Half Perc
oil on hardboard panel
12'' x 12"
12'' x 12"
My plan was to complete two more paintings for the October show at Anne Irwin Fine Art, but alas, "the best laid schemes o' mice and men, gang aft agley". Time just ran out, so this will be the final piece. Eleven paintings is not too bad actually, considering the brief amount of time I had to get ready. I've done this "half perc" before for ebay in a much smaller format. It was nice this time to paint it larger, and include the wonderful deco engraving on the front. Now, I'll get busy on some new ebay paintings, and once those are all on the auction block I'll be working on photography. I've been actively procuring new items from ebay for future paintings, and I'm looking forward to some fresh compositions, and a few new subjects.