In case you missed the bombardment of imagery I posted on Twitter, Instagram or Facebook and had no idea where I was for two fabulous weeks recently, I'm sharing a little bit of my time in San Francisco here.
I was over there to film classes with Creativebug. I had a fantastic time.
My classes are all focused on bag-making, and the first one begins this month. You can see the promo (and a little bit of me) here....
I loved working with this gorgeous (if a little sleepy before morning coffee) crew.
And Charlie kept us all company in the studio. He's the perfect crafty dog on a bed of pretty fabric scraps, and possibly the most cuddled and kissed member of the crew.
The city itself is a place I loved and I definitely want to return to see more of it.
Precious time with family is always a good thing, and is even better when it's in relaxed holiday mode.
And yeah... school night dinners are always like this for me... (not).
I thought about how nice it was to only have ONE THING to do at any time - whether it was working on the online classes or enjoying a walk or a meal. The madness of the everyday juggling act was on hold for two weeks. It was the best holiday I've had in ages.
The only real disappointment was that the day that my sister and I went to visit Britex Fabrics, it was closed.
I had my own apartment for the time I was there, and it was amazing how much it instantly felt like home.
...and how quickly it came to look like home, too.
And then there were things that made me conscious of being very, very far from home. I loved the quirkiness of American food weirdness (but I didn't buy the bacon chocolate).
I'll be back with more news about the classes, as they're released. In the meantime, you can find me (more frequently) on all the other social media platforms mentioned above.