Papers by Alexandr Merkulov

Нижневолжский археологический вестник, 2024
The paper publishes research results on five burials discovered at the smaller of the two hillfor... more The paper publishes research results on five burials discovered at the smaller of the two hillforts of the Scythian era located near the village Storozhevoye 1 st on the river Don. The results of their comprehensive archaeological and anthropological study characterize the little-studied kurganless tradition of the Sarmatian period in the forest-steppe Don region. Ethnical, cultural and chronological attribution of the complexes is based on the ritual and material analogies. The study of anthropological materials was carried out using standard methods. Reconstruction of the buried individuals diet was carried out based on the results of the ratio of stable isotopes of nitrogen and carbon (δ 13 C and δ 15 N) in bone tissue collagen. The burials were located in the embankment of a shaft and contained the remains of four men (25-30, 25-35, 40-44 and 60+ years old), a teenager (14-19 years old) and a child (5-10 years old). Based on the ritual and a small inventory, they are identified as Sarmatian and dated within the 1 st-early 2 nd centuries. As a rule, the dead were placed in relatively shallow graves (about 0.4 m) on their backs in an extended position with their heads facing southeast. The two graves destroyed the earlier burials of the teenager and the child, whose skeletal remains were displaced. The burial of an older man stands out buried in a deeper grave (0.7 m) and with a set of objects (an iron dagger, a clay bowl with an iron knife and animal bones). A silver earring and a bone bead were buried with the two individuals. Traces of trauma and pathology on the bones were either absent or few in number (caries, abrasion and loss of teeth). The plant component (apparently millet) dominated the diet of the individuals, but meat and dairy foods occupied an important place as well. The burials apparently belonged to the inhabitants of a hillfort Bol'shoe Storozhevoe located nearby, the layers of which also contain materials from the Sarmatian era. They constituted a small burial ground associated with the lifestyle transformation of one of the semi-nomadic societies in the region.
Разуваев Ю.Д., Меркулов А.Н. Земледелие скифского времени в донской лесостепи: к вопросу о культурно-региональных особенностях // Поволжская археология. 2023. № 1 (43). С. 169-181.
Главный редактор член-корреспондент АН РТ, доктор исторических наук А.Г. Ситдиков Заместители гла... more Главный редактор член-корреспондент АН РТ, доктор исторических наук А.Г. Ситдиков Заместители главного редактора: член-корреспондент АН РТ, доктор исторических наук Ф.Ш. Хузин доктор исторических наук Ю.А. Зеленеев Ответственный секретарь-кандидат ветеринарных наук Г.Ш. Асылгараева

Нелюбов С.А., Добровольская М.В., Меркулов А.Н. О роли проса в рационе питания населения лесостепного Подонья в бронзовом и раннем железном веке по данным биоархеологических исследований // Вестник археологии, антропологии и этнографии. 2024. 4. С. 160–170. , 2024
Статья посвящена биоархеологическим аспектам изучения проблемы распространения употребления проса... more Статья посвящена биоархеологическим аспектам изучения проблемы распространения употребления проса в евразийских степных и лесостепных культурах позднего бронзового и раннего железного веков. Вводятся в научный оборот результаты исследования костных материалов, происходящих из курганного могильника эпохи бронзы и начала железного века ‒ Филатовка (Липецкая область) и бескурганного сарматского некрополя на городище Малое Сторожевое (Воронежская область). Было изучено 25 индивидов, относящихся к эпохе бронзы, предскифскому и сарматскому времени, а также четырёх животных, относящихся к предскифскому времени (напутственная пища). Полученные результаты фиксируют первые следы систематического употребления проса в лесостепном Подонье носителями культурных традиций предскифского времени, а также преобладающее распространение традиции в скифское время и всеобщее – в сарматское. Предлагается рассматривать разведение проса как культурную адаптацию к условиям различных форм аридизации.

Известия Воронежского государственного педагогического университета. 2024. № 1 (302), 2024
Работа посвящена анализу одной из важнейших отраслей хозяйства среднедонского населения скифского... more Работа посвящена анализу одной из важнейших отраслей хозяйства среднедонского населения скифского времени ‒ черной металлургии. В лесостепном Подонье известны производственные комплексы и орудия труда, задействованные в металлургическом цикле и металлообработке. Имеются находки бракованных изделий, отходов производства и заготовок различных вещей, что красноречиво свидетельствует о наличии местного металлургического и металлообрабатывающего производства. В результате проведенных исследований девяти железных предметов удалось выяснить, что изготавливались они из таких минералов, как гематит, магнетит и гётит. Плавка осуществлялась в сыродутных горнах. Полученное железо было низкоуглеродистым. Формирование изделий происходило при помощи кузнечной ковки. Вероятно, местные мастера были знакомы с такими приемами, как цементация и кузнечная сварка. Но в целом, технологии, применяемые в процессе производства, были несовершенны, что приводило к поломке железных изделий.
Filo Ariadne, 2023
On a multi -layer settlement located at the village Storozhevoe 1st in the Ostro-gozhsk district ... more On a multi -layer settlement located at the village Storozhevoe 1st in the Ostro-gozhsk district of the Voronezh region, in the excavation, the area of which was 120 square meters, a rounded pit and two rectangular pit were identified, the filling of which was saturated with com-bustion products. They apparently had an economic purpose. According to the results of the radio-carbon analysis, the XII -XIII centuries AD are dated. A few ceramic materials and household items of the Bronze and Early Iron Ages come from the excavation.
УДК 93/94 ББК 63.3(2)2 Б48 Издается по решению учебно-методического совета ВГПУ Протокол № 3 от 0... more УДК 93/94 ББК 63.3(2)2 Б48 Издается по решению учебно-методического совета ВГПУ Протокол № 3 от 07 декабря 2023 г. Работа выполнена при финансовой поддержке Министерства просвещения РФ, грант «Научно-методическое сопровождение изучения региональной истории Воронежской области в рамках урочной и внеурочной деятельности». Код научной темы: QRPK-2023-0021 Р е ц е н з е н т ы : кандидат исторических наук Ю. Д. Разуваев; учитель истории и обществознания МБОУ «Гимназия №1» г. Воронежа И. И. Неретин Б48 Березуцкий В. Д. Древняя история Воронежского края : учебно-методическое пособие, предназначенное для учителей истории, педагогов дополнительного образования, студентов, обучающихся по направлению подготовки 44.03.05 Педагогическое образование (с двумя профилями подготовки), профили

ПОЛВЕКА В ПОИСКАХ ДРЕВНОСТЕЙ Материалы межрегиональной научно-практической конференции, посвящённой 50-летию археологической экспедиции Воронежского государственного педагогического университета. , 2023
В работе рассматривается история изучения памятников скифского времени археологической экспедицие... more В работе рассматривается история изучения памятников скифского времени археологической экспедицией Воронежского госпедуниверситета. Данное исследовательское направление зародилось здесь еще в середине XX в., а с 1990-х годов, благодаря работам В.Д. Березуцкого и Ю.Д. Разуваева, оно по праву становится самостоятельной и одной из наиболее успешных отраслей в научной специализации археологов вуза. Скифологами ВГПУ исследовано более 20 археологических памятников, написаны сотни научных работ. Лидеры данного направления показали свою высокую конкурентоспособность на федеральном уровне, неоднократно получая грантовую поддержку ведущих научных фондов страны. В настоящий момент ими разрабатывается сразу несколько научных проблематик, имеющих важное значение для развития скифологии.
В сборнике представлены материалы межрегиональной научно-практической конференции, посвящённой 50... more В сборнике представлены материалы межрегиональной научно-практической конференции, посвящённой 50-летию археологической экспедиции Воронежского государственного педагогического университета. В публикуемых статьях отражаются основные вехи развития экспедиции, вводятся в научный оборот новые материалы исследований.

История: факты и символы, 2021
The article analyzes osteological materials obtained during the latest excavations of one of the ... more The article analyzes osteological materials obtained during the latest excavations of one of the largest hillforts of the Middle Don culture of the Scythian time - Bolshoye Storozhevoe.
The collection under study dates back to the end of the 5th - 4th centuries BC. and has 3650 bones, 1180 of which have been identified to species. The bones are kitchen remains associated with the butchering and consumption of animal meat directly on the site.
The analyzed samples is represented exclusively by the bones of domestic animals. Among them, the remains of cattle (36.4%) predominate, fragments of the skeleton of a horse (23.1%) and small ruminants (23.2%) were found equally, pig bones (15.8%) were found somewhat less frequently. The bones of a dog were found, almost all of which were found in one of the household pits.
Among the slaughtered animals, as a rule, adults prevailed, which indicates that people were engaged in animal husbandry directly on the hillfort.
According to the proposed by the method E.E. Antipina, the volume of consumption of meat products was calculated and the herd composition was reconstructed. The basis of the meat diet was beef and horse meat. Goat, lamb and pork supplemented the meat diet. The herd apparently consisted mainly of horses and cattle. There were few pigs, goats and sheep in it.
Культурный слой, 2021
Управление по охране объектов культурного наследия Воронежской области Автономное учреждение куль... more Управление по охране объектов культурного наследия Воронежской области Автономное учреждение культуры Воронежской области «Государственная инсекция историко-культурного наследия» Государственное бюджетное учреждение культуры Воронежской области «Воронежский областной краеведческий музей» КУЛЬТУРНЫЙ СЛОЙ Материалы международной научно-практической конференции «II Зверевские чтения-культурный слой города: исторический, археологический, этнографический аспекты» (г. Воронеж, 11-12 сентября 2021 г.) Воронеж 2021 УДК 94:930.25(06) ББК Т3(2Р-4Вор)я431
Filo Ariadne, 2021
The article presents the results of the study of the Upper Don hillfort of the Scythian time near... more The article presents the results of the study of the Upper Don hillfort of the Scythian time near the village UST'E . Three excavations with a total area of 288 square meters partially explored the line of fortifications and the site of the hillfort's. Two stages have been identified in the construction of the internal defensive line, consisting of a rampart and a ditch. In the excavations on the site of hillfort, a small amount of pottery, predominantly of the Scythian time, was found, a few tools and animal bones. The latter belonged to large and small ruminants, horses and dog. Fragments of ceramic vessels show imprints of panicum miliaceum, hordeum vulgare, and ttriticum dicoccon. The settlement dates back to the 5th – 4th centuries. BC. Judging by the small amount of material found here, it was a place of inconstant residence.

Краткие сообщения Института археологии, 2021
The paper provides an overview of paleoanthropological remnants from
ground burials dating back t... more The paper provides an overview of paleoanthropological remnants from
ground burials dating back to the mid I mill. BC located in the Upper Don region. The finds were obtained during excavations of the Ksizovo-19 multi-layer site. The excavations were carried out by the Early Slavic Expedition of the Institute of Archaeology, RAS, led by A. M. Oblomskiy. The study of the anthropological assemblages was performed according to a comprehensive bioarchaeological program. This makes it possible to cover a number of issues regarding the life style of the population at that time. The stress level and physical activity in the studied group were analyzed. A very high percentage of dental pathologies should be noted. Comparison of series from the ground burials and the kurgans burials revealed differences in the conditions of the dentofacial systems and presence of a greater number of pathological conditions of the teeth in the kurgan series.

История: факты и символы, 2021
The article presents the results of the first studies of the defensive line of the hillfort locat... more The article presents the results of the first studies of the defensive line of the hillfort located on the cape of the right bank of the river Don near the village 1st Storozhevoe in the Voronezh region. On a plot of 124 sq. m, a rampart, a moat and the adjacent territory were researched. Ceramic fragments were discovered that remained from an unfortified settlement of the Bronze Age. In the embankment of the rampart, four Sarmatian burials of the 1st – 2nd centuries were discovered AD. The fortifications themselves, according to the characteristic ceramic materials of the beginning of the Scythian era, are dated to the second half of the 6th - begin-ning of the 5th centuries BC. At an early stage, they apparently consisted of a ground structure that had a defensive and residential purpose. At some distance from the building, there was also an outer wall. These structures are traced along three parallel grooves deepened into the clay. After the fire destroyed the structure, a rampart and a moat were erected in the settlement. In its present state, the em-bankment of the rampart has a width of about 6 m at the base, and a height above the mainland - more than 0.7 m. It consists mainly of dark gray loam, including lumps of red clay and burnt soil. The moat, now almost completely flooded by ground, is 1.5–1.9 m wide and up to 0.8 m deep.

История: факты и символы, 2021
The article was prepared based on the materials of the latest excavations of a hillfort located n... more The article was prepared based on the materials of the latest excavations of a hillfort located near the city of Zadonsk and which is the northernmost monument of the Scythian culture on the Don. It presents for the first time the results of an analysis of the bones of domestic and wild animals originating from the soil layer overlapping the remains of residential and defensive buildings and dating back to the second half of the 6th century - the beginning of the 5th century BC.
The osteological series contains 2805 skeletal elements, of which 1714 have been identified to species. The set and appearance of bones are typical for kitchen leftovers associated with butchering and disposal of animal carcasses directly at the settlement. In addition to mammalian bones, one freshwater mollusk shell valve, 8 bird bones, and 16 fish bones were found.
Bones of domestic animals predominate, the share of wild animals was about 6%. The most bones was received from cattle (43%), followed by a horse (20%), small ruminants (18%), a pig (15%) and a dog (about 4%). In some cases, it was possible to determine the age of the slaughter. Most often these were adults animals.
According to the proposed by E.E. According to the Antipina method, the volume of consumption of meat products was calculated and the composition of the herd was reconstructed. It was established that the population of the settlement was engaged in animal husbandry, which had a meat and dairy orientation and almost completely satisfied their needs for meat.
Hunting on the farm played a supporting role. A small number of bones are represented by deer, elk, roe deer, wild boar, fox, wolf, bear, hare, river beaver.

История: факты и символы, 2021
The article examines the anthropological materials of the Scythian time, obtained as a result of ... more The article examines the anthropological materials of the Scythian time, obtained as a result of the latest research on the hillforts and settlements of the forest-steppe Don region. The analyzed selection includes 15 relatively intact or partially destroyed human skeletons, as well as scattered remains of six individuals. The finds come from two settlements of the Upper Don (Verkhnee Kazach'e and Semiluki) and the Middle Don settlement 2 near the Titchikha farm. The use of a complex of anthropological methods made it possible to illuminate different aspects of the life of these people.
As a result of the work, information was obtained on stress markers and a number of pathologies recorded on the bones. In general, the overall level of physical activity is regarded as average, and the effect of physiological stress was small. A number of changes in the teeth made it possible to make an assumption about the low culture of oral hygiene, as well as about the peculiarities of the diet, which included viscous and, probably, high-protein foods. Attention is drawn to the unusualness and abnormality of both age and sex cohorts of people buried here. Among them were found mainly the remains of men about 50 years old, as well as several burials of children and adolescents. There were no female burials. It was possible to reconstruct the appearance of two people, as well as the height of four individuals, which was about 170 cm.
Despite the fact that the work considers a small number of burials, nevertheless, it introduces into circulation new data for the discussion about the picture of the formation of the population of the forest-steppe Don region in the Scythian time.

The article are published the results of a micromorphological study of a series of samples of mol... more The article are published the results of a micromorphological study of a series of samples of molded ceramics of the 5 th-3 rd centuries. BC e., originating from Middle Don settlements. The use of petrographic and geochemical analysis data made it possible to quantitatively establish the mineral and chemical composition of the molding mass, to determine the composition and formulation of the dough, and some of the technological methods used in the manufacture of kitchen and tableware. The work analyzes ceramics originating from nine settlements located on the right bank of the Don and belonging to two chronological periods. The investigated ceramic specimens are divided into nine groups differing in the compositional composition of the ceramic dough, a set of weakening agents, and the fi ring mode. Ceramics were made from clays of hydromica or smectite composition; sand, crushed gruss, and chamotte were used as weakening agents. Also, the composition of the clay dough included organic matter, in particular, aquatic vegetation, moss and crushed bone. The firing was high-temperature, most often short-lived, carried out in an unstable environment and was oxidative.

The paper are published the results of a micromorphological
study of a series of samples of molde... more The paper are published the results of a micromorphological
study of a series of samples of molded ceramics of the 5th-3rd centuries BC, originating from four Middle Don settlements. The use of petrographic and geochemical analysis data made it possible to quantitatively establish the mineral and chemical composition of the molding mass, to determine the composition and formulation of the dough, and some of the technological methods used in the manufacture of kitchen and tableware. The work analyzes ceramics originating from eight sites located on the right bank of the Don and belonging to two chronological periods. The investigated ceramic specimens are divided into nine groups differing in the compositional composition of the ceramic dough, a set of weakening agents, and the firing mode. Ceramics were made from clays of hydromica or smectite composition; sand, crushed gruss, and chamotte were used as weakening agents. Also, the composition of the clay dough included organic matter, in particular, aquatic vegetation, moss and crushed bone. The firing was high-temperature, most often short-lived, carried out in an unstable environment and was oxidative
Filo Ariadne, 2020
The article is devoted to the publication of the results of excavations of one of the unfortified... more The article is devoted to the publication of the results of excavations of one of the unfortified Middle Don settlements of the Scythian time. In 2019 on this settlement was researched 256 sq. m. Its ceramic complex is represented mainly by rather similar bowls and pots of the 4th 3rd centuries BC. In addition to ceramics, tools of labor were found in the culture layer, among which clay spindle of various shapes predominate. The set of tools is complemented by two iron knives and an iron awl. Jewelerys is p resented with earthen and glass beads, cowrie shell pendant and copper thin tubule. Also socket arrowhead with a flat head was found in the excavation.
Археологическое наследие, 2020
The paper analyzes sources originating from layers of the VI-V and IV-III centuries. BC, characte... more The paper analyzes sources originating from layers of the VI-V and IV-III centuries. BC, characterizing the economic activities of the inhabitants of the hillfort near the village. Pekshevo on the river Voronezh. As a result of excavations, tools, economic and industrial complexes related to agriculture, animal husbandry, hunting, fishing, metallurgy and metalworking, spinning, weaving and other direction of paleo-economics were discovered.
Filo Ariadne, 2020
Research of settlement monuments of the Scythian time of the forest-steppe Don region plays an im... more Research of settlement monuments of the Scythian time of the forest-steppe Don region plays an important role in the study of ancient societies. In particular, horse equipment is one of the most important attributes of the life of the nomads of the early Iron Age. Elements of the harness are found both in burials under the mounds and on the territory of settlements of that time. The authors consider the fragments of horse equipment found in the settlements. Archaeological studies of settlements of the Early Iron Age from the second half of the 20th century to the present given both unique items of horse harness, the analogies of which have not yet been found, and harness elements typical for the territory of the forest-steppe Don region.
Papers by Alexandr Merkulov
The collection under study dates back to the end of the 5th - 4th centuries BC. and has 3650 bones, 1180 of which have been identified to species. The bones are kitchen remains associated with the butchering and consumption of animal meat directly on the site.
The analyzed samples is represented exclusively by the bones of domestic animals. Among them, the remains of cattle (36.4%) predominate, fragments of the skeleton of a horse (23.1%) and small ruminants (23.2%) were found equally, pig bones (15.8%) were found somewhat less frequently. The bones of a dog were found, almost all of which were found in one of the household pits.
Among the slaughtered animals, as a rule, adults prevailed, which indicates that people were engaged in animal husbandry directly on the hillfort.
According to the proposed by the method E.E. Antipina, the volume of consumption of meat products was calculated and the herd composition was reconstructed. The basis of the meat diet was beef and horse meat. Goat, lamb and pork supplemented the meat diet. The herd apparently consisted mainly of horses and cattle. There were few pigs, goats and sheep in it.
ground burials dating back to the mid I mill. BC located in the Upper Don region. The finds were obtained during excavations of the Ksizovo-19 multi-layer site. The excavations were carried out by the Early Slavic Expedition of the Institute of Archaeology, RAS, led by A. M. Oblomskiy. The study of the anthropological assemblages was performed according to a comprehensive bioarchaeological program. This makes it possible to cover a number of issues regarding the life style of the population at that time. The stress level and physical activity in the studied group were analyzed. A very high percentage of dental pathologies should be noted. Comparison of series from the ground burials and the kurgans burials revealed differences in the conditions of the dentofacial systems and presence of a greater number of pathological conditions of the teeth in the kurgan series.
The osteological series contains 2805 skeletal elements, of which 1714 have been identified to species. The set and appearance of bones are typical for kitchen leftovers associated with butchering and disposal of animal carcasses directly at the settlement. In addition to mammalian bones, one freshwater mollusk shell valve, 8 bird bones, and 16 fish bones were found.
Bones of domestic animals predominate, the share of wild animals was about 6%. The most bones was received from cattle (43%), followed by a horse (20%), small ruminants (18%), a pig (15%) and a dog (about 4%). In some cases, it was possible to determine the age of the slaughter. Most often these were adults animals.
According to the proposed by E.E. According to the Antipina method, the volume of consumption of meat products was calculated and the composition of the herd was reconstructed. It was established that the population of the settlement was engaged in animal husbandry, which had a meat and dairy orientation and almost completely satisfied their needs for meat.
Hunting on the farm played a supporting role. A small number of bones are represented by deer, elk, roe deer, wild boar, fox, wolf, bear, hare, river beaver.
As a result of the work, information was obtained on stress markers and a number of pathologies recorded on the bones. In general, the overall level of physical activity is regarded as average, and the effect of physiological stress was small. A number of changes in the teeth made it possible to make an assumption about the low culture of oral hygiene, as well as about the peculiarities of the diet, which included viscous and, probably, high-protein foods. Attention is drawn to the unusualness and abnormality of both age and sex cohorts of people buried here. Among them were found mainly the remains of men about 50 years old, as well as several burials of children and adolescents. There were no female burials. It was possible to reconstruct the appearance of two people, as well as the height of four individuals, which was about 170 cm.
Despite the fact that the work considers a small number of burials, nevertheless, it introduces into circulation new data for the discussion about the picture of the formation of the population of the forest-steppe Don region in the Scythian time.
study of a series of samples of molded ceramics of the 5th-3rd centuries BC, originating from four Middle Don settlements. The use of petrographic and geochemical analysis data made it possible to quantitatively establish the mineral and chemical composition of the molding mass, to determine the composition and formulation of the dough, and some of the technological methods used in the manufacture of kitchen and tableware. The work analyzes ceramics originating from eight sites located on the right bank of the Don and belonging to two chronological periods. The investigated ceramic specimens are divided into nine groups differing in the compositional composition of the ceramic dough, a set of weakening agents, and the firing mode. Ceramics were made from clays of hydromica or smectite composition; sand, crushed gruss, and chamotte were used as weakening agents. Also, the composition of the clay dough included organic matter, in particular, aquatic vegetation, moss and crushed bone. The firing was high-temperature, most often short-lived, carried out in an unstable environment and was oxidative
The collection under study dates back to the end of the 5th - 4th centuries BC. and has 3650 bones, 1180 of which have been identified to species. The bones are kitchen remains associated with the butchering and consumption of animal meat directly on the site.
The analyzed samples is represented exclusively by the bones of domestic animals. Among them, the remains of cattle (36.4%) predominate, fragments of the skeleton of a horse (23.1%) and small ruminants (23.2%) were found equally, pig bones (15.8%) were found somewhat less frequently. The bones of a dog were found, almost all of which were found in one of the household pits.
Among the slaughtered animals, as a rule, adults prevailed, which indicates that people were engaged in animal husbandry directly on the hillfort.
According to the proposed by the method E.E. Antipina, the volume of consumption of meat products was calculated and the herd composition was reconstructed. The basis of the meat diet was beef and horse meat. Goat, lamb and pork supplemented the meat diet. The herd apparently consisted mainly of horses and cattle. There were few pigs, goats and sheep in it.
ground burials dating back to the mid I mill. BC located in the Upper Don region. The finds were obtained during excavations of the Ksizovo-19 multi-layer site. The excavations were carried out by the Early Slavic Expedition of the Institute of Archaeology, RAS, led by A. M. Oblomskiy. The study of the anthropological assemblages was performed according to a comprehensive bioarchaeological program. This makes it possible to cover a number of issues regarding the life style of the population at that time. The stress level and physical activity in the studied group were analyzed. A very high percentage of dental pathologies should be noted. Comparison of series from the ground burials and the kurgans burials revealed differences in the conditions of the dentofacial systems and presence of a greater number of pathological conditions of the teeth in the kurgan series.
The osteological series contains 2805 skeletal elements, of which 1714 have been identified to species. The set and appearance of bones are typical for kitchen leftovers associated with butchering and disposal of animal carcasses directly at the settlement. In addition to mammalian bones, one freshwater mollusk shell valve, 8 bird bones, and 16 fish bones were found.
Bones of domestic animals predominate, the share of wild animals was about 6%. The most bones was received from cattle (43%), followed by a horse (20%), small ruminants (18%), a pig (15%) and a dog (about 4%). In some cases, it was possible to determine the age of the slaughter. Most often these were adults animals.
According to the proposed by E.E. According to the Antipina method, the volume of consumption of meat products was calculated and the composition of the herd was reconstructed. It was established that the population of the settlement was engaged in animal husbandry, which had a meat and dairy orientation and almost completely satisfied their needs for meat.
Hunting on the farm played a supporting role. A small number of bones are represented by deer, elk, roe deer, wild boar, fox, wolf, bear, hare, river beaver.
As a result of the work, information was obtained on stress markers and a number of pathologies recorded on the bones. In general, the overall level of physical activity is regarded as average, and the effect of physiological stress was small. A number of changes in the teeth made it possible to make an assumption about the low culture of oral hygiene, as well as about the peculiarities of the diet, which included viscous and, probably, high-protein foods. Attention is drawn to the unusualness and abnormality of both age and sex cohorts of people buried here. Among them were found mainly the remains of men about 50 years old, as well as several burials of children and adolescents. There were no female burials. It was possible to reconstruct the appearance of two people, as well as the height of four individuals, which was about 170 cm.
Despite the fact that the work considers a small number of burials, nevertheless, it introduces into circulation new data for the discussion about the picture of the formation of the population of the forest-steppe Don region in the Scythian time.
study of a series of samples of molded ceramics of the 5th-3rd centuries BC, originating from four Middle Don settlements. The use of petrographic and geochemical analysis data made it possible to quantitatively establish the mineral and chemical composition of the molding mass, to determine the composition and formulation of the dough, and some of the technological methods used in the manufacture of kitchen and tableware. The work analyzes ceramics originating from eight sites located on the right bank of the Don and belonging to two chronological periods. The investigated ceramic specimens are divided into nine groups differing in the compositional composition of the ceramic dough, a set of weakening agents, and the firing mode. Ceramics were made from clays of hydromica or smectite composition; sand, crushed gruss, and chamotte were used as weakening agents. Also, the composition of the clay dough included organic matter, in particular, aquatic vegetation, moss and crushed bone. The firing was high-temperature, most often short-lived, carried out in an unstable environment and was oxidative
древности и средневековья в Восточной Европе по данным археологии (к 80-летию А.Т. Синюка)», проведенной на базе Воронежского госпедуниверситета в 2019 г.
статьи учёного, касающиеся проблематики археологии каменного и бронзового веков лесостепного Подонья. В приложении публикуются работы коллег-соратников и
учеников А.Т. Синюка, даётся оценка его вклада в развитие Восточноевропейской археологии.
у хутора Титчиха на Дону. Выделены шесть типов сосудов и четыре рецептурные группы керамического теста,
различающиеся по составу отощителей. Анализируемый материал датируется IV – началом III вв. до н. э.