because of i... more Out-of-wedlock pregnancy among adolescents in sub-Saharan Africa is a major concern, because of its association with health, social, psychological, economic and demographic factors. This article describes the development of the Teenage Mothers Project, a community-based intervention to improve psychological and social well-being of unmarried teenage mothers in rural Uganda. We used Intervention Mapping (IM) for systematically developing a theory and evidence-based comprehensive health promotion programme. A planning group consisting of community leaders, teenage mothers, staff of a community-based organization and a health promotion professional was involved in the six steps of IM: needs assessment, programme objectives, methods and applications, intervention design, planning for adoption and implementation and planning for evaluation. The programme includes five intervention components: community awareness raising, teenage mother support groups, formal education and income generati...
The objective of this qualitative study was to identify psychosocial correlates of HIV voluntary ... more The objective of this qualitative study was to identify psychosocial correlates of HIV voluntary counselling and testing (VCT), with an emphasis on the association between fear of AIDS-related stigma and willingness to have an HIV test. The study was executed in Limpopo Province at University of Limpopo, Polokwane, South Africa. Focus group interviews were held among 72 students, divided over 10 groups. Results showed that participants had different levels of knowledge about HIV/AIDS and VCT, and that AIDS was still strongly associated with 'death'. Results further demonstrate that HIV/AIDS related stigma is still a very serious problem in South Africa. Lack of HIV/AIDS related knowledge, blaming persons with HIV/AIDS for their infection, and the life-threatening character of the disease were seen as the most important determinants of AIDS-related stigma. The main benefit to go for VCT was 'knowing your HIV status', whereas main barriers for testing were 'fear of...
Previous research with adolescents has demonstrated that global self-esteem is related to various... more Previous research with adolescents has demonstrated that global self-esteem is related to various types of psychopathology including depression, anxiety and eating problems. In the last decade, other components of self-esteem have been identified, namely contingent and implicit self-esteem. Contingent and implicit self-esteem have not yet been extensively studied among adolescents. Furthermore, the unique and interactive effects of the different components of self-esteem on adolescent mental health have not yet been investigated. ...
Papers by Arjan Bos