The paper aims to answer the question: «How does an electron exist at the beginning of the 21st c... more The paper aims to answer the question: «How does an electron exist at the beginning of the 21st century?» from the point of view of the general logic of the philosophy of science discourse, taking into account contemporary philosophical concepts that explain what an «electron» is, and in what sense we could talk about the «existence» of such objects in the first quarter of the 21st century. A good concept of the existence of an object postulated by a successful scientific theory should at least take into account two contexts of proper philosophical reasoning – reasoning «from science», grasping the questions of the philosophical and methodological justification of knowledge at the level of certain «standards of rationality» that correspond to the chosen theory, and reasoning «from metaphysics», which, in the appropriate context, interpret «electron» as an element of objective reality, as if the electron of scientists «actually» existed. Our thesis is that by choosing as the main ...
The paper aims to make а fair supplement to the concept of "metaphysics of relations" (... more The paper aims to make а fair supplement to the concept of "metaphysics of relations" (bу М. Esfeld) with а coгrect coгresponding interpretation of the dispositional natшe of characteristics within Е. J. Lowe's ontology. А reasoning from science to philosophy leads М. Esfeld to the conclusion that "quantum entanglement understood in terms of non-separability of states speaks for the metaphysics of relations that denies the presence of intrinsic characteristics of the related systems". The same naturalistic argument provides rationale for the Е. J. Lowe's claim that "the attribution of а characteristics to а given kind could bе metaphysically contingent" for "the laws of nature can bе exactly what they are revealed to us, only because there are no other substantial kinds that could instantiate objects". As а heuristics for the intentional interpretation ofE. J. Lowe's dispositionalism we deal with the requirements of "time-rela...
The paper aims to interpret the reasoning of L Laudan and J. Leplin on the inconsistency of the t... more The paper aims to interpret the reasoning of L Laudan and J. Leplin on the inconsistency of the theses of empirical equivalence and underdetermination of the theory by data within D. Ross’s rainforest realism and D. Dennett’s real patterns concepts. Following L. Laudan and J. Leplin, the main problem is with the absolutization of the idea that the only significant form of evidential support of a theory is the empirical confirmation of its consequences (consequentialism). We believe that the conception “to save the phenomena” (P. Duhem), as a possible alternative strategy of evidential support, could be connected with the narrative type of explanation. The definition of “perspective” that defines a pattern in terms of the “information channel” concept ensures that the explanation within D. Ross’s conception is not a deductive argument, it is precisely a “story telling” that makes it possible to single out what is significant in the intended explanation. At the same time, the non-cons...
The paper aims to show that the interpretation of D. Dennett’s concept of real patterns as a fund... more The paper aims to show that the interpretation of D. Dennett’s concept of real patterns as a fundamental concept of existence makes it possible to offer a new conception of the development of scientific knowledge containing: (a) L. Laudan’s conclusion that the real history of science contradicts the idea of convergence of scientific theories, and (b) the problem of pessimistic meta-induction will not be decisive in refuting scientific realism for a given historical period of time. Within the framework of the accepted ontology, the problem of pessimistic meta-induction is presented as one of the variants of the skeptical argument – argument from error, and the notion of «projectivity in respect to a given physically possible perspective» (D. Ross) fully reveals the notion of «additional information» that a «new» theory should have over the «old one», in order to refute the skeptic's reasoning.
Критический научный реализм И. Ниинилуото является одной из немногих современных концепций, котор... more Критический научный реализм И. Ниинилуото является одной из немногих современных концепций, которые говорят не только о научном реализме, но и о самой реальности. Такие элементы концепции, как тропный реализм-минимальная в патнэмовском смысле концепция онтологического реализма, утверждающая, что не существует единственного истинного описания реальности, или представление о том, что знание может быть предметом анализа ложных убеждений (по определению, правдоподобные убеждения не обязаны быть истинными),-как нельзя лучше иллюстрируют то, как И. Ниинилуото понимает современный тренд нечеткости задания основных философских категорий, таких как «онтологический объект», «истинностное значение» и др.
Проблема соотношения теории и реальности в археологии является классическим примером, иллюстрирую... more Проблема соотношения теории и реальности в археологии является классическим примером, иллюстрирующим значимость и многообразие постановок основной проблемы философии науки. С эпистемологической точки зрения, проблема статуса археологических данных является одним из примеров постановки проблемы теоретической нагруженности наблюдений в соответствующей натуралистической перспективе. Для того чтобы решить проблему эпистемической независимости данных, на которых обосновываются утверждения о прошлом, П. Коссо предлагает оригинальную концепцию «взвешенного когерентизма».
Цель работы-поиск аргументов против тезиса, что вывод к лучшему объяснению, связывающий научный р... more Цель работы-поиск аргументов против тезиса, что вывод к лучшему объяснению, связывающий научный реализм и успешность научного знания,-основной аргумент в пользу научного реализма,-является циклическим, поскольку содержит ошибку подтверждения следствия (Л. Лаудан, Б. Фраассен и др.). Рассматривается частный случай «основного аргумента»-вывод о существовании «ненаблюдаемых» объектов на основании причинного объяснения явления. Подобный аргумент является предметом так называемой «дилеммы Хичкока», требующей, чтобы содержательность вывода подтверждалась независимым аргументом в пользу существования «причины». Принятие онтологии специального вида, в нашем случае, это одна из возможных интерпретаций «тропического (rainforest) реализма» Д. Росса, позволяет построить требуемый «независимый аргумент». Паттерн не только задается как проекция, в первую очередь для того, чтобы играть функционально значимую, успешную роль в объяснении явлений в заданной области, но и «обязан содержать информацию о другом паттерне» (Дж. Лэдимен),-что и является искомым условием содержательности «основного аргумента».
Аналитическая философия: траектории истории и векторы развития. Сборник научных трудов Международной научной конференции, посвященной 80-летию научного руководителя Института философии и права СО РАН В.В. Целищева, 2022
The paper aims to show the relationship between the W. Alston’s idea about the formal independenc... more The paper aims to show the relationship between the W. Alston’s idea about the formal independence of the contexts of “being justified” and of “knowing that one is justified” and the means to overcome the problems of skepticism within the naturalized epistemology by W. Quine. Based on some works – “From a Logical Point of View” (1963), “The Ways of Paradox” (1966), “Ontological Relativity” (1969) etc. – an attempt is made to reconstruct close to the text the possible answers that W. Quine may give to the skeptical challenge of the problem of justification of standards of justification and of the “conceptual change” problem. It is shown that W. Quine's response to the skeptical “challenge to natural science that arises from within natural science” can be understood as a reference of the independence of different “epistemic levels”, one of which is set by the “background” theory that provides the understanding of terms such “reality”, “evidence” and “justification”, and the other ...
ABSTRACT The development of string theory shows an unusual situation within the development of kn... more ABSTRACT The development of string theory shows an unusual situation within the development of knowledge theory. Science achieves progress in understanding nature without direct empirical confirmation. Definitely,“an altered conception of scientific progress emerges”(R. Dawid). In our opinion, the only possibility to understand the new situation is to adopt some kind of naturalized epistemology. Naturalization viewed as declining of the a‐prioriticity of philosophical knowledge, first, and reintroducing of psychology, second (P. ...
Second order illata were introduced into the theory in order to explain the possibility of the de... more Second order illata were introduced into the theory in order to explain the possibility of the development of a structurally unique theory (R. David) by analogy with the traditional ideas about the underdetermination of the theory by data. The ontology of patterns (D. Dennett, J. Ladymen) changes the usual «non-systematic» view of the ontology of science, that allows to deny the necessity of the second order illata and to present the development of the structurally unique theory in a more traditional way, but already within the framework of an «interpretative» approach of understanding ontology.
Selective skepticism in relation to fundamental scientific theories and criticism of the inferenc... more Selective skepticism in relation to fundamental scientific theories and criticism of the inference to the best explanation as an eliminative approach to substantiate hypotheses, enable K. Stanford to interpret and combine in his own way the classical arguments against the scientific realism – the arguments of the pessimistic meta-induction and that of the underdetermination of theory by data. Despite the fact that his justification of the instrumentalist interpretation of scientific knowledge is just another version of the argument «from error», K. Stanford’s book should be recommended to a scientific realism could be. Reflection on the book: Stanford K. Exceeding Our Grasp: Science, History, and the Problem of Unconceived Alternatives. Oxford University Press, 2006.
The paper aims to look for an adequate ontological explanation of the «second pattern» existence ... more The paper aims to look for an adequate ontological explanation of the «second pattern» existence within Ladyman’s ITSR, the existence of which is a necessary condition that the analyzed pattern is a real pattern indeed. From Ladyman’s point of view, the ontological truthmaker for the epistemic fact is thus that it is a real pattern. As the core interpretation of truthmaking within Ladyman’s concept, we will take the interpretation of truthmaking as essential dependence proposed by E.J. Lowe: an object is a truthmaker for the proposition when part of the essence of the proposition is that the proposition is true if the object exists. Taking into account a number of limitations of Lowe’s concept (essence precedes existence, essence is not an object, etc.), the existence of a “second pattern” within Ladyman’s conception should be understood via defining its essence, regardless of whether its very existence is ever confirmed.
Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin, 2018
Проблема и цель. Инициатива «Один поясодин путь»глобальный интеграционный проект, одним из наибол... more Проблема и цель. Инициатива «Один поясодин путь»глобальный интеграционный проект, одним из наиболее значимых практических аспектов которого является проблема приграничного сотрудничества. Предлагаемая статья посвящена проблеме специфики взаимодействия глобальных и региональных векторов развития, стратегий и тенденций трансграничного и регионального сотрудничества в рамках инициативы «Один поясодин путь». Цель статьи заключается в том, чтобы обобщить культурно обусловленные стратегии и аспекты исследования инициативы «Один поясодин путь». Методология. Представленное исследование базируется на комплексном анализе геополитических целей и их сопряженности с практиками приграничного сотрудничества КНР в рамках инициативы «Один поясодин путь». Основной подходсравнительный, компаративистский, позволяющий определить особенности рассмотрения направленности и значимости данной стратегии Китая в контексте мировой политики, современных социально-экономических тенденций и проектов регионального сотрудничества. Обобщаются работы ряда российских, европейских и китайских авторов, что позволяет сделать выводы о различных культурно обусловленных стратегиях и ракурсах исследования инициативы «Один поясодин путь», о различной культурно обусловленной акцентуации в рассмотрении её идей и проектов. Результаты. Выявленные особенности глобальных и региональных векторов развития в исследовательской литературе позволили акцентировать внимание на вопросах определения *Исследование выполнено при поддержке Министерства образования и науки РФ по Проекту «Повышение конкурентоспособности ведущих российских университетов среди ведущих мировых научно-образовательных центров (5-100)» в рамках комплексного плана исследований Центра анализа и прогнозирования интеграционных процессов современной Евразии ИФП НГУ в 2017 г. Бернюкевич Татьяна Владимировнадоктор философских наук, доцент, профессор кафедры истории и философии, Московский государственный строительный университет (национальный исследовательский университет).
To meet society's need to better understand and respond to complex, interwoven problems of climat... more To meet society's need to better understand and respond to complex, interwoven problems of climate and sustainability, we herein introduce an integrative framework being applied in a US university setting for conceptualising, designing and deploying educational programs that interconnect climate change resilience (CCR) with sustainable development (SD). The framework weaves together five main strands of integration: 1) socio-political stakeholder interests and influences; 2) development sectors; 3) knowledge types; 4) socio-technical capacities, including education; 5) the smart networking of project sites across varying geographical scales. We pose and answer: what kinds of integrative educational programs, curricula and project practicums can enable transformations in CCRxSD practice? A philosophical foundation undergirds the knowledge and skills base of the suggested programming. Two collaborative case studies illustrate integrative practicums: 1) Fisherville Mill Site, Grafton, Massachusetts, USA-a showcase in urban sustainability; 2) Fijian Islands-a prospective case study in integrative CCRxSD program design.
Political sociology of science draws attention to the changing institutional and extrainstitution... more Political sociology of science draws attention to the changing institutional and extrainstitutional matrix of the scientific field. It assumes that science is a quasiautonomous field of power that is subject to influence from other fields but also possesses a degree of self-governance. Following the idea that science is just a set of institutional error filters for the job of discovering the objective character of the world, we may follow the idea of epistemic modernization, that rests on the tenet that science respects no domain restrictions and will ...
The paper aims to show the importance of reasoning “from metaphysics” in the course of a consiste... more The paper aims to show the importance of reasoning “from metaphysics” in the course of a consistent interpretation of the “against neoscholasticism” thesis (J. Ladyman). The idea that “the subject of metaphysics is metaphysical possibilities, and science determines which of them are actually achieved” (E. J. Lowe, J. Katz, etc.) reinforces the role of reasoning “from metaphysics” within the field of metaphysics of science. The general theory of relativity violates the common prevailing intuition that “causality is the subject of local physical interaction” (J. Bigelow). Interpretation of causality in terms of “forces” and “coming into” within the framework of E. J. Lowe's ontology makes it possible to talk about causality in terms of “finding” and “going out” of existence of the corresponding modes of objects connected by a formal “causal relationship”. The transition to E. J. Lowe's ontology helps not only to overcome the intuition of the locality of causality, but also rev...
The paper aims to look for a satisfactory ontological interpretation of the relationship between ... more The paper aims to look for a satisfactory ontological interpretation of the relationship between a pattern and its “elements” in D. Dennett’s ontology of patterns from the “serious essentialism” perspective by E. J. Lowe. The pattern should be interpreted as “consisting” of “lower-order patterns” which are the “modes” in E. J. Lowe’s ontology, while the pattern and its “elements” are linked by the relation of “metaphysical interdependence” by N. Thompson, representing one of the attitudes of grounding as a metaphysical explanation of a special kind. As a heuristic, a general metaphysical scheme is considered, in which elements of H. Reichenbach’s logic of the relationship between 'abstracta' and 'concreta' , which reveal themselves in D. Dennett’s ontology, such as: “reduction of the abstract to the observed”, “existence by convention” and “existence of the abstract and the observable in the ordinary world”, find an adequate interpretation within the framework of E. ...
The paper aims to answer the question: «How does an electron exist at the beginning of the 21st c... more The paper aims to answer the question: «How does an electron exist at the beginning of the 21st century?» from the point of view of the general logic of the philosophy of science discourse, taking into account contemporary philosophical concepts that explain what an «electron» is, and in what sense we could talk about the «existence» of such objects in the first quarter of the 21st century. A good concept of the existence of an object postulated by a successful scientific theory should at least take into account two contexts of proper philosophical reasoning – reasoning «from science», grasping the questions of the philosophical and methodological justification of knowledge at the level of certain «standards of rationality» that correspond to the chosen theory, and reasoning «from metaphysics», which, in the appropriate context, interpret «electron» as an element of objective reality, as if the electron of scientists «actually» existed. Our thesis is that by choosing as the main ...
The paper aims to make а fair supplement to the concept of "metaphysics of relations" (... more The paper aims to make а fair supplement to the concept of "metaphysics of relations" (bу М. Esfeld) with а coгrect coгresponding interpretation of the dispositional natшe of characteristics within Е. J. Lowe's ontology. А reasoning from science to philosophy leads М. Esfeld to the conclusion that "quantum entanglement understood in terms of non-separability of states speaks for the metaphysics of relations that denies the presence of intrinsic characteristics of the related systems". The same naturalistic argument provides rationale for the Е. J. Lowe's claim that "the attribution of а characteristics to а given kind could bе metaphysically contingent" for "the laws of nature can bе exactly what they are revealed to us, only because there are no other substantial kinds that could instantiate objects". As а heuristics for the intentional interpretation ofE. J. Lowe's dispositionalism we deal with the requirements of "time-rela...
The paper aims to interpret the reasoning of L Laudan and J. Leplin on the inconsistency of the t... more The paper aims to interpret the reasoning of L Laudan and J. Leplin on the inconsistency of the theses of empirical equivalence and underdetermination of the theory by data within D. Ross’s rainforest realism and D. Dennett’s real patterns concepts. Following L. Laudan and J. Leplin, the main problem is with the absolutization of the idea that the only significant form of evidential support of a theory is the empirical confirmation of its consequences (consequentialism). We believe that the conception “to save the phenomena” (P. Duhem), as a possible alternative strategy of evidential support, could be connected with the narrative type of explanation. The definition of “perspective” that defines a pattern in terms of the “information channel” concept ensures that the explanation within D. Ross’s conception is not a deductive argument, it is precisely a “story telling” that makes it possible to single out what is significant in the intended explanation. At the same time, the non-cons...
The paper aims to show that the interpretation of D. Dennett’s concept of real patterns as a fund... more The paper aims to show that the interpretation of D. Dennett’s concept of real patterns as a fundamental concept of existence makes it possible to offer a new conception of the development of scientific knowledge containing: (a) L. Laudan’s conclusion that the real history of science contradicts the idea of convergence of scientific theories, and (b) the problem of pessimistic meta-induction will not be decisive in refuting scientific realism for a given historical period of time. Within the framework of the accepted ontology, the problem of pessimistic meta-induction is presented as one of the variants of the skeptical argument – argument from error, and the notion of «projectivity in respect to a given physically possible perspective» (D. Ross) fully reveals the notion of «additional information» that a «new» theory should have over the «old one», in order to refute the skeptic's reasoning.
Критический научный реализм И. Ниинилуото является одной из немногих современных концепций, котор... more Критический научный реализм И. Ниинилуото является одной из немногих современных концепций, которые говорят не только о научном реализме, но и о самой реальности. Такие элементы концепции, как тропный реализм-минимальная в патнэмовском смысле концепция онтологического реализма, утверждающая, что не существует единственного истинного описания реальности, или представление о том, что знание может быть предметом анализа ложных убеждений (по определению, правдоподобные убеждения не обязаны быть истинными),-как нельзя лучше иллюстрируют то, как И. Ниинилуото понимает современный тренд нечеткости задания основных философских категорий, таких как «онтологический объект», «истинностное значение» и др.
Проблема соотношения теории и реальности в археологии является классическим примером, иллюстрирую... more Проблема соотношения теории и реальности в археологии является классическим примером, иллюстрирующим значимость и многообразие постановок основной проблемы философии науки. С эпистемологической точки зрения, проблема статуса археологических данных является одним из примеров постановки проблемы теоретической нагруженности наблюдений в соответствующей натуралистической перспективе. Для того чтобы решить проблему эпистемической независимости данных, на которых обосновываются утверждения о прошлом, П. Коссо предлагает оригинальную концепцию «взвешенного когерентизма».
Цель работы-поиск аргументов против тезиса, что вывод к лучшему объяснению, связывающий научный р... more Цель работы-поиск аргументов против тезиса, что вывод к лучшему объяснению, связывающий научный реализм и успешность научного знания,-основной аргумент в пользу научного реализма,-является циклическим, поскольку содержит ошибку подтверждения следствия (Л. Лаудан, Б. Фраассен и др.). Рассматривается частный случай «основного аргумента»-вывод о существовании «ненаблюдаемых» объектов на основании причинного объяснения явления. Подобный аргумент является предметом так называемой «дилеммы Хичкока», требующей, чтобы содержательность вывода подтверждалась независимым аргументом в пользу существования «причины». Принятие онтологии специального вида, в нашем случае, это одна из возможных интерпретаций «тропического (rainforest) реализма» Д. Росса, позволяет построить требуемый «независимый аргумент». Паттерн не только задается как проекция, в первую очередь для того, чтобы играть функционально значимую, успешную роль в объяснении явлений в заданной области, но и «обязан содержать информацию о другом паттерне» (Дж. Лэдимен),-что и является искомым условием содержательности «основного аргумента».
Аналитическая философия: траектории истории и векторы развития. Сборник научных трудов Международной научной конференции, посвященной 80-летию научного руководителя Института философии и права СО РАН В.В. Целищева, 2022
The paper aims to show the relationship between the W. Alston’s idea about the formal independenc... more The paper aims to show the relationship between the W. Alston’s idea about the formal independence of the contexts of “being justified” and of “knowing that one is justified” and the means to overcome the problems of skepticism within the naturalized epistemology by W. Quine. Based on some works – “From a Logical Point of View” (1963), “The Ways of Paradox” (1966), “Ontological Relativity” (1969) etc. – an attempt is made to reconstruct close to the text the possible answers that W. Quine may give to the skeptical challenge of the problem of justification of standards of justification and of the “conceptual change” problem. It is shown that W. Quine's response to the skeptical “challenge to natural science that arises from within natural science” can be understood as a reference of the independence of different “epistemic levels”, one of which is set by the “background” theory that provides the understanding of terms such “reality”, “evidence” and “justification”, and the other ...
ABSTRACT The development of string theory shows an unusual situation within the development of kn... more ABSTRACT The development of string theory shows an unusual situation within the development of knowledge theory. Science achieves progress in understanding nature without direct empirical confirmation. Definitely,“an altered conception of scientific progress emerges”(R. Dawid). In our opinion, the only possibility to understand the new situation is to adopt some kind of naturalized epistemology. Naturalization viewed as declining of the a‐prioriticity of philosophical knowledge, first, and reintroducing of psychology, second (P. ...
Second order illata were introduced into the theory in order to explain the possibility of the de... more Second order illata were introduced into the theory in order to explain the possibility of the development of a structurally unique theory (R. David) by analogy with the traditional ideas about the underdetermination of the theory by data. The ontology of patterns (D. Dennett, J. Ladymen) changes the usual «non-systematic» view of the ontology of science, that allows to deny the necessity of the second order illata and to present the development of the structurally unique theory in a more traditional way, but already within the framework of an «interpretative» approach of understanding ontology.
Selective skepticism in relation to fundamental scientific theories and criticism of the inferenc... more Selective skepticism in relation to fundamental scientific theories and criticism of the inference to the best explanation as an eliminative approach to substantiate hypotheses, enable K. Stanford to interpret and combine in his own way the classical arguments against the scientific realism – the arguments of the pessimistic meta-induction and that of the underdetermination of theory by data. Despite the fact that his justification of the instrumentalist interpretation of scientific knowledge is just another version of the argument «from error», K. Stanford’s book should be recommended to a scientific realism could be. Reflection on the book: Stanford K. Exceeding Our Grasp: Science, History, and the Problem of Unconceived Alternatives. Oxford University Press, 2006.
The paper aims to look for an adequate ontological explanation of the «second pattern» existence ... more The paper aims to look for an adequate ontological explanation of the «second pattern» existence within Ladyman’s ITSR, the existence of which is a necessary condition that the analyzed pattern is a real pattern indeed. From Ladyman’s point of view, the ontological truthmaker for the epistemic fact is thus that it is a real pattern. As the core interpretation of truthmaking within Ladyman’s concept, we will take the interpretation of truthmaking as essential dependence proposed by E.J. Lowe: an object is a truthmaker for the proposition when part of the essence of the proposition is that the proposition is true if the object exists. Taking into account a number of limitations of Lowe’s concept (essence precedes existence, essence is not an object, etc.), the existence of a “second pattern” within Ladyman’s conception should be understood via defining its essence, regardless of whether its very existence is ever confirmed.
Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University Bulletin, 2018
Проблема и цель. Инициатива «Один поясодин путь»глобальный интеграционный проект, одним из наибол... more Проблема и цель. Инициатива «Один поясодин путь»глобальный интеграционный проект, одним из наиболее значимых практических аспектов которого является проблема приграничного сотрудничества. Предлагаемая статья посвящена проблеме специфики взаимодействия глобальных и региональных векторов развития, стратегий и тенденций трансграничного и регионального сотрудничества в рамках инициативы «Один поясодин путь». Цель статьи заключается в том, чтобы обобщить культурно обусловленные стратегии и аспекты исследования инициативы «Один поясодин путь». Методология. Представленное исследование базируется на комплексном анализе геополитических целей и их сопряженности с практиками приграничного сотрудничества КНР в рамках инициативы «Один поясодин путь». Основной подходсравнительный, компаративистский, позволяющий определить особенности рассмотрения направленности и значимости данной стратегии Китая в контексте мировой политики, современных социально-экономических тенденций и проектов регионального сотрудничества. Обобщаются работы ряда российских, европейских и китайских авторов, что позволяет сделать выводы о различных культурно обусловленных стратегиях и ракурсах исследования инициативы «Один поясодин путь», о различной культурно обусловленной акцентуации в рассмотрении её идей и проектов. Результаты. Выявленные особенности глобальных и региональных векторов развития в исследовательской литературе позволили акцентировать внимание на вопросах определения *Исследование выполнено при поддержке Министерства образования и науки РФ по Проекту «Повышение конкурентоспособности ведущих российских университетов среди ведущих мировых научно-образовательных центров (5-100)» в рамках комплексного плана исследований Центра анализа и прогнозирования интеграционных процессов современной Евразии ИФП НГУ в 2017 г. Бернюкевич Татьяна Владимировнадоктор философских наук, доцент, профессор кафедры истории и философии, Московский государственный строительный университет (национальный исследовательский университет).
To meet society's need to better understand and respond to complex, interwoven problems of climat... more To meet society's need to better understand and respond to complex, interwoven problems of climate and sustainability, we herein introduce an integrative framework being applied in a US university setting for conceptualising, designing and deploying educational programs that interconnect climate change resilience (CCR) with sustainable development (SD). The framework weaves together five main strands of integration: 1) socio-political stakeholder interests and influences; 2) development sectors; 3) knowledge types; 4) socio-technical capacities, including education; 5) the smart networking of project sites across varying geographical scales. We pose and answer: what kinds of integrative educational programs, curricula and project practicums can enable transformations in CCRxSD practice? A philosophical foundation undergirds the knowledge and skills base of the suggested programming. Two collaborative case studies illustrate integrative practicums: 1) Fisherville Mill Site, Grafton, Massachusetts, USA-a showcase in urban sustainability; 2) Fijian Islands-a prospective case study in integrative CCRxSD program design.
Political sociology of science draws attention to the changing institutional and extrainstitution... more Political sociology of science draws attention to the changing institutional and extrainstitutional matrix of the scientific field. It assumes that science is a quasiautonomous field of power that is subject to influence from other fields but also possesses a degree of self-governance. Following the idea that science is just a set of institutional error filters for the job of discovering the objective character of the world, we may follow the idea of epistemic modernization, that rests on the tenet that science respects no domain restrictions and will ...
The paper aims to show the importance of reasoning “from metaphysics” in the course of a consiste... more The paper aims to show the importance of reasoning “from metaphysics” in the course of a consistent interpretation of the “against neoscholasticism” thesis (J. Ladyman). The idea that “the subject of metaphysics is metaphysical possibilities, and science determines which of them are actually achieved” (E. J. Lowe, J. Katz, etc.) reinforces the role of reasoning “from metaphysics” within the field of metaphysics of science. The general theory of relativity violates the common prevailing intuition that “causality is the subject of local physical interaction” (J. Bigelow). Interpretation of causality in terms of “forces” and “coming into” within the framework of E. J. Lowe's ontology makes it possible to talk about causality in terms of “finding” and “going out” of existence of the corresponding modes of objects connected by a formal “causal relationship”. The transition to E. J. Lowe's ontology helps not only to overcome the intuition of the locality of causality, but also rev...
The paper aims to look for a satisfactory ontological interpretation of the relationship between ... more The paper aims to look for a satisfactory ontological interpretation of the relationship between a pattern and its “elements” in D. Dennett’s ontology of patterns from the “serious essentialism” perspective by E. J. Lowe. The pattern should be interpreted as “consisting” of “lower-order patterns” which are the “modes” in E. J. Lowe’s ontology, while the pattern and its “elements” are linked by the relation of “metaphysical interdependence” by N. Thompson, representing one of the attitudes of grounding as a metaphysical explanation of a special kind. As a heuristic, a general metaphysical scheme is considered, in which elements of H. Reichenbach’s logic of the relationship between 'abstracta' and 'concreta' , which reveal themselves in D. Dennett’s ontology, such as: “reduction of the abstract to the observed”, “existence by convention” and “existence of the abstract and the observable in the ordinary world”, find an adequate interpretation within the framework of E. ...
Papers by Nikita Golovko