Drafts by Abdul Joseph Fofanah

ICT usage for teaching and learning, 2018
The study provides, a ‘Survey Questionnaire’ that was developed to investigate ICT u... more
The study provides, a ‘Survey Questionnaire’ that was developed to investigate ICT usage/habits, perceived ICT competency, and related ICT issues that affect University students and Lecturers at Njala University. A descriptive survey method was used because it allows the researcher to pose a series of questions to willing participants, summarize their responses with percentages, frequency counts, or more rigorous statistics, and draw inferences about a particular population from the responses of the selected sample size.
The main focus of this research is to ascertain Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Lab Usage/Habits at COMAHS. More specifically, this research aims at assessing the user habits of digital media, primarily computers, tablets, smart phones and internet in order to facilitate teaching and learning at this tertiary institution.
The primary data collection instrument for the study is going to be a survey questionnaire: Students and Lecturers ICT Lab ‘Usage/Habit’ and Perceived Competencies inventory adapted from Bassey et al. (2007). The questionnaire was structured into nine sections. Section A elicited demographic details such a department, gender, age, and academic level of the respondents. Section B examined the level of ICT usage habits of respondents. Section C required the respondents to rate their perceived ICT access to computers. Section D required the respondents to rate ICT usage and ICT tools. Section E examined the level of sustainability and availability of ICT resources. Section F required the respondents to rate or assessed the significance of ICT. Section G required the respondents to rate the use of ICT at home and other places. Section H required the respondent to rate the use of ICT and activities NOT related and RELATED to University work. And Section I examined the ICT for learning as key platform for educational development. The reliability of the instrument was calculated using the Cronbach's alpha formula.
The data collected was mainly presented by the use of quantitative statistical methods. Data from the open-ended questions were analyzed by indicating the magnitude of responses viz-a-viz the total number of respondents to a particular option in a question. The responses from the structured questions were computed into frequency counts, percentages and charts. All the responses were summarized and tabulated for easy presentation, analysis and interpretation. However, the researcher further provides some recommendations that will facilitate the implementation of the research work
Papers by Abdul Joseph Fofanah
Expert systems with applications, Jun 1, 2024

The main purpose of this study was to establish whether the available ICT infrastructures are ade... more The main purpose of this study was to establish whether the available ICT infrastructures are adequate enough to meet the ICT needs of the University; and to find out whether the investment or adoption or improvement in "ICT-designed learning environment" will create the desired impact in the transfer of knowledge to the learner at the Njala University. GENERAL OBJECTIVE The general objective of the research was to ascertain whether the investment or improvement in "ICT-designed learning" will help to improve learning outcomes. Specific Objectives: The Specific Objectives of this survey are as follows: 1. To establish the availability of relevant educational ICT infrastructure within Njala University Campuses; 2. To find out whether the provision of equitable access to ICT enabled education and training in the University will help to improve learning outcomes; and 3. To determine whether the provision of affordable ICT infrastructure can facilitate dissemination of knowledge and skills through e-learning platforms.
Social Science Research Network, 2018

arXiv (Cornell University), Aug 10, 2023
Background: Despite major advances in artificial intelligence (AI) research for healthcare, the d... more Background: Despite major advances in artificial intelligence (AI) research for healthcare, the deployment and adoption of AI technologies remain limited in clinical practice. In recent years, concerns have been raised about the clinical, technical, ethical and legal risks associated with healthcare AI. To increase adoption in the real world, it is essential that AI technologies are trusted and accepted by patients, clinicians, health organisations and authorities. This paper describes the FUTURE-AI framework as the first international consensus guideline for trustworthy AI in healthcare. The FUTURE-AI consortium was founded in 2021 and now comprises 117 interdisciplinary experts from 50 countries representing all continents, including AI scientists, clinical researchers, biomedical ethicists, and social scientists. Over a two-year period, the consortium established guiding principles and best practices for trustworthy and deployable AI through an iterative process comprising an in-depth literature review, a modified Delphi survey, and online consensus meetings. The FUTURE-AI framework was established based on six guiding principles for trustworthy AI in healthcare, i.e. Fairness, Universality, Traceability, Usability, Robustness and Explainability. Through consensus, a set of 30 best practices were defined, addressing technical, clinical, socio-ethical and legal dimensions of trustworthy AI. The recommendations cover the entire lifecycle of healthcare AI, from design, development and validation to regulation, deployment, and monitoring. Interpretation: FUTURE-AI is a structured, risk-informed framework which provides guidance for constructing healthcare AI tools that will be trusted, deployed and adopted in real-world clinical practice. Researchers are encouraged to take the recommendations into account in proof-ofconcept stages to facilitate future translation towards clinical practice of healthcare AI.

Multimedia Tools and Applications, Feb 17, 2022
To protect the information integrity of the medical images, this paper proposes a secure lossless... more To protect the information integrity of the medical images, this paper proposes a secure lossless recovery scheme for medical images based on image block compression and permutation ordered binary (POB) number system, which includes two parts: share generation, and lossless recovery. In the shares generation stage, the region of interest (ROI) of the original medical image and the image block compression coding algorithm JPEG-LS, are firstly adopted to generate the compressed data, which can use limited storage space to place the data repeatedly. Then, after separating the bit-plane, the compressed data are executed by data reorganization and data encryption respectively on the high-plane and the low-plane. Finally, two authentication bits are extracted by 8-bit pixel of two planes to be inserted into the pixel itself, and then the 10-bit pixel is converted into an 8-bit POB value to produce two shares of ShareH and ShareL, respectively. In the lossless recovery stage, data of placing repeatedly can restore the original image. At the same time, three attacks are carried in the two shares, which contain content cropping, content exchange, and text addition. Some comparisons with other schemes present that the proposed scheme implements a better performance under some criteria. Theoretical analysis and experimental results demonstrate that the original image can be recovered losslessly even if two shares are tampered at the ration more than 50%.

Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Medical Imaging, Apr 18, 2023
The primary aim of this study was to experiment and compare the empirical evidence of evolutionar... more The primary aim of this study was to experiment and compare the empirical evidence of evolutionary algorithms and their applications using the Genetic Algorithm (GA) and Particle Swamp Optimization (PSO) algorithm. The objectives of the study included reviewing recent scholarly scientific research papers and practices, and algorithms with existing genetic algorithm techniques, identifying the need for lessons learned and leveraging best health practices garnered from the existing problems of optimization, reviewing and identifying the technological tools used in the healthcare domain, algorithms, and the effectiveness of GA and PSO techniques and to develop and analyse GA algorithms using datasets to predict and determine which of the two algorithms performs better. Evolutionary algorithms which are normally viewed as components of both evolutionary computing and bioinspired computing use mechanisms inspired by nature and are indeed capable of solving problems through processes that emulate the behaviours of living organisms. Genetic algorithms (GAs), evolution strategies (ESs), differential evolution (DE), and particle swarm optimization (PSO) are typical examples. Therefore, evolutionary algorithms are typically used to provide good, estimated solutions to problems that cannot be solved easily using other techniques, and as such numerous optimization problems fall into this category. This work aims to provide a systematic evaluation of the literature on contemporary PSO methods for knowledge discovery in the area of illness detection. Although the major objective is to present recommendations for future enhancement and development in this field, the systematic analysis reveals the possible study topics of PSO techniques as well as the research gaps. The essential ideas, theoretical underpinnings, and traditional application domains are covered in this study. It is fervently anticipated

International journal of health sciences
In this paper we present a cardiovascular diseases prediction which is referred to as heart disea... more In this paper we present a cardiovascular diseases prediction which is referred to as heart diseases. A detail review and application of genetic algorithms in healthcare systems including machine learning algorithms were evaluated. The cardiovascular disease involves narrowed or blocked blood vessels that can lead to a heart attack, angina or stroke, and other heart failures such as muscle, valves or rhythm, which is one of the largest causes of morbidity and mortality among the world population. According to our analysis and results obtained between 85-89 percent of ages greater than 40 years were seriously affected by cardiovascular diseases which provides an imperative result in regards to the previous Ebola outbreak in West Africa in 2014-2016 and the current COVID-19 pandemic of which the aging population were more affected. Our results also indicate, the higher the generation the better prediction and performance and more complex the algorithm. However, with GA and ML approach...

Multimedia Tools and Applications, 2022
To protect the information integrity of the medical images, this paper proposes a secure lossless... more To protect the information integrity of the medical images, this paper proposes a secure lossless recovery scheme for medical images based on image block compression and permutation ordered binary (POB) number system, which includes two parts: share generation, and lossless recovery. In the shares generation stage, the region of interest (ROI) of the original medical image and the image block compression coding algorithm JPEG-LS, are firstly adopted to generate the compressed data, which can use limited storage space to place the data repeatedly. Then, after separating the bit-plane, the compressed data are executed by data reorganization and data encryption respectively on the high-plane and the low-plane. Finally, two authentication bits are extracted by 8-bit pixel of two planes to be inserted into the pixel itself, and then the 10-bit pixel is converted into an 8-bit POB value to produce two shares of ShareH and ShareL, respectively. In the lossless recovery stage, data of placing repeatedly can restore the original image. At the same time, three attacks are carried in the two shares, which contain content cropping, content exchange, and text addition. Some comparisons with other schemes present that the proposed scheme implements a better performance under some criteria. Theoretical analysis and experimental results demonstrate that the original image can be recovered losslessly even if two shares are tampered at the ration more than 50%.

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology, 2021
Investors and other business persons have a desire to know about the future market price because,... more Investors and other business persons have a desire to know about the future market price because, if the investors know about the future price of a certain commodity or stock it will help them to make appropriate business decisions and they can also get profit out of their investment. There are many previous researches that has been done on stock market predictions but there is no related research that has been done on Ethiopia commodity exchange (ECX). Performing future price prediction with better accuracy and performing comparative analysis between the algorithms for two of Ethiopia commodity exchange (ECX) items which are Coffee and Sesame as the research key objectives. Three different types of prediction algorithms to predict the future price, such as Linear Regression (LR), Extreme Gradient Boosting (XGB), Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) was utilized. There are limited researches worked on price prediction of ECX items specifically, the idea of the price prediction on different...

International Journal of Scientific Research in Science and Technology, 2021
The advancement of emerging technological tools in software engineering is an important element i... more The advancement of emerging technological tools in software engineering is an important element in the design and development of software systems. In this paper, we present an analysis of theory and practice including methodology of software products for both large and complex requirements and development analysis, and synthesis. The paper is presented in two folds: Part-I describes a security-specific knowledge of modelling approach for securing software engineering and typical projects implemented in data centre infrastructure. In relation to software engineering practice and theory, we analysed the key parameters indicators of software development projects and the elements of a system that encapsulate the customer, developer, and the researcher as stakeholders in a software development project, whereas the elements of a system entail computer, data validation, mailroom, and computation with paychecks and pay-information. The modelling process and life cycle model includes some ma...

The main purpose of this study was to establish whether the available ICT infrastructures are ade... more The main purpose of this study was to establish whether the available ICT infrastructures are adequate enough to meet the ICT needs of the University; and to find out whether the investment or adoption or improvement in "ICT-designed learning environment" will create the desired impact in the transfer of knowledge to the learner at the Njala University. GENERAL OBJECTIVE The general objective of the research was to ascertain whether the investment or improvement in "ICT-designed learning" will help to improve learning outcomes. Specific Objectives: The Specific Objectives of this survey are as follows: 1. To establish the availability of relevant educational ICT infrastructure within Njala University Campuses; 2. To find out whether the provision of equitable access to ICT enabled education and training in the University will help to improve learning outcomes; and 3. To determine whether the provision of affordable ICT infrastructure can facilitate dissemination ...
The EGU General Assembly, 2019

In this paper, we presents two watermarking schemes namely: Scheme I present an hybrid of discret... more In this paper, we presents two watermarking schemes namely: Scheme I present an hybrid of discrete cosine transform (DCT) and discrete wavelet transform (DWT) watermarking technique while Scheme II presents a genetic programming (GP) based technique. Both of these schemes were experimented with 512x512 and 256x256 medical images and other standard images such as Lena, Barbara, Baboon, Flower, Brain etc. against state-of-the-art watermarking techniques. According to our results, shows better performance of the two main criteria use to check for any watermarking techniques (Imperceptivity and Robustness). The experimental results reveals that for imperceptivity, peak-signal-to-noise-ratio (PSNR) and structural similarity index (SSIM) shows better performance when compared against Arsalan's and Hurrah's approaches. Similarly, for robustness the parameters used are normalized correlation (NCC) and bit error rate (BER). According to results obtained, both schemes' parameters ...
The EGU General Assembly, 2018
International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 2021
A theoretical concept of the GMDH technique using a non-linear regression model, multilayered neu... more A theoretical concept of the GMDH technique using a non-linear regression model, multilayered neural nets, model assessment, and selection to determine the prediction error versus selection model complexity was reviewed and evaluated. The model selection was experimented and evaluated with MATLAB.

International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research, 2020
In this paper, we present a combined hybrid of an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system with an a... more In this paper, we present a combined hybrid of an adaptive neuro-fuzzy inference system with an adaptive online learning model (ANFIS-AOLM) using a non-linear regression machine learning technique to construct the Neural Network. We proposed ANFIS-AOLM for learning by modeling and controlling imprecise defined, uncertainty system with a significant role of the neuro-fuzzy method. The various simulation exercise was conducted with define input and output values, define rules and the dataset was created and trained the Neural Network. Exploration of the dataset was tested for ANFIS-I using "Grid Partitioning"; ANFIS-II using "Subtractive Clustering"; and ANFIS-III using "Fuzzy Clustering Means". The study was conducted in oder to explore the effectiveness of the combined hybrid learning opportunities using ANFIS and Non-linear Regression models. The study was experimented using MATLAB programming language for the adaptation of the online learning framework with learner's capability to learn from the existing information and adapt accordingly in the learning environment. The results obtained from the analysis shows that with a membership function of 20 and 25 an average of 97.7% accuracy was achieved. However, as the number of membership functions increases the better the performance of the ANFIS and the higher the computational response time. The non-linear regression model also indicated that the relationship of the ANFIS system and the proposed technique is adequate for learner's adaptation and the decision made through learning mechanism.

International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications (IJSRP), 2021
The emergence of recent outbreaks and the current pandemic have had increasing demands for past a... more The emergence of recent outbreaks and the current pandemic have had increasing demands for past and present patient medical information, as preparedness and response strategies, create new data sharing and exchange demands on health information systems (HIS). A review of interoperability technique and human mobility mapping was critically examined and key design requirements during HIS implementations as parameters to improve the current health systems across mobility corridors. This paper also presents a mobility mapping network methodology and to support health authorities for preparedness and response especially areas in the health sectors that require improvement for any infectious diseases and future outbreaks or pandemic transmission. To realize the universal health coverage (UHC), we present some key parameters matrix; level of care, national standards and guidelines, health promotion, health education, safe blood transfusion, mobile clinics and field hospitals, infection con...
Drafts by Abdul Joseph Fofanah
The study provides, a ‘Survey Questionnaire’ that was developed to investigate ICT usage/habits, perceived ICT competency, and related ICT issues that affect University students and Lecturers at Njala University. A descriptive survey method was used because it allows the researcher to pose a series of questions to willing participants, summarize their responses with percentages, frequency counts, or more rigorous statistics, and draw inferences about a particular population from the responses of the selected sample size.
The main focus of this research is to ascertain Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Lab Usage/Habits at COMAHS. More specifically, this research aims at assessing the user habits of digital media, primarily computers, tablets, smart phones and internet in order to facilitate teaching and learning at this tertiary institution.
The primary data collection instrument for the study is going to be a survey questionnaire: Students and Lecturers ICT Lab ‘Usage/Habit’ and Perceived Competencies inventory adapted from Bassey et al. (2007). The questionnaire was structured into nine sections. Section A elicited demographic details such a department, gender, age, and academic level of the respondents. Section B examined the level of ICT usage habits of respondents. Section C required the respondents to rate their perceived ICT access to computers. Section D required the respondents to rate ICT usage and ICT tools. Section E examined the level of sustainability and availability of ICT resources. Section F required the respondents to rate or assessed the significance of ICT. Section G required the respondents to rate the use of ICT at home and other places. Section H required the respondent to rate the use of ICT and activities NOT related and RELATED to University work. And Section I examined the ICT for learning as key platform for educational development. The reliability of the instrument was calculated using the Cronbach's alpha formula.
The data collected was mainly presented by the use of quantitative statistical methods. Data from the open-ended questions were analyzed by indicating the magnitude of responses viz-a-viz the total number of respondents to a particular option in a question. The responses from the structured questions were computed into frequency counts, percentages and charts. All the responses were summarized and tabulated for easy presentation, analysis and interpretation. However, the researcher further provides some recommendations that will facilitate the implementation of the research work
Papers by Abdul Joseph Fofanah
The study provides, a ‘Survey Questionnaire’ that was developed to investigate ICT usage/habits, perceived ICT competency, and related ICT issues that affect University students and Lecturers at Njala University. A descriptive survey method was used because it allows the researcher to pose a series of questions to willing participants, summarize their responses with percentages, frequency counts, or more rigorous statistics, and draw inferences about a particular population from the responses of the selected sample size.
The main focus of this research is to ascertain Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Lab Usage/Habits at COMAHS. More specifically, this research aims at assessing the user habits of digital media, primarily computers, tablets, smart phones and internet in order to facilitate teaching and learning at this tertiary institution.
The primary data collection instrument for the study is going to be a survey questionnaire: Students and Lecturers ICT Lab ‘Usage/Habit’ and Perceived Competencies inventory adapted from Bassey et al. (2007). The questionnaire was structured into nine sections. Section A elicited demographic details such a department, gender, age, and academic level of the respondents. Section B examined the level of ICT usage habits of respondents. Section C required the respondents to rate their perceived ICT access to computers. Section D required the respondents to rate ICT usage and ICT tools. Section E examined the level of sustainability and availability of ICT resources. Section F required the respondents to rate or assessed the significance of ICT. Section G required the respondents to rate the use of ICT at home and other places. Section H required the respondent to rate the use of ICT and activities NOT related and RELATED to University work. And Section I examined the ICT for learning as key platform for educational development. The reliability of the instrument was calculated using the Cronbach's alpha formula.
The data collected was mainly presented by the use of quantitative statistical methods. Data from the open-ended questions were analyzed by indicating the magnitude of responses viz-a-viz the total number of respondents to a particular option in a question. The responses from the structured questions were computed into frequency counts, percentages and charts. All the responses were summarized and tabulated for easy presentation, analysis and interpretation. However, the researcher further provides some recommendations that will facilitate the implementation of the research work
In the current system, manual crime records keeping by Sierra Leone Police has been confounded with high cost of data storage, frequent cases of missing files because records are not secured and many more, the developed system handles majority of these challenges such as complainant can register online and report crimes to the nearest police station for action to be taken, the police authorities can detect crimes across the country without intensive paper work, reports on crimes across stations, automatic view of complainants across the country through the GPS system encapsulated in the CMIS Software, security of the system files without paper accident misplace and many more. The researcher worked intensively to reduce the workload and mental conflict, emphasis on work user friendly and a person can easily do his jobs without time lagging and provide evidence of the crime committed without interference.
The requirement for respectable data and information-sharing methods and practice has taken a significant approach to data management techniques in today’s universal development environment. Notably not only to keep records but to provide an effective and efficient method of transmitting data from and within to law enforcements agency specifically to protect the Country’s citizens and her integrity in crime management. Crime Management Information System has been developed for implementation of any query requested by the users, which provides timely and accurate information on criminals and offenders of the laws.
Consequently, the author has developed an application that will support to improve the competence, efficiency and effectiveness of the police safety measures in
keeping criminal records through an archive medium, and to provide the crime Prosecutor(s) with timely and accurate information about a particular crime in a specified location. The application was developed specifically to mitigate paperbased information exchanges and to facilitate the electronic provision of criminal record to crime Prosecutor(s). The design was carried out using the Rapid Prototyping approach of the Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC). The major tools used to develop this project are Visual Studio 2017 (VB.Net) with Dot net framework, DevExpress version 17.2.5, Java Programming for the App, Android Studio, MySQL Server and SQL Server 2016.