The New School
Global Studies
Abstract: There are two dominant contrasting images of refugees in scholarship and popular discourse: refugees as powerless victims or beneficiaries of generous welfare packages. While it is true that an individual who enters the United... more
As Liberian refugee and immigrant families in Staten Island, NY strive to assimilate to life in a new country and in a new social setting they encounter numerous hurdles. This chapter discusses acculturation stressors faced by Liberian... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
“Refugee” is a word that can be found almost daily in the news. However, the usage and the meaning of the term are not always clear. While legislation clearly defines who a refugee is, it is inconsistent in who is rewarded legal refugee... more
In 1822 Liberia was founded as a place where free(d) enslaved African Americans could find freedom and liberty. While many of them did, the indigenous African population remained for a long time excluded from citizenry, this, although,... more
Since the “service” component exposes college students to individuals in the community who often differ from them in their ethnoracial, socioeconomic, linguistic background, and age, etc. these classes present an ideal opportunity to test... more
Present-day immigration in the USA is most frequently analyzed through the experiences of Mexican (and other Hispanic) migrants. These three books provide a refreshing perspective on immigration in the USA by shedding light on communities... more
New York City is seen by many as both the quintessential city of immigrants and a bastion of liberalism. While this may be true for most parts of the metropolis, this has not been the case for Staten Island, where thousands of Liberians... more
This long-term ethnographic study about the Liberian refugee community in Staten Island, NY shows that their integration and identity formation are not only influenced by race, but also by the context of reception (Portes and Rumbaut... more
's Belonging and Becoming in a Multicultural World: Refugee Youth and the Pursuit of Identity introduces the reader to the identity journeys of young refugees from Burma, Sudan, Uganda, and Sierra Leone 1 living in Brisbane, Australia.... more
Based on an exploratory study of the intersection among social exclusion, gender, and access to education, this article documents interpretive insights into the social and cultural dimensions of schooling through the narrative accounts of... more
In cities and towns across Canada, Indigenous girls are being hunted, harassed, and criminalized by local law enforcement agents and the Royal Canadian Mounted Police. These normalized outbreaks of state control, often punctuated by the... more
Post for #ItEndsHere Series of Indigenous Nationhood Movement in response to violence against Indigenous women, girls, and two-spirit people.