Papers by Dr. Aditya Upadhyay

Internationational Journal of Novel Research and Development (IJNRD)(, ISSN:2456-4184, 2023
The objective of this research study is to analyse the impact of 'Intellectual Stimulation dimens... more The objective of this research study is to analyse the impact of 'Intellectual Stimulation dimension of Transformational Leadership Style' on employee job satisfaction working in one of the multinational engineering services companies in Bengaluru city. The name of the organization is withheld for the purpose of confidentiality. Transformational leadership is the innovative approach of leadership which emphasizes on personal and professional growth, encourages all employees to think creatively in developing solutions to long lasting organizational challenges. Transformational leaders play a strong role of innovator, mentor, and supporter through their four dimensions/elements of transformational leadership-Idealised Influence, Intellectual Stimulation, Inspirational Motivation, and Individualized Consideration. This study emphasizes on Intellectual Stimulation dimension of transformational leadership style. Transformational Leaders create a diverse and open environment, within which they encourage others to innovate and to form new ideas for the organisation and themselves. They seek other paths to goals which stray from the norm and openly push others to challenge their own beliefs and values, as well as those of the company. They encourage team members to explore new ways of doing things and look for new opportunities to learn. Therefore, Intellectual Stimulation dimension can play such an influential role in organizational growth. On the other side, employee job satisfaction is the feeling and attitude people have towards their jobs and different aspects of their jobs. When people have pleasant and positive attitudes towards their job, that's when they are satisfied with their job, but when people have unpleasant and negative attitudes towards their job, that's when they are dissatisfied with their job.
International Journal of Novel Research and Development (, ISSN:2456-4184,, Jun 21, 2023
This paper is a study of past and present of use of mannequins in practice of Visual Merchandisin... more This paper is a study of past and present of use of mannequins in practice of Visual Merchandising, to find a common link and trend flow, which can further help in deriving or forecasting techniques of VM which could be used in future. This study is done chronologically, right from the earliest available known sources of information about inception of this art.
Internationational Journal of Novel Research and Development (IJNRD) (, ISSN:2456-4184, 2023
This paper is a study of past and present of Visual Merchandising, to find a common link and tren... more This paper is a study of past and present of Visual Merchandising, to find a common link and trend flow, which can further help in deriving or forecasting techniques of VM which could be used in future. This study is done chronologically, right from the earliest available known sources of information about inception of this art.
Internationational Journal of Novel Research and Development (IJNRD)(, ISSN:2456-4184, 2023
Purpose-This paper is the result of a scientific research which is concerned to the new and emerg... more Purpose-This paper is the result of a scientific research which is concerned to the new and emerging field of Online Visual Merchandising. For the ease of study, the focus of this research was concentrated on online stores of Fashion and Apparel. The aim of this research is to identify, create a better taxonomy, measure the elements and sub-elements of In-Store Visual Merchandising and then compare them with elements of On-line Visual Merchandising (OVME). It is one of the first few researches in its line which is focused on Fashion and Apparel online stores operating in India.
International Journal of Novel Research and Development (, ISSN:2456-4184, 2023
Purpose-This paper is the result of a scientific research which is concerned to the new and emerg... more Purpose-This paper is the result of a scientific research which is concerned to the new and emerging field of Online Visual Merchandising. For the ease of study, the focus of this research was concentrated on Fashion and Apparel online stores. The aim of this research is to identify, create taxonomy and then measure the elements and sub-elements of Online Visual Merchandising. It is one of the first few researches in its line which is focused on Fashion and Apparel online stores operating in India.

International Journal of Novel Research and Development (, ISSN:2456-4184, Vol.8, Issue 6, page no.c570-c583, 2023
This research paper is the outcome of a study of Visual Merchandising Elements of an apparel reta... more This research paper is the outcome of a study of Visual Merchandising Elements of an apparel retail store and their impact on behavior of customers. It is an attempt to identify the most appealing elements of VM. The general purpose of Visual Merchandising is to attract, invite, educate and motivate the customers to purchase merchandise being sold in the store. Online Visual Merchandising Elements (OVME) have been categorized into two major segments: High Task Relevant Environment (HRE) and Low Task Relevant Environment (LTRE). further both in total have five categories under LTRE there are two (atmospheric feature and registration) and HTRE includes three (web navigation, web graphics and product demonstration). If we go further we can see there are thirteen elements within category-background color, text color, atmospheric features, and registration requirement within LTRE; site map, search engine, website geometry, presentation format, product view dimensionality, apparel color, product display method, and mix/match option within HTRE. After this 55 sub-elements were identified 17 sub elements within LTRE group and 38 sub elements within HTRE group. For this study, four leading MBOs of India were selected which are Fashion at Big Bazar (FBB), Lifestyle, Shoppers stop and Reliance Trends. All these four retailers are department stores dealing into multiple brands, offer both apparels and accessories and have presence pan India through their multiple outlets in various cities. The Store size and offered brands and merchandise quantity being similar in all the stores of these brands make them perfect competitors targeting the same customer group. Also all these 4 MBOs are available online. Hence Online Visual Merchandising Elements of these stores and their impact on Customer Behavior are comparable. Secondary data was used for formulating list of VME and primary data was collected from 500 samples, to study impact of these VME through self-developed and self-administered questionnaire. The Likert scale was used to record the level of influence of VME from 'Strongly Agree' to 'Strongly Disagree'. Collected data was analyzed and it was found that 80% sample agreed with the influence of VME on their behavior. Also the most influencing External VMEs were found to be Window Display setting and Merchandise on Display. On the other hand, the most influencing Internal VMEs were found to be creative product display and mannequin styling.

International Journal of Novel Research and Development (, ISSN:2456-4184, 2023
Human resource management has undergone significant shifts since the introduction of web-based te... more Human resource management has undergone significant shifts since the introduction of web-based technologies and applications. Through the implementation of e-HRM systems, basic HR functions have been automated to the point where HR appears to be more of a portal than a person. e-HRM is also being used by businesses in India, particularly in the IT sector. As a result, the purpose of this study was to discuss the various cutting-edge e-HRM strategies utilized by IT businesses. Recruitment, training, education, selection, performance management, and compensation are all examples of e-HRM practices. The literature was reviewed in both the Indian and foreign contexts. Secondary sources like the websites of Indian IT companies like TCS, Infosys, HCL, Tech Mahindra, and Wipro were used to compile the data. Ultimatix by TCS, Sparsh by Infosys, Twingo by Tech Mahindra, My HCL by HCL, and People Soft by Wipro are just a few of the e-HRM applications that each of these businesses uses to carry out their HR functions.

International Journal of Novel Research and Development , 2023
This study gave an overview of the diversity-related practices of HRM (Human Resource Management)... more This study gave an overview of the diversity-related practices of HRM (Human Resource Management) and E-HRM (Electronic Human Resource Management) as well as the significance of these practices in the workplace. The review makes sense of the significance, capabilities and utilization of HRM and E-HRM rehearses inside an association and stresses the significance of e-HRM rehearses in working on authoritative execution. The effects of e-HRM on the organization's effectiveness are identified in this study. Review approach, which is the primary instrument for the current study's analysis of the literature review. According to the findings, an organization's ability to meet the demands of today's knowledge-based economy necessitates almost a mandatory increase in human resource potential. This is a goal for which e-HRM may be of assistance by enhancing human resource skills and knowledge to emphasize employee performance.

International Journal of Novel Research and Development (IJNRD), 2023
The objective of this research study is to analyse and examine the impact of transformational lea... more The objective of this research study is to analyse and examine the impact of transformational leadership style on employee's job satisfaction working in one of the multinational engineering service company in Bangalore city. And, to assess which dimension of transformational leadership impact more on employee job satisfaction. The name of the organization is withheld for the purpose of confidentiality. The survey was adapted from the Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (MLQ) to measure the transformational leadership style. The Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ) was adapted to measure employee job satisfaction. 120 employees from five different domains participated in the study using convenience sampling. Out of which 104 questionnaires completed showing 86.7% response rate. Descriptive and analytical methodology is used. Quantitative research design is adopted. The collected primary data is analysed using descriptive statistics. Pearson correlation analysis is used to test the hypothesis. These studies have revealed that there is a significant and positive relationship between all transformational leadership dimensions (Inspirational motivation, Individualized consideration, Intellectual stimulation, Idealized influence) and employee job satisfaction. Transformational leadership positively effects employee job satisfaction. The result also shows that there is highly significant, positive relationship between two dimensions of transformational leadership (Inspirational Motivation, Idealized Influence) and employee job satisfaction. Also, there is significant medium positive relationship between other two dimensions of transformational leadership (Individualized Consideration, Intellectual Stimulation) and job satisfaction. The results of this study concluded that if leaders adopt transformational leadership style, they could get better satisfied and committed employees for the organization.
Anusandhan, 2019
This research paper is the outcome of a study of Visual Merchandising Elements of an apparel reta... more This research paper is the outcome of a study of Visual Merchandising Elements of an apparel retail store and their impact on behaviour of customers. It is an attempt to identify the most appealing elements of VM. The general purpose of Visual Merchandising is to attract, invite, educate and motivate the customers to purchase merchandise being sold in the store.
A total of 20 Indian E-commerce portals /
websites were identified including 10 government and 10... more A total of 20 Indian E-commerce portals /
websites were identified including 10 government and 10 private retailers, which further were analyzed through content analysis and chi-square
test. This research resulted in the extraction of 6 online visual merchandising factors: product presence, product information, services,
interest, aesthetics and fitness. There were significant differences in all 6 factors. This research contributes to the understanding of elements
and major factors which constitute to the online visual merchandising composition of an online retailer. Academicians and practitioners of
Visual Merchandisers will also be benefited by knowing how online Visual Merchandising factors were used differently by the government and
private players for retailing of handloom sarees over e-commerce platform in India.

Shodhaytan, 2016
The online medium of e-commerce has provided and will continue to provide great opportunities fo... more The online medium of e-commerce has provided and will continue to provide great opportunities for consumers and business. Research has shown growth in the interest o f consumer in online shopping from 40% in the year 2012 to 78% in the year 2014 in the online shopping behaviour. Online shopping is now-a-days preferred because o f better prices they offer, the convenience they provide because o f shopping on our leisure, variety ofproducts offered at one place, fewer traps as in the traditional shopping where the salesperson try to lure the customer to buy the product but in online shopping they '11 lure the customers with offers but not pressurize them. Ixistly customers privacy is valued in online shopping which is difficult in shopping offline. It is yet to be fully understood what more factors influence online shopping decision process. The Traditional shopping also has its pros like the feel-and-touch the products, face to face interaction with the salesperson, trying out o f your outfit before buying and many other reasons to shop offline. The objective o f this study is to provide an overview of online shopping decision process by comparing the offline and online decision making and identifying the factors that motivate online customers to decide or not to decide to buy online. The approach is used to find out whai is different product a consumer buys and what is the most preferred and searched one. The research will also investigate the sources that attract consumer to prefer shopping online. The results also indicate that those attracted to purchase online perceive significantly lower channel risk, search effort, evaluation effort, and waiting (delivery) time online than offline and express significantly higher price search intentions online than offline. Although consumers attracted to offline channels also perceive lower search cost and higher price search intentions online than offline, their perceived online search effort and price search intentions are significantly lower than those attracted to online channels It also suggests that demographics might not be effective bases for market segmentation. This study attempts to prcn'ide an exhaustive review on consumer behaviour o f shopping online v/s offline.
Indian Journal of Applied Research, ISSN - 2249-555X, 2017
The present research paper is an attempt to understand the concept of Retailing, Marketing in gen... more The present research paper is an attempt to understand the concept of Retailing, Marketing in general and Visual Merchandising in specific. Further the critical reviews have been narrated so as to have a deep insight of the concept. Secondary data has been gathered for the purpose and the Library research and descriptive research is being used.
Conference Presentations by Dr. Aditya Upadhyay
Pragun Publication, 2018
This case study is based on live project worked upon by the author, which was sponsored by MP Kha... more This case study is based on live project worked upon by the author, which was sponsored by MP Khadi & Rural Industries Board.
Papers by Dr. Aditya Upadhyay
websites were identified including 10 government and 10 private retailers, which further were analyzed through content analysis and chi-square
test. This research resulted in the extraction of 6 online visual merchandising factors: product presence, product information, services,
interest, aesthetics and fitness. There were significant differences in all 6 factors. This research contributes to the understanding of elements
and major factors which constitute to the online visual merchandising composition of an online retailer. Academicians and practitioners of
Visual Merchandisers will also be benefited by knowing how online Visual Merchandising factors were used differently by the government and
private players for retailing of handloom sarees over e-commerce platform in India.
Conference Presentations by Dr. Aditya Upadhyay
websites were identified including 10 government and 10 private retailers, which further were analyzed through content analysis and chi-square
test. This research resulted in the extraction of 6 online visual merchandising factors: product presence, product information, services,
interest, aesthetics and fitness. There were significant differences in all 6 factors. This research contributes to the understanding of elements
and major factors which constitute to the online visual merchandising composition of an online retailer. Academicians and practitioners of
Visual Merchandisers will also be benefited by knowing how online Visual Merchandising factors were used differently by the government and
private players for retailing of handloom sarees over e-commerce platform in India.