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      Participación ciudadanaLibertad de ExpresiónCiudadaníaLa participación ciudadana en la planeación del desarrollo local
Songs and chants in EFL education are both artistic and pedagogical acts belonging to the same family of musical expressions, whose practical use in the classroom is not unfamiliar among teachers. Nevertheless, little effort has been made... more
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    • English as a Foreign Language (EFL)
“Fairminded critical thinking” (FCT) is an alternative to traditional critical thinking conceptions as it places greater emphasis on ethical reasoning. Argumentative writing can provide a means to observe and cultivate such thinking... more
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      Instructional DesignCritical ThinkingContent AnalysisArgumentation
The use of TED talks in EAP has gained popularity in recent years and they are promoted through coursebooks as a means of simultaneously developing listening and critical thinking skills. However, a traditional comprehension approach to... more
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      Teaching English as a Second LanguageCritical Thinking Skills In Language Classess
A real-time iris detection and tracking algorithm has been implemented on a smart camera using LabVIEW graphical programming tools. The program detects the eye and finds the center of the iris, which is recorded and stored in Cartesian... more
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      PsychologyCognitive ScienceReading Psychology