Papers by Elena Merino Gómez
Sustainable Futures, 2020
The Belt and Road Initiative has tremendously increased the interaction of China with the countri... more The Belt and Road Initiative has tremendously increased the interaction of China with the countries involved, pushing forward the integration and comparative phase, based on the main factors affecting the energy, environmental and development scenarios. The indicators of this process are strictly related to the environmental sustainability of projects and infrastructural initiatives which entail aspects regarding climate change, environmental impact, transport management, urbanization and effective utilization of energy. Through this osmotic program, which the Chinese government said in 2013 would be executed from east to west, the contributions Western countries may make to maximize the common efforts are foreseeably very important for the success of the whole BRI and, indirectly, for the harmonization of the very rapid Chinese growth. China held the first position in 2014 for electricity generation (5388 billion kwh/h) and coal production (4.27 billion short tons/year), as well as the second position for petroleum consumption. On the other hand, carbon dioxide emissions were 1.8 times those of the USA in 2015, and transport, urbanization and energy intensity still struggle to attain optimal levels. The quality of productive sectors, research and universities is still low in the world ranking, despite the huge efforts of the Chinese, due to a still slow and cumbersome internationalization process. This article aims to integrate the numerous excellent studies published in the last few years on sustainable development and energy effectiveness within the BRI (Table 1 provides some specific references), by carrying out a systematic analysis of the Chinese energy, environmental and sustainable landscape from a Western perspective, breaking the main areas of the Chinese scenario down into its components and identifying those where the contributions of Western countries can support the gaps coverage. In this respect, the change of viewpoint provided by this study may be beneficial to properly balance the BRI perspective along the east-west axis.
TRIA-International Journal of Urban PLanning, 2019
Alexander Brodsky is a Muscovite architect who has developed his activity on the border between h... more Alexander Brodsky is a Muscovite architect who has developed his activity on the border between his discipline and art. After having developed a remarkable career together with his partner Ilya Utkin in which they performed some of the most relevant works of the so-called Paper Architecture, he began an independent journey. Within the whole of his work we will study six interventions that, sharing some resources, attend to different dynamics of urban and territorial transformation. The selected works are framed between 2001 and 2017 and their titles are as follows: 95th Restaurant, Ice Pavilion, “Cloud Café”, Pavilion for Vodka Ceremonies, Rotunda and “101st km: Further and Everywhere” Pavilion. All of them, except the last one that was implanted in London, located in Russia. All these interventions present a constructive precariousness and a programmed temporality that defines an ephemeral destiny. These pavilions refer us to different informal settlements that are located in the vicinity of Moscow and that, habitually, have been self-built by their users. Although, formally, they present similarities, from a functional point of view, we find substantial differences: a group of them seeks to meet simple needs of citizens who enjoy certain territories, almost-wild, and another materializes and satisfies experiences of transcendental order and iconic All of them have been able to reprogram certain contexts in a relevant way during periods limited in time.
Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica EGA, 2018
Sin título (serie Paisajes). Aguada a la tinta con grafito sobre papel Aquari hecho a mano 500g/m... more Sin título (serie Paisajes). Aguada a la tinta con grafito sobre papel Aquari hecho a mano 500g/m2, 100% algodón. 100x150 cm. Serie 2, diciembre 2017
Expresión Gráfica Arquitectónica, 2018
Arte y Ciudad, 2018
El espacio público es el lugar de representación de los ciudadanos y su forma determina las condu... more El espacio público es el lugar de representación de los ciudadanos y su forma determina las conductas y las relaciones sociales que se dan en su seno. Este es el punto de partida del proceso de participación que se ha desarrollado para la transformación de un espacio con carácter de periferia interna en Tetuán, Madrid. Se ha buscado la singularización y la creación de identidad a través de una intervención mural de la mano del colectivo Boa Mistura, que ha jugado el papel de agente mediador entre los intereses públicos y la forma de materializarlos: un arte urbano participativo. El espacio configura la base material de las relaciones y su construcción en un proceso colectivo con agentes de diferente origen y condición (vecinos, niños, migrantes, etc.) supone un ejemplo de la transformación actual del espacio público donde se observa la complejidad creciente en el proceso de toma de decisiones. ALEXANDRA DELGADO-JIMÉNEZ -FERNANDO MORAL -ELENA MERINO ____________________________________________________________________________________ 58 Arte y Ciudad -Revista de Investigación Nº 13 -Abril de 2018
El objetivo de este trabajo es mostrar cómo la potencia visual de las cartografías urbanas tridim... more El objetivo de este trabajo es mostrar cómo la potencia visual de las cartografías urbanas tridimensionales impidió su desaparición cuando todos los signos evolutivos relativos a los códigos de la representación gráfica de las ciudades auguraban lo contrario. La representación volumétrica de la ciudad, que durante el paréntesis medieval no fue más que el producto de la limitación científica, parecía condenada a extinguirse a medida que se describían los principios matemáticos y topográficos que ordenan la representación icnográfica. Sin embargo, la legibilidad inmediata que permite la representación tridimensional unida a su incontestable belleza contribuyó a prorrogar en el tiempo un modo de representación que ha pervivido hasta la actualidad. Palabras clave: cartografía urbana. códigos de rePresentación. rePresentación icnográfica. rePresentación tridimensional. transformación
(2015). The Representation of Caryatids in Vitruvius: Iconographic and Architectural Fortune. Arte y Ciudad, 8: 163-180
Resumen El objeto de este trabajo es mostrar la fortuna icónica del modelo de las cariátides, des... more Resumen El objeto de este trabajo es mostrar la fortuna icónica del modelo de las cariátides, desde que estas son por primera vez representadas para el Vitruvio por Fra Giocondo da Verona. Su decisión y modo de ilustración condiciona la producción iconográfica posterior, que opera interacciones constantes con las versiones sucesivas de la tratadística vitruviana. Las variaciones del modelo están determinadas por conocimientos arquitectónicos directos, hallazgos, vestigios arqueológicos e interpretaciones textuales, todo ello aderezado, en muchos casos, por el ingenio creativo de sus autores. Las distintas soluciones gráficas al tipo de las cariátides a lo largo del siglo XVI, se reflejarán en las representaciones que ilustran las traducciones a otras lenguas europeas en períodos posteriores. En virtud de la permanencia en el tiempo de la obra de Vitruvio y de su difusión geográfica es posible definir rasgos de evolución y características formales peculiares dependiendo del contexto de producción.
Based on the exhaustive survey of the tower belonging to the parochial church of Sinlaba... more ABSTRACT
Based on the exhaustive survey of the tower belonging to the parochial church of Sinlabajos and on the analysis of the different consecutive layers of its different constructive phases, it has been possible to show a pathological history which determines a series of interventions and repairs throughout the centuries. These interventions have even involved some elements of the adjacent temple.
The thorough study of the changes and repairs of the tower is made clear by the graphical differentiation of the materials employed, both in the original building and in the successive actuations, always leading to secure a building whose problems of stability keep on compromising its integrity nowadays.
As well as the material analysis, the documentary research has permitted to corroborate some of the hypotheses of our work and has enabled us to understand the mechanisms of the urgency interventions over heritage, at least in which concerns to the last three centuries. It has been possible to determine the previously occurred facts just by means of observing the building, which we consider our material source of data.
Conference Presentations by Elena Merino Gómez
The present work has as object of study the medieval tower of San Nicolás, in Madrigal de las Alt... more The present work has as object of study the medieval tower of San Nicolás, in Madrigal de las Altas Torres, Avila (Spain), a building of uncertain chronology hidden in a later construction of early Renaissance period. We offer new graphic documentation which provides data to complete the typological analysis of the primitive tower and establish the formal relationships that allow us to identify its original proportions, the constructive limits between the medieval and Renaissance tower and gather new elements of judgment to identify the dates of construction of both interventions.
The paper offers an original research about the analysis and the comparison of different techniqu... more The paper offers an original research about the analysis and the comparison of different techniques of survey concerning the architectural field – image-based and range-based – throughout the development of the theory of errors in order to evaluate reliability and precision of the results. In particular, this analysis will be focused on the tower of the parochial Church of Santa Águeda, a building located in the small village of Sotillo de la Ribera, within the province of Burgos (Spain). The first part of this work, therefore, has been submitted to the implementation of different methodologies, from the direct survey used as a basis, to the procedure to represent graphically the results (elevation, orthophoto and 3D model). The second phase, better illustrated here, deals with the validation of everything taken into account in order to evaluate the reliability and the precision of the graphics generated by means of traditional survey, photogrammetric survey and laser scanner.
Based on the exhaustive survey of the tower belonging to the parochial church of Sinlabajos and o... more Based on the exhaustive survey of the tower belonging to the parochial church of Sinlabajos and on the analysis of the different consecutive layers of its different constructive phases, it has been possible to show a pathological history which determines a series of interventions and repairs throughout the centuries. These interventions have even involved some elements of the adjacent temple. The thorough study of the changes and repairs of the tower is made clear by the graphical differentiation of the materials employed, both in the original building and in the successive actuations, always leading to secure a building whose problems of stability keep on compromising its integrity nowadays. As well as the material analysis, the documentary research has permitted to corroborate some of the hypotheses of our work and has enabled us to understand the mechanisms of the urgency interventions over heritage, at least in which concerns to the last three centuries. It has been possible to determine the previously occurred facts just by means of observing the building, which we consider our material source of data.
Congreso Internacional sobre Documentación, Restauración y Reutilización del Patrimonio Arquitect... more Congreso Internacional sobre Documentación, Restauración y Reutilización del Patrimonio Arquitectónico ReUSO. Madrid, junio de 2013. Tomo III. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid y Universidad de Florencia, pp. 47-53. ISBN: 978-84-15321-76-7. 1 ANÁLISIS DEL ESTADO ACTUAL El edificio cuyo análisis se aborda en esta comunicación pertenece a la tipología de torres medievales erigidas al sur del Duero con doble cámara abovedada y escaleras embebidas en los muros.
Books by Elena Merino Gómez
This work is based on the observation of the concomitance between two urban interventions in whic... more This work is based on the observation of the concomitance between two urban interventions in which vegetation and the treatment of water-related spaces play a fundamental role in shaping the consolidated urban centers of Padua (Italy) and Moscow (Russia). The present relations between two interventions as far back in time as the neoclassical Prato della Valle of Andrea Memmo, in Padua, and the still in process of implantation Zaryadye Park, in Moscow, are connected with the eternal return to the classic idea of rus in urbe, that, although preserving the ideological essence of landscaping the cities, has served different purposes throughout history: from the consolation of nostalgia for Roman peasant origin (Albardonedo, 2015, p. 443) to the consideration of m2 Green areas per inhabitant as a healthy urban indicator by the World Health Organization (WHO, 2012, p. 3). The attenuation of the heat island effect of densely populated nuclei or the capacity of CO2 sequestration mitigates, by processes which involve age-old precepts, fully contemporary questions. The existence of public spaces in urban territory finds far precedents in the Rome of the Empire (García Lorca, 2002, p. 106), when rulers and benefactors of diverse nature made public promotion of their prodigality through works enjoyable by all citizens. Throughout the Middle Ages, the confinement of urban layouts within the walls, the scarcity of open public spaces, beyond those in which markets were celebrated, coupled with the consequences of the distribution of property inherent to feudal structure, prevented, among other causes, the planning of public areas of a certain extent that would alleviate the city's congestion of that period. The green areas of the medieval city were restricted to the domestic gardens inside some privileged dwellings and to small-scale gardens cloistered inside convents and palaces (Rodríguez-Avial Llardent, 1980, p. 16). It will be necessary to bridge over the medieval interlude to find new examples of spaces for the enjoyment of the common people on European soil. The dominant medieval tendency that tended to fill the cities survived even in the ideas of egregious Renaissance architects such as Alberti or Palladio, who continued to conceive the city as a " completely built place " (Lawrence, 2008, p. 20). The existence of green spaces open to the public in urban environments, as we know them today, is a relatively modern phenomenon, since the first examples on European soil go back to the middle of the sixteenth century, related to the arboreal conditioning in areas tangential to the urban nuclei. In these first interventions, the utilitarian ends prevail over the sustainable ones and have nothing to do with the exercises of the later romantic urbanism that will purposely pursue, as a fundamental objective, the introduction of the nature in the city.
Papers by Elena Merino Gómez
Based on the exhaustive survey of the tower belonging to the parochial church of Sinlabajos and on the analysis of the different consecutive layers of its different constructive phases, it has been possible to show a pathological history which determines a series of interventions and repairs throughout the centuries. These interventions have even involved some elements of the adjacent temple.
The thorough study of the changes and repairs of the tower is made clear by the graphical differentiation of the materials employed, both in the original building and in the successive actuations, always leading to secure a building whose problems of stability keep on compromising its integrity nowadays.
As well as the material analysis, the documentary research has permitted to corroborate some of the hypotheses of our work and has enabled us to understand the mechanisms of the urgency interventions over heritage, at least in which concerns to the last three centuries. It has been possible to determine the previously occurred facts just by means of observing the building, which we consider our material source of data.
Conference Presentations by Elena Merino Gómez
Books by Elena Merino Gómez
Based on the exhaustive survey of the tower belonging to the parochial church of Sinlabajos and on the analysis of the different consecutive layers of its different constructive phases, it has been possible to show a pathological history which determines a series of interventions and repairs throughout the centuries. These interventions have even involved some elements of the adjacent temple.
The thorough study of the changes and repairs of the tower is made clear by the graphical differentiation of the materials employed, both in the original building and in the successive actuations, always leading to secure a building whose problems of stability keep on compromising its integrity nowadays.
As well as the material analysis, the documentary research has permitted to corroborate some of the hypotheses of our work and has enabled us to understand the mechanisms of the urgency interventions over heritage, at least in which concerns to the last three centuries. It has been possible to determine the previously occurred facts just by means of observing the building, which we consider our material source of data.
Este estudio pretende determinar si existen diferencias en los patrones de selección de las formas pronominales tú/usted entre las realizaciones de nativos españoles y las de aprendientes extranjeros de español en un mismo contexto geográfico, temporal y sociológico. El trabajo evaluará la magnitud de las previsibles distancias y tratará de establecer cuál es la causa de las mismas, con el objeto de extraer consecuencias didácticas que mejoren el proceso de adquisición por parte de los estudiantes de ELE.