Shiva Kumar
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Papers by Shiva Kumar
positive and negative relationship (p < 0.05 level). 11 physico-chemical parameters were taken in consideration for the analysis of the lake water quality such as pH, Temperature, Total dissolved solids (TDS), Total suspended solids (TSS), dissolved oxygen(DO), Nitrates (as N), Ammonical Nitrogen (as N), Total Nitrogen, Total Phosphorus, Chemical oxygen demand(COD), Carbonaceous Biological oxygen demand(cBOD or BOD5).
The Wastewater treatment plant considered in this Study is located across picket nala, one of the influent stream and a pollution point source to HussainSagar Lake. The Plant is of 30MLDcapacity and is designed with Biological Nitrogen Removal (BNR) by A2/O Process with an integrated phosphorous removal mechanism.Phosphorus balance in various treatment steps was studied and potential technologies forExtracting phosphorus was reviewed.
positive and negative relationship (p < 0.05 level). 11 physico-chemical parameters were taken in consideration for the analysis of the lake water quality such as pH, Temperature, Total dissolved solids (TDS), Total suspended solids (TSS), dissolved oxygen(DO), Nitrates (as N), Ammonical Nitrogen (as N), Total Nitrogen, Total Phosphorus, Chemical oxygen demand(COD), Carbonaceous Biological oxygen demand(cBOD or BOD5).
The Wastewater treatment plant considered in this Study is located across picket nala, one of the influent stream and a pollution point source to HussainSagar Lake. The Plant is of 30MLDcapacity and is designed with Biological Nitrogen Removal (BNR) by A2/O Process with an integrated phosphorous removal mechanism.Phosphorus balance in various treatment steps was studied and potential technologies forExtracting phosphorus was reviewed.