Lizzie Kate EEK!
It was been a couple weeks since I post an update. I have one finish, a small Halloween model, which I finished 2 days
after Halloween. It is LizzieKate eek! limited edition. It was a small stitch, which I changed some of the colors. It was done with over dyed threads but I did not have all the colors for what the pattern called. I think it came out very good.

Dragon Dreams Summer's Magic
looks like before I added some stitches

Dragon Dream's Summer Magic
After the stitches were added
Yesterday I picked up one of my UFOs, Dragon Dream's Summer's Magic. One of my yahoo groups revived UFO Day. For you non stitching followers, UFO stands for UnFinished Object. I only put in 161 stitches last night. It took me about an hour or so. I added color to the model so it looks a bit brighter.
Prairie Schooler When Witches Go RidingBefore Halloween, I have been stitching Prairie Schooler When Witches Go Riding. I did not finish it in time for this year, and I have to put away for a couple months. This is how far I got on it.
LHN SnowflakesA few posts ago, I said I started on Little House Needleworks Snowflakes. I did put in some more stitches in it since than, but not much. I did finish stitching the word 'winter'.
Mill Hill Clara, from The Nutcracker seriesI have been stitching Mill Hill Nutcracker series, Clara. I started her before my accident in March. I finished all the stitching on her, and started the beading. I am using my tacky bob the first time. I love it so much. I think my problem will be getting off the left overs to put back in the bag when I am done beading. I will figure it out.
Now for other non stitching news. My leg is almost healed, finally. With my leg almost healed, I am planning to take a trip to Texas. Yes, I am definetly going to Texas this time. I plan on leaving Connecticut on December 27 and arrive in Killeen,Texas on December 29. I will be there in time for New Year's Eve. It is the only holiday I do not like but being with friends will make it better. Then my friends are leaving for Disney World by January 2, and I get to watch their 2 cats and dog, and the ferret, if its still there. When they get back, I will have some time with them before I head back home.
My parents are celebrating their 40th anniversary at the end of January, so I will need to be back in time for the event. I am not sure what is quite happening yet, but I do know there will be a little reception type for my parents at the nursing home.
I might have a finish soon. I do have 3 ornaments I need to stitch by the end of the month. Two of them are for exchanges, so I will be busy stitching.
Many hugs to everyone until next time.