Odessa State Environmental University
Military training
Monthly precipitation and the 3-month Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI) were used to reveal the patterns of rainfall and severe drought frequency over the East European Plain in the period 1953–2011 in the opposite phases of the... more
Objectives. The projected spatiotemporal distribution of precipitation in different regions of Ukraine under the climate scenario RCP8.5 for the period of 2020-2050 was defined. Methods. The data of regional climate modeling of the CORDEX... more
The character of the atmospheric general circulation during summer-season droughts over Eastern Europe/Western Russia and North America during the late twentieth and early twenty first century is examined here. A criterion to examine... more
An overview of the meteorological and synoptic conditions for the formation of the severe drought which occurred in 2019–2020 in the southwest of Ukraine showed that the combination of several adverse factors influenced the evolution of... more
Spatiotemporal distribution has been assessed using time series of the monthly area-averaged soil moisture content of 0-10 cm underground, generated by NASA GLDAS_NOAH025_M model (Giovanni online data system), for period 2000-2019.... more
Znanstveni Ëasopis Hrvatski meteoroloπki Ëasopis nastavak je znanstvenog Ëasopisa Rasprave koji redovito izlazi od 1982. godine do kada je Ëasopis bio struËni pod nazivom Rasprave i prikazi (osnovan 1957.). U Ëasopisu se objavljuju... more
The geographical position of the Arctic front and two branches of the Polar front over Europe was determined during the period 1995–2015 using calculated grid fields of the thermal frontal parameter in the troposphere layer of 850–700... more
The study examines spatiotemporal distribution of fire weather conditions during the fire seasons of 1990–2020 in the mixed forests areas of the territory of Belarus and Ukraine using monthly mean Fire Weather Index (FWI) averaged for... more