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Giriş Yaklaşık son 30 yıldır tüm geç-kapitalistleşen ülkelerde olduğu gibi Türkiye'de de toplumsal yaşamı derinden etkileyen değişimler yaşanmaktadır. Toplumsal yaşamı çepeçevre saran ve insanlararası ilişkilerin gelişimini belirli bir... more
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This paper, explores the socio-economic roots and macroeconomic outcomes of certain correlations between economic growth and unemployment in Turkey. This research is accompanied by statistical data of the last decade. Moreover, the author... more
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This study aims to investigate the dynamic and complex relationship between capitalism and patriarchy in the case of home-based working activities of Turkish women recently. First, it will be revealed some conceptual clarification about... more
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Throughout the history of capitalism patriarchal cultural/gender relations have been changed dramatically. The capitalist accumulation process which includes both production and reproduction processes has interacted with... more
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    • Feminist Theory
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Throughout the recent social / historical process, which is expressed as globalization in the mainstream social science literature and up to date from the 1980s, the increasing pace of capital accumulation in general has created new... more
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    • Political Economy
the Full text, an international conference paper
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      Urban StudiesWomen and Gender Studies
The mainstream economic development literature conceals many social inequalities and hierarchical relationships and therefore unequal access to public and private resources in Capitalism. One of these hierarchical relations is the unequal... more
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      GenderEconomic DevelopmentWomen's Labour
Historically, capitalist social production and reproduction relations have close interaction with patriarchal gender hierarchies. This interaction has been transformed dramatically. Especially, the interaction between patriarchal gender... more
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    • Women's Studies
Historically, since the 18th century, poverty and its gendered forms have been reproduced by capitalism and patriarchal culture. According to K. Polanyi (2001), enclosures were the revolution of the rich against the poor. R.G. Fuchs... more
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      Gender StudiesPovertyGender and Development
Historically, in patriarchal capitalist societies, poverty has been defined as the opposite of development and wealth. However, when analysed in the context of class and gender, it is noteworthy that patriarchal capitalism itself creates... more
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      Studies On Men And MasculinityCritical studies on men and masculinities
In this research, the hegemonic discourse of Anatolian masculinities, which have been changed historically and socially in the context of gendered power relations, is examined through the perceptions of university students. In the field... more
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      Gender StudiesGender and SexualityNeoliberalismMigration Studies
In recent years, many universities have been established in rural areas in Turkey. These rural universities attract many young women and men who live in rural areas nearby or other rural areas. Among the elements that define ‘rural’ as a... more
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      Gender StudiesFeminist Pedagogy (Women s Studies)PatriarchyToplumsal cinsiyet eşitsizliği
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Our paper aims to quantify levels of competitiveness of the selected Commonwealth of Independent States countries(Belarus, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine) and Turkey in vegetables and fruit sector and sub-sectors during the 1995-2012 period... more
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    • Business
Who would believe after 150 years of publication of Darwin’s seminal work, now capitalist accumulation reaches a level of publishing an “inventory of Genes” book? Ironically, the writer of this book may very well be a Patent Office!... more
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      Human EvolutionComputer NetworksDatabasesSoftware