Rose Rejouis
Prominent critical reviews of my work
• Cover of The New York Times Book Review of my translation with (Val Vinokur) of Patrick Chamoiseau's novel, Texaco.
• The New York Times review of an art exhibit I curated at Exit art. In the show, I presented the work of Vladimir Cybil Charlier and Wura-Natasha Ogunji. The title of the exhibit was Négritude. It was an experimental multi-media and multi-disciplinary exhibition at Exit Art (supported by the National Endowment for the Arts and the New York Council for the Humanities)
• The Guardian's Homage ("On How Fiction can make it new" by Garth Risk Hallberg) to my translation (with Val Vinokur) of Patrick Chamoiseau's novel, Texaco.
•New York of my translation with (Val Vinokur) of Patrick Chamoiseau's novel, Texaco.
• New York Times review of Réjouis/Vinokur translation of Chamoiseau's Solibo Magnificent.
• New York Times Book Review of Réjouis/Vinokur translation of Chamoiseau's Solibo Magnificent.
• The New Yorker review by John Updike of Réjouis/Vinokur translation of Patrick Chamoiseau's Texacoby Rose Réjouis and Val Vinokur.
• Cover of The New York Times Book Review of my translation with (Val Vinokur) of Patrick Chamoiseau's novel, Texaco.
• The New York Times review of an art exhibit I curated at Exit art. In the show, I presented the work of Vladimir Cybil Charlier and Wura-Natasha Ogunji. The title of the exhibit was Négritude. It was an experimental multi-media and multi-disciplinary exhibition at Exit Art (supported by the National Endowment for the Arts and the New York Council for the Humanities)
• The Guardian's Homage ("On How Fiction can make it new" by Garth Risk Hallberg) to my translation (with Val Vinokur) of Patrick Chamoiseau's novel, Texaco.
•New York of my translation with (Val Vinokur) of Patrick Chamoiseau's novel, Texaco.
• New York Times review of Réjouis/Vinokur translation of Chamoiseau's Solibo Magnificent.
• New York Times Book Review of Réjouis/Vinokur translation of Chamoiseau's Solibo Magnificent.
• The New Yorker review by John Updike of Réjouis/Vinokur translation of Patrick Chamoiseau's Texacoby Rose Réjouis and Val Vinokur.
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Papers by Rose Rejouis