Lakota History by Ephriam D . Dickson III
Greasy Grass: Journal of the Custer Battlefield Historical and Museum Association, 2022
This is an oral history account from Rick Two Dogs, an Oglala Lakota from the Pine Ridge Reservat... more This is an oral history account from Rick Two Dogs, an Oglala Lakota from the Pine Ridge Reservation, about his great grandmother.
South Dakota Historical Society Press, 2010
The Sitting Bull Surrender Census is the earliest detailed enumeration of every Lakota man, woman... more The Sitting Bull Surrender Census is the earliest detailed enumeration of every Lakota man, woman, and child at the Standing Rock Agency, created in 1881 at a critical juncture in their history, as the last of the non-treaty bands under Sitting Bull returned from Canada and rejoined their relatives. This census offers a remarkable snapshot of Hunkpapa, Sihásapa, Minneconjou, Sans Arc, Oglala and Brule returning from Canada as well as the agency bands of Hunkpapa and Yanktonai families and communities (tiyospaye).
Little Big Horn Associates Newsletter, 2006
Frontier Photography by Ephriam D . Dickson III
North Dakota History, 2019
Utah Historical Quarterly, 2015
U.S. Army Material Culture by Ephriam D . Dickson III
Military Collector and Historian, , 2018
Military Collector and Historian, 2016
Military Collector and Historian, 2015
Aleutian Islands Campaign by Ephriam D . Dickson III
Military Collector and Historian, 2019
Attu, the Forgotten Battle (by John H. Cloe), 2017
Papers by Ephriam D . Dickson III
Utah Historical Quarterly, 2015
Whispering Wind, Mar 1, 2005
Lakota History by Ephriam D . Dickson III
Frontier Photography by Ephriam D . Dickson III
U.S. Army Material Culture by Ephriam D . Dickson III
Aleutian Islands Campaign by Ephriam D . Dickson III
Papers by Ephriam D . Dickson III