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      PhilosophyTeacher EducationCurriculum StudiesCulture
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Since the 1950s, the World Bank’s involvement and influence in educational assistance has increased greatly. The World Bank has not only been a key player, but, at times, has been the dominant international organization working with... more
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      International RelationsPolitical EconomyEducationPolicy Analysis and Decision Making
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This paper examines the Civil Society Education Fund's (CSEF) impact on the NGO Education Partnership (NEP) in Cambodia. With financial backing from the World Bank and the Fast Track Initiative, the CSEF is an initiative that is managed... more
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      International RelationsEducationSoutheast Asian StudiesInternational Relations Theory
Much literature has focused on the influence of the World Bank with regard to policy reform in low-income countries. While this literature has been produced over the course of many decades, the underlying studies have not tended to take a... more
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      EducationInternational DevelopmentCommunity Engagement & ParticipationCommunity Development
The National Program for Community Empowerment (known as PNPM Mandiri in Indonesia) is the principal, over-arching initiative through which the Indonesian government has pursued community-led development since 2005, though it has roots in... more
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      International RelationsPolitical EconomyEducationIndonesian History
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      Refugee StudiesLebanonRwandaTechnical and Vocational Education
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      International RelationsEducationGlobalizationInternational Development
Much literature has focused on the influence of the World Bank (or simply ‘the Bank’) with regard to policy reform in low-income countries. While this literature has been produced over the course of many decades, the underlying studies... more
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      EconomicsEducationInternational DevelopmentCommunity Engagement & Participation
Min semesteroppgave (eksamen) i faget P331 - Ledelse av utdanningsinstitusjoner i endring.
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      Educational ResearchPedagogyPedagogikk
Fra kollega til kollega. Norsklæreren 2010,  4. utgave. Om metodikk for kreativ skriving i klasserommet.
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The priority for people displaced during war and crises is to find safety, food and shelter. Once these have been achieved, they look at the future of their children, a process that births diverse educational programs. Education then,... more
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      EducationRefugee StudiesPhenomenologyRefugee
The paper explores how methodological phenomenology and education are practices in books, articles, journals and films.
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Mollenhauer practices a Continental pedagogical thinking when seeing special education as part of general education. His way of discussing general educational issues by light of examples from the margin is examplary.
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The pedagogical relation
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Educational practice is concerned in profound ways with what is pedagogically good and right for children, and as parents and teachers we intend to help each child to cultivate his or her personal and educational potential in a human... more
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      Educational ResearchHermeneutic Phenomenology
The aim of this article is to explore the lifeworld of children as they experience everyday conventional situations where proper behaviour is expected and to understand the significance of the social convention to the pedagogical relation... more
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      Hermeneutic PhenomenologyEthics of Otherness