Books by Ujjawal K U M A R S I N G H Kushwaha
Speed Breeding: Space Inspired Plant Breeding for Crop Improvement, 2024
Speed breeding is a type of breeding method which is used to breed new varieties of crop faster a... more Speed breeding is a type of breeding method which is used to breed new varieties of crop faster and offer hope for global nutritional security. The initial framework was outlined by US National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) later on many researchers from various corners of the world are adopting and modifying the method to develop new varieties rapidly. Among the most basic ways that speed breeding can be carried out involves continuous illumination for up to 20-22 h of growing plants, so that the plants can continue photosynthesizing for a prolonged period of time and grow faster as a result. Generally, breeders need to put their material under several repeated cycles of evaluation but through the utilization of temperature and illumination control, etc. as in speed breeding, many generations can be handled in a unit year allowing enhancing the genetic per year efficiently.
Nature, 2022
An experiment was conducted to test the efficacy of grease and emamectin benzoate in a randomized... more An experiment was conducted to test the efficacy of grease and emamectin benzoate in a randomized complete block design with five replications to reduce fall armyworm, Spodoptera frugiperda (J.E. Smith) larvae load from a maize field in the winter seasons of 2020 and 2021 in Sarlahi, Nepal. Standard agronomic package of practices followed for crop proper growth and development, and plant spacing maintained at 20 × 60 cm 2 with a plot size of 390 m 2. The treatments were applied when the maize crop was at knee height and larvae damaged nearly 5-8% of the total plants. Emamectin benzoate sprayed at 0.4 g/liter of water and grease of about 0.15 g applied to the maize whorl or tip of a drooping leaf that touched the soil. A significant reduction in larval infestation was observed after 7-days of treatment applications. Fall armyworm larvae were found dead in the chemicalsprayed plots, but they were absent in the grease-applied fields. No crop damage was observed among the grease-treated plants, which might be due to restrictions in the movement of larvae on the maize crop. The armyworm larvae might get irritated, feel insecure, and move far away from the test plots searching for food materials. Thus, an eco-friendly material like grease can be used as an agroecological method for managing fall armyworm larvae among small-scale land-holding maize farmers.
खाद्य तथा औषधिजन्य वनस्पधतहरुमा नया ाँजात ववकास गने म्यानअुल (A Manual on Breeding Crops and Medicinal Plants), 2020
जडीबटी तथा स ु गक्षन्ित वनस्पधतहरुमा उन्नत जातका भ ु ेराइटीहरु ववकास गनश सक्र्दा यस िेरमा
लागेका ... more जडीबटी तथा स ु गक्षन्ित वनस्पधतहरुमा उन्नत जातका भ ु ेराइटीहरु ववकास गनश सक्र्दा यस िेरमा
लागेका कृषकहरुले बढी लाभ धलन सक्छन ।बजार मागको अवस्था मध्यनजर गरी उपलब्ि ्
जडीबटी तथा स ु गक्षन्ित वनस्पधतहरुमा भएका राम्रा ग ु णहरुलाई ववस्ताररत गर्दै व्यापक ख ु ेती तथा
व्यवसायीकरणको माध्यमबाट आधथशक ववकासमा समेत टेवा दर्दन सवकन्छ ।वनस्पधत ववभागले खेती
प्रववधि अनसन्िान तथा न ु पालको आधथशक ववकासका लाधग प्राथधमकतामा राख े ेका प्रजाधतहरुमा पधन
असल जातहरुको ववकास गने प्रववधिको अनसन्िान गन ु श आवश्यक छ । ु
क्षजल्ला क्षस्थत वनस्पधत अनसन्िान क ु ेन्रहरुले नेपालका ववधभन् न स्थानमा पाइने महत्वपूणश जडीबटी ु
तथा सगक्षन्ित वनस्पधतहरुको व ु िंशाण स्रोत स ु िंकलन, डोमेष्टीकेशन गरर भेराइटी ववकासका ववधिहरुको
अवलम्वन गरर भेराइटी ववकास कायशक्रमलाई सहज गराउनको लाधग ववज्ञको सहयोगमा यस
म्यानअल तयार गररएको छ।म्यान ु अल तयारीको लाधग ववज्ञता उपलब्ि गराउन ु हुनुे कृवष वनस्पधत
महाशाखा, नेपाल कृवष अनसन्िान पररषद् ु , खमलटार ु , लधलतपरका प्राववधिक अधिक ु ृत डा. उज्जवल
कुमार धसिंह कुशवाहालाई िन्यवार्द दर्दन चाहन्छु।यसैगरर यस म्यानअल प्रकाशनमा मागशधनर्देश गन ु शहुनुे
उपमहाधनर्देशक द्वय श्री केशव कुमार न्यौपाने र श्री मोहन र्देव जोशीप्रधत आभार व्यक्त गनश चाहन्छु
।यसैगरी म्यानअल तयारीको लाधग क्षजम्म ु ेवारी वहन गने जडीबटी प्रवर्द्शन तथा ववकास शाखाका ु
प्रमख श्री रघ ु राम पराज ु ली ु , सहायक वैज्ञाधनक अधिकृत श्री कृष्णराम भट्टराई र अधसष्टेन्ट वोटाधनष्ट
श्री सररता यार्दवलाई िन्यवार्द दर्दन चाहन्छु ।
अन्तमा यस म्यानअलल ु े वनस्पधत ववभागले सञ्चालन गर्दै आइरहेको जडीबटी ववकास कायशक्रम ु
अन्तगशत भेराइटी ववकास कायशक्रममा सफलता हात पानश सहयोग पयाशउन ु े अपेिा गर्दशछु ।
म्यानअलमा क ु ुनै रटी ह ु न गएमा यहााँहरुको उक्षचत स ु झावको अप ु ेिा गर्दशछु ।
Several recipes of black rice are discussed in this chapter. Along with this, different rice cook... more Several recipes of black rice are discussed in this chapter. Along with this, different rice cooking methodology like absorption, steaming, and boiling methods, serving criteria and its characteristics are also described briefly. Basic direction of absorption like rinsing, measuring, and simmering are mentioned. Black rice cooking methods and its characteristics are also discussed in detail.
This chapter discusses health benefits of black rice with different aspects of human health. Effe... more This chapter discusses health benefits of black rice with different aspects of human health. Effect of black rice consumption on human health with different aspects like enhances health and longevity, protects heart health, reduces atherosclerosis, controls hypertension, reduces stroke level in women, improves digestive system, anti-inflammatory action, reduces allergy, detoxifies the body, lipid profile improvement, reduces risk of diabetes, improves eye vision, helps in satiation and weight management, reduces growth of cancer, increases life span, protects from osteoporosis, enhances hair growth, reduces risk of asthma, acts as an antioxidants, acts as GABA rice, works as nature’s great superfood, and works as panacea for many diseases, which are described in detail. Suitable figures and illustrations are presented in appropriate places with full scientific evidences.
This chapter describes black rice varieties, typical characteristics of black rice and its cultiv... more This chapter describes black rice varieties, typical characteristics of black rice and its cultivation methods in detail. Several black rice varieties found in different parts of the world are listed. Full cultivation packages of black rice including seeding, nursery raising, field preparation, transplanting, fertilizer application, weeding, water management, disease and pest management, harvesting and threshing, post harvest losses, and storing are also discussed in detail. Disease and pest management practices are mentioned with appropriate figure. Different methods of rice cultivation and principle system of rice cultivation are also briefly described. In the same way, seedlings’ raising methods are also briefly mentioned.
This chapter describes the details about black rice application. The application of black rice in... more This chapter describes the details about black rice application. The application of black rice in food industry, pharmaceuticals, and other health products has been discussed. The potential use and application of black rice bran as a natural food coloring dye is mentioned in detail. A subtopic about future use of black rice tells why black rice is more essential in future among us. Black rice different products are illustrated in details with appropriate figure.
This chapter is specially focussed to describe worldwide economic importance of black rice. Why b... more This chapter is specially focussed to describe worldwide economic importance of black rice. Why black rice is very much economic and important to us is mentioned in this chapter. The benefits of cultivating black rice than other rices are also discussed here. Different applications of black rice like food decoration, noodles, and pudding making are also mentioned. The potential use of black rice bran extract or its pigments in food colouring is discussed. Use of artificial colourants and its replacement with black rice pigments are described in detail. Besides it application in food industry, black rice use in construction materials also have been summarised.
This chapter specially describes major differences (in terms of nutrient content, chemical compos... more This chapter specially describes major differences (in terms of nutrient content, chemical composition, color, and its wide application) among different rices particularly black, brown, and red rices. A detail comparison is presented among rough, brown, milled rice bran, and rice hull. A list of bioactive compounds present in rice bran is mentioned and nutrient content of long grained white rice is also provided. Similarly chemical analysis of black rice is provided. Major differences between brown and black rices like differences in calorie, carbohydrates, protein, fat, minerals, and antioxidant powers are also discussed in detail.
This chapter describes the nutrition profiles of black rice and its comparison to different rice ... more This chapter describes the nutrition profiles of black rice and its comparison to different rice types. Nutrition of different rice types and factor affecting rice nutrition are also discussed in detail. Similarly, chemicals present in black rice, anthocyanin profile and its biosynthesis, a major compound of black rice cyanidin-3-glucoside are discussed as well. Black rice preparations before consumption like washing, rinsing before cooking, parboiling, fermentation, and its effects on nutrition are also reported. Effects of rice cooking methodology on black rice anthocyanin content and their relations are mentioned in detail. In the same way, nutrient content of rice and its relation to degree of milling are also discussed. A detail paragraph is mentioned about aromatic chemistry of black rice.
This chapter specially describes the history of black rice. Writing the history of the black rice... more This chapter specially describes the history of black rice. Writing the history of the black rice is like looking for a needle in a haystack. Thus it is difficult to understand the history of black rice. Two approaches are applied here to describe history of black rice, i.e., scientific approach and mythological approach. Scientific approach is based on scientific facts, figures, and evidences whereas mythological approach is based on mythology, stories, and epics. The spread of black rice to different parts of world are also reported in brief.
A detail introduction of black rice with its background is included in this chapter. Chinese blac... more A detail introduction of black rice with its background is included in this chapter. Chinese black rice, forbidden rice and emperor’s rice are also introduced in brief. Similarly, black rice origin, its genetics, the process of domestication, and the cause of black colouring of grain have been discussed. The pathways of biosynthesis of anthocyanin and proanthocyanin are presented. Health benefits of black rice are described in brief. In the same way, the distinction and pecularity of black rice to other rices are mentioned and, reasons of popularity of black rice in present condition are also referred. Different cons, side effects and negatives of black rice is also discussed in brief. Since black rice is found in different parts of world, the ways of calling of black rice in different languages are also indexed in the last part of this chapter.
A detail introduction of rice along with its background is included in this chapter. Rice taxonom... more A detail introduction of rice along with its background is included in this chapter. Rice taxonomy, its scientific classification, rice genetics, and its domestication are also described in brief. Rice genomic classification and its distribution throughout the world are presented. Similarly, the condition required for rice growth, its cropping seasons, and rice grain structure are mentioned. Rice types are described based on different backgrounds such as grain size are: long, medium, and short grain rice. Similarly, based on rice taste, color, site of origin and aromas are: sweet brown, wehani, brown basmati, himalayan red, colusari, purple thai, Chinese black, sweet or waxy, aromatic and US arborio rice are described in brief with figure. Different rice forms like rough, brown, white, paraboiled, and precooked rice are also discussed.
The main purpose of this book is to introduce black rice to a wider circle of people. Although th... more The main purpose of this book is to introduce black rice to a wider circle of people. Although there have been research on different aspects of black rice, the information is scattered and not easily accessible to laypersons. The book intends to cover all the aspects of black rice from research, history, to its development. As such, the book will be suitable for both rice researchers and non-professionals who want to know more about this unique rice crop.
Black rice, also known as forbidden rice, is packed with high level of nutrients and antioxidants. The antioxidants found in black rice is higher than the blueberries (that contain highest amount of anthocyanins). Black rice is black due to anthocyanin content in the outer layer of its kernel. Legend tells that this rice was consumed only by royals in China and it was expected that this rice would increase life span of the king. Consumption of black rice without approval was hanged. Ordinary individuals were not allowed to consume black rice. Thus this rice is also known as forbidden rice and Emperor’s rice. Now this black heirloom rice is widely available in different parts of the world. Researchers have found that black rice reduce Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), the free radicals produced in the body which is the cause of many diseases. This rice also reduce diabetes, inflammation, heart attack, allergy and obesity; reduce the growth of cancer, improves digestive system and is panacea of many health problems. Thus this rice is also known as long life rice. Food nutritionists consider black rice as modern super foods. The cultivation method of black rice is similar to general rice cultivation practices. There are many varieties available in black rice which is of different Asian origin but Chinese black rice is the most famous among them. Black rice has a wide range of applications because its bran is used as a natural food colouring dye, and it is also used to prepare noodles, pasta, porridge, wine etc. This rice takes slightly longer time to cook than widely available white rice. In modern era, black rice serve as one of the best food materials available to us to maintain our health with regular physical exercise.
Papers by Ujjawal K U M A R S I N G H Kushwaha
Journal of Environmental Science and Allied Research, 2019
To characterize, compare and evaluate rice yields and its attributing traits, two-season experime... more To characterize, compare and evaluate rice yields and its attributing traits, two-season experimental trials were conducted in a randomized complete block design with a standard check Pant Dhan-4 in 2016 and 2017, respectively. The tested genotypes were statistically significant (p<0.05) based on traits such as days to flowering, days to maturity, number of effective tillers, panicle length, fertile and sterile grain number per plant and yield. The average grain yield of rice genotypes transplanted in 2016 (10153.85 kg/ha) was higher than 2017 (5598.38 kg/ha). The minimum night temperature during grain filling period in Kharif 2016 was lower than 2017 by as much as 3.41 0 C and we conclude that the elevated night temperature was detrimental to rice productivity. The yield increment in 2016 might be due to favourable weather conditions and ideal night temperature during the crop growth and development phase. The findings confirm that climate variables have significant effects on yields but these effects vary among rice genotypes. The results also reveal that the Pantnagar crop is severely affected by extreme temperature. Only four genotypes were found completely resistant to bacterial leaf blight during both years of the experiment. The resistant genotypes showing promising yields were selected for further evaluation.
Bagmati is the most important river of the Kathmandu valley. It is the symbol of civilization and... more Bagmati is the most important river of the Kathmandu valley. It is the symbol of civilization and watched sacred in Hindu religion. An assessment were done in 2012-2013 in five sites of Bagmati in Kathmandu valley which revealed that the river is totally polluted with bacteria, aquatic flora and fauna and with sewage. The main tributary of the river system, Bagmati has been destroyed by pollution, the water is black and poisonous, crawling with flies and contaminated with sewage. In absence of proper plans the river’s environment is under intense degradation for last couple of decades. The degradation thus depicts the degradation of the civilization within the river valley. Thus there is an urgent to address the river for its longer life both by public and government.
This book introduces black rice to a wider circle of interested parties. Although there have been... more This book introduces black rice to a wider circle of interested parties. Although there have been research on different aspects of black rice, the information is scattered and not easily accessible to laypersons. The book covers all the aspects of black rice from research, history, to its development. As such, the book is suitable for both rice researchers and non-professionals who want to know more about this unique rice crop. Black rice, also known as forbidden rice, is packed with high level of nutrients and antioxidants. The antioxidants found in black rice is higher than the blueberries (that contain highest amount of anthocyanins). Black rice is black due to anthocyanin content in the outer layer of its kernel. Legend tells that this rice was consumed only by royals in China and it was expected that this rice would increase life span of the king. Consumption of black rice without approval was hanged. Ordinary individuals were not allowed to consume black rice. Thus this rice i...
Ruhuna Journal of Science, 2020
Multi-environment testing helps to identify stable genotypes. The objective of this study was to ... more Multi-environment testing helps to identify stable genotypes. The objective of this study was to evaluate Chinese hybrid rice varieties for their grain yield and yield stability at different environments. The multilocation rice evaluation trials were conducted during summer seasons of 2017 and 2018 at five different environments, namely, Hardinath (Dhanusha), Kabre (Dolakha), Parwanipur (Bara), Khumaltar (Lalitpur) and Dhakaltar (Tanahun) in Nepal. Four hybrid rice varieties namely LPNBR1618, LPNBR1615, LPNBR1628 and LPNBR1632 (Standard check variety) were evaluated in a randomized complete block design with four replications in each location. The results indicated a significant (p<0.05) variation in grain yield among the genotypes at Hardinath, Khumaltar, and Kabre whereas they were non-significant for grain yield at Dhakaltar and Parwanipur. The combined analysis of variance indicated significant (p<0.05) effects of environment and genotype × environment (G x E) interactions on grain yield. The pooled data over locations and years showed that LPNBR1632 produced the highest grain yield (7.5 tons/ ha) followed by LPNBR 1618 (6.3 tons/ ha) in terai region (Hardinath and Parwanipur). Similarly, LPNBR1618 gave the highest grain yield (10.3 tons/ ha) followed by LPNBR1615 (9.5 tons/ ha) in mid hills region (Kabre, Khumaltar and Lumle). The genotypes LPNBR1615 (b=1.13), LPNBR1618 (b=1.19) and LPNBR1628 (b=1.15) had more than unity regression indicating the genotype's suitability towards favorable environments. GGE biplot showed genotype LPNBR1615 was stable genotype among all genotypes. This study suggests that LPNBR 1615 can be grown for higher grain yield production in terai and mid hills of Nepal.
Indonesian Journal of Agricultural Research, 2020
Stability analysis identifies the adaptation of a crop genotype in different environments. The ob... more Stability analysis identifies the adaptation of a crop genotype in different environments. The objective of this study was to evaluate promising rice genotypes for yield stability at different mid-hill environments of Nepal. The multilocation trials were conducted in 2017 and 2018 at three locations viz Lumle, Kaski; Pakhribas, Dhankuta; and Kabre, Dolakha. Seven rice genotypes namely NR11115-B-B-31-3, NR11139-B-B-B-13-3, NR10676-B-5-3, NR11011-B-B-B-B-29, NR11105-B-B-27, 08FAN10, and Khumal-4 were evaluated in each location. The experiment was laid out in a randomized complete block design with three replications. The rice genotype NR10676-B-5-3 produced the highest grain yield (6.72 t/ha) among all genotypes. The growing environmental factors (climate and soil conditions) affect the grain yield performance of rice genotypes. The variation in climatic factors greatly contributed to the variation in grain yield. Polygon view of genotypic main effect plus genotype-by-environment inte...
Books by Ujjawal K U M A R S I N G H Kushwaha
लागेका कृषकहरुले बढी लाभ धलन सक्छन ।बजार मागको अवस्था मध्यनजर गरी उपलब्ि ्
जडीबटी तथा स ु गक्षन्ित वनस्पधतहरुमा भएका राम्रा ग ु णहरुलाई ववस्ताररत गर्दै व्यापक ख ु ेती तथा
व्यवसायीकरणको माध्यमबाट आधथशक ववकासमा समेत टेवा दर्दन सवकन्छ ।वनस्पधत ववभागले खेती
प्रववधि अनसन्िान तथा न ु पालको आधथशक ववकासका लाधग प्राथधमकतामा राख े ेका प्रजाधतहरुमा पधन
असल जातहरुको ववकास गने प्रववधिको अनसन्िान गन ु श आवश्यक छ । ु
क्षजल्ला क्षस्थत वनस्पधत अनसन्िान क ु ेन्रहरुले नेपालका ववधभन् न स्थानमा पाइने महत्वपूणश जडीबटी ु
तथा सगक्षन्ित वनस्पधतहरुको व ु िंशाण स्रोत स ु िंकलन, डोमेष्टीकेशन गरर भेराइटी ववकासका ववधिहरुको
अवलम्वन गरर भेराइटी ववकास कायशक्रमलाई सहज गराउनको लाधग ववज्ञको सहयोगमा यस
म्यानअल तयार गररएको छ।म्यान ु अल तयारीको लाधग ववज्ञता उपलब्ि गराउन ु हुनुे कृवष वनस्पधत
महाशाखा, नेपाल कृवष अनसन्िान पररषद् ु , खमलटार ु , लधलतपरका प्राववधिक अधिक ु ृत डा. उज्जवल
कुमार धसिंह कुशवाहालाई िन्यवार्द दर्दन चाहन्छु।यसैगरर यस म्यानअल प्रकाशनमा मागशधनर्देश गन ु शहुनुे
उपमहाधनर्देशक द्वय श्री केशव कुमार न्यौपाने र श्री मोहन र्देव जोशीप्रधत आभार व्यक्त गनश चाहन्छु
।यसैगरी म्यानअल तयारीको लाधग क्षजम्म ु ेवारी वहन गने जडीबटी प्रवर्द्शन तथा ववकास शाखाका ु
प्रमख श्री रघ ु राम पराज ु ली ु , सहायक वैज्ञाधनक अधिकृत श्री कृष्णराम भट्टराई र अधसष्टेन्ट वोटाधनष्ट
श्री सररता यार्दवलाई िन्यवार्द दर्दन चाहन्छु ।
अन्तमा यस म्यानअलल ु े वनस्पधत ववभागले सञ्चालन गर्दै आइरहेको जडीबटी ववकास कायशक्रम ु
अन्तगशत भेराइटी ववकास कायशक्रममा सफलता हात पानश सहयोग पयाशउन ु े अपेिा गर्दशछु ।
म्यानअलमा क ु ुनै रटी ह ु न गएमा यहााँहरुको उक्षचत स ु झावको अप ु ेिा गर्दशछु ।
Black rice, also known as forbidden rice, is packed with high level of nutrients and antioxidants. The antioxidants found in black rice is higher than the blueberries (that contain highest amount of anthocyanins). Black rice is black due to anthocyanin content in the outer layer of its kernel. Legend tells that this rice was consumed only by royals in China and it was expected that this rice would increase life span of the king. Consumption of black rice without approval was hanged. Ordinary individuals were not allowed to consume black rice. Thus this rice is also known as forbidden rice and Emperor’s rice. Now this black heirloom rice is widely available in different parts of the world. Researchers have found that black rice reduce Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), the free radicals produced in the body which is the cause of many diseases. This rice also reduce diabetes, inflammation, heart attack, allergy and obesity; reduce the growth of cancer, improves digestive system and is panacea of many health problems. Thus this rice is also known as long life rice. Food nutritionists consider black rice as modern super foods. The cultivation method of black rice is similar to general rice cultivation practices. There are many varieties available in black rice which is of different Asian origin but Chinese black rice is the most famous among them. Black rice has a wide range of applications because its bran is used as a natural food colouring dye, and it is also used to prepare noodles, pasta, porridge, wine etc. This rice takes slightly longer time to cook than widely available white rice. In modern era, black rice serve as one of the best food materials available to us to maintain our health with regular physical exercise.
Papers by Ujjawal K U M A R S I N G H Kushwaha
लागेका कृषकहरुले बढी लाभ धलन सक्छन ।बजार मागको अवस्था मध्यनजर गरी उपलब्ि ्
जडीबटी तथा स ु गक्षन्ित वनस्पधतहरुमा भएका राम्रा ग ु णहरुलाई ववस्ताररत गर्दै व्यापक ख ु ेती तथा
व्यवसायीकरणको माध्यमबाट आधथशक ववकासमा समेत टेवा दर्दन सवकन्छ ।वनस्पधत ववभागले खेती
प्रववधि अनसन्िान तथा न ु पालको आधथशक ववकासका लाधग प्राथधमकतामा राख े ेका प्रजाधतहरुमा पधन
असल जातहरुको ववकास गने प्रववधिको अनसन्िान गन ु श आवश्यक छ । ु
क्षजल्ला क्षस्थत वनस्पधत अनसन्िान क ु ेन्रहरुले नेपालका ववधभन् न स्थानमा पाइने महत्वपूणश जडीबटी ु
तथा सगक्षन्ित वनस्पधतहरुको व ु िंशाण स्रोत स ु िंकलन, डोमेष्टीकेशन गरर भेराइटी ववकासका ववधिहरुको
अवलम्वन गरर भेराइटी ववकास कायशक्रमलाई सहज गराउनको लाधग ववज्ञको सहयोगमा यस
म्यानअल तयार गररएको छ।म्यान ु अल तयारीको लाधग ववज्ञता उपलब्ि गराउन ु हुनुे कृवष वनस्पधत
महाशाखा, नेपाल कृवष अनसन्िान पररषद् ु , खमलटार ु , लधलतपरका प्राववधिक अधिक ु ृत डा. उज्जवल
कुमार धसिंह कुशवाहालाई िन्यवार्द दर्दन चाहन्छु।यसैगरर यस म्यानअल प्रकाशनमा मागशधनर्देश गन ु शहुनुे
उपमहाधनर्देशक द्वय श्री केशव कुमार न्यौपाने र श्री मोहन र्देव जोशीप्रधत आभार व्यक्त गनश चाहन्छु
।यसैगरी म्यानअल तयारीको लाधग क्षजम्म ु ेवारी वहन गने जडीबटी प्रवर्द्शन तथा ववकास शाखाका ु
प्रमख श्री रघ ु राम पराज ु ली ु , सहायक वैज्ञाधनक अधिकृत श्री कृष्णराम भट्टराई र अधसष्टेन्ट वोटाधनष्ट
श्री सररता यार्दवलाई िन्यवार्द दर्दन चाहन्छु ।
अन्तमा यस म्यानअलल ु े वनस्पधत ववभागले सञ्चालन गर्दै आइरहेको जडीबटी ववकास कायशक्रम ु
अन्तगशत भेराइटी ववकास कायशक्रममा सफलता हात पानश सहयोग पयाशउन ु े अपेिा गर्दशछु ।
म्यानअलमा क ु ुनै रटी ह ु न गएमा यहााँहरुको उक्षचत स ु झावको अप ु ेिा गर्दशछु ।
Black rice, also known as forbidden rice, is packed with high level of nutrients and antioxidants. The antioxidants found in black rice is higher than the blueberries (that contain highest amount of anthocyanins). Black rice is black due to anthocyanin content in the outer layer of its kernel. Legend tells that this rice was consumed only by royals in China and it was expected that this rice would increase life span of the king. Consumption of black rice without approval was hanged. Ordinary individuals were not allowed to consume black rice. Thus this rice is also known as forbidden rice and Emperor’s rice. Now this black heirloom rice is widely available in different parts of the world. Researchers have found that black rice reduce Reactive Oxygen Species (ROS), the free radicals produced in the body which is the cause of many diseases. This rice also reduce diabetes, inflammation, heart attack, allergy and obesity; reduce the growth of cancer, improves digestive system and is panacea of many health problems. Thus this rice is also known as long life rice. Food nutritionists consider black rice as modern super foods. The cultivation method of black rice is similar to general rice cultivation practices. There are many varieties available in black rice which is of different Asian origin but Chinese black rice is the most famous among them. Black rice has a wide range of applications because its bran is used as a natural food colouring dye, and it is also used to prepare noodles, pasta, porridge, wine etc. This rice takes slightly longer time to cook than widely available white rice. In modern era, black rice serve as one of the best food materials available to us to maintain our health with regular physical exercise.
the world because of its high health benefits. Thus, it is clear
that people want to know more about black rice, but no books
are available yet. People are curious to know more about black
rice. Therefore in the coming days, the demand of this book will
increase. Many people and researchers will benefit from studying
it and this book will work as a reference for further research.
“Black Rice: Research, History and Development” is published
from Springer International Publishing and authorized by UKS
Kushwaha. This book introduces black rice to a wider circle of
blast both in 2013 and 2014. Whereas most of the genotypes were found susceptible and highly susceptible to neck blast in both year. Only three genotypes NR 10757-8-1-3-1, NR 11082-B-B-16
and 08FAN10 from farmer's field trial were found moderately resistant to neck blast in 2014 and these genotypes were found moderately susceptible in 2013.
kg/ha), SUWEON 304 (SOBAEGBYEO) (9913 kg/ha), 95091-TR 1725-1-1-3 (1545 kg/ha), 99009-TR 1976-2-2-1 (2216 kg/ha), 99052-TR 2019-1-2-1 (1234 kg/ha) and 97027-TR 1847-1-1-2 (1494 kg/ha) were selected in 2012 for high hills observation nursery. Similarly, an initial yield trial (IET) consisting of 22 genotypes along with Khumal-4 as a standard check was conducted in Khumaltar, Lalitpur with three replication in 2012 and 2013. Different major rice traits like yield, days to maturity, days to flowering, 1000 grain weight, plant height,
grains per panicle, panicle length, straw yield and harvest index were measured and analysed. Genotypes that were high yielding than check and blast resistance were considered for further varietal trials. Three genotypes YR25696-B-196-3-3 (6982 kg/ha), NR11011-B-B-B-B-29(6955 kg/ha) and NR 11050-B-B-B-B-17 (7368 kg/ha) were selected for coordinated varietal trial for 2013. Similarly, five genotypes08FAN2 (7574 kg/ha), NR11105-B-B-34 (7996 kg/ha), NR11052-B-B-B-B-66 (7627 kg/ha), NR11105-B-B-27(7697 kg/ha) and NR11082-B-B-B-5-3 (7498 kg/ha) were selected for coordinated varietal trial for 2014. Standard check Khumal-4 yielded 5345 kg/ha in 2012 and 6949 kg/ha in 2013 respectively. The selected genotypes were further tested in different environments in mid hill region of Nepal.
both years.SwarnaSub-1 recorded the highest grain yield of 3098 kg/ha in 2013 and 4068 kg/ha in 2014. The highest grain yields of 3238 and 4483 kg/ha were in found when 25 days old seedling were transplanted in 2013 and 2014, respectively. Grain yield was found decreasing upto 25 to 30%, while increasing seedling age from 35 to 55 days. The analysis also revealed that interaction effect of varieties and age of seedlings was found significant in 2014. The findings showed that 25 days of old seedlings can be recommended to the farmers for transplanting rice.
Botany Division, Khumaltar in delayed planting (coinciding reproductive stage cold infestation to high hills environment) and Agriculture Research Station, Jumla in normal planting to evaluate rice genotypes for high hill regions of Nepal in 2012 and 2013. All the agronomic practices were done as per recommended practices. Days to flowering, days to maturity, plant height, panicle length, grain per panicle, grain weight and harvest index were measured. Ten genotypes along with Chandannath-3 as a standard check were planted in Khumaltar
in 2012. Maximum grain yield was obtained in NR 10906-B-B-2-3 (4267 kg/ha) followed by NR 10682-B-B-B-2 (4161 kg/ha) and STEJAREE 45 (3899 kg/ha). Early maturity was found in STEJAREE 45 (120 days) and NR 10682-B-B-B-2 (122 days). NR 10906-B-B-2-3 (129 cm) was the tallest among all followed by NR 10859-1-7-2-1(127 cm) and NR 10682-B-B-B-2 (125 cm). Similarly, panicle length was longest in Skuat-337 (25 cm)
followed by NR 10695-B-B-B-5-1 (24 cm) and NR 10906-B-B-2-3 (22 cm). In the same way, twelve genotypes of rice were planted in Khumaltar including two checks; Chandannath-3 and Jumli Marsi and eleven genotypes in Jumla excluding Jumli Marsi and remaining genotypes were same as in Khumaltar 2013. Average maximum grain yield was found in NR 10682-B-B-B-2 (4424 kg/ha) followed by NR 10682-B-B-B-3 (4165 kg/ha) and NR 10859-1-7-2-1 (3985 kg/ha). Most early duration genotypes were NR 10906-B-B-2-3 and NR 10479-B-33-2-1-1 (140 days). NR 10479-B-33-2-1-1 (131 cm) was tallest followed by NR 10859-1-7-2-1(123 cm) and NR 10682-B-B-B-2 (119 cm). Similarly, panicle length was longest in NR 10859-1-7-2-1(24 cm) followed by NR
10695-B-B-B-5-1(23 cm) and NR 10906-B-B-2-3 (23 cm).Combined results for 2012 and 2013 showed that NR 10682-B-B-B-2 (4336 kg/ha) had maximum grain yield followed by NR 10682-B-B-B-3 (4068 kg/ha) and NR 10859-1-7-2-1 (3907 kg/ha).These results indicated that the identified three genotypes could be the ideal cultivars in the coming years for high hill environment of Nepal.The combined analysis of high hills farmer's field trial for 2012 and 2013 in Khumaltar location showed NR 10695-B-B-B-5-3 (3585 kg/ha) and NR 10481-B-11-1-11 (2181 kg/ha) were high yielder than ChandanNath 3 and preferred by farmers indicating as suitable genotypes for release in high hills.