Conference Presentations by Jesús Domínguez Castillo
This paper presents the theoretical framework, application and final outcomes of a pilot test des... more This paper presents the theoretical framework, application and final outcomes of a pilot test designed as a possible model for assessing students' historical thinking in Secondary Education. It is based both on widely accepted historical thinking concepts and on the assessment framework developed by PISA. The test tries to assess what could be named as the three major competences in history: "explain historically", "use of sources as historical evidence" and "understanding the features of historical knowledge". It includes several stimuli (texts, images…) and a total of 39 items. The field trial of the test was applied to a convenience sample of 893 10th and 11th grade students, aged 16 to 18 years. Their answers were analysed statistically according to the Item Response Theory (IRT), and the results uphold the validity and reliability of the test instrument. The IRT analysis also enables us to take a first step towards defining levels of achievement and progress for the learning and acquisition of those competences. One implication of note of this research is the possible adoption of this model for assessing history, based both on applied content knowledge and historical thinking concepts and skills. Such a model of assessment would also stimulate more active, problem-based and motivating teaching approaches.
Competencies, Historical thinking, Assessment, Pilot study, Item Response Theory (IRT), Educational research
How to Cite:
Domínguez-Castillo, J., Arias-Ferrer, L., Sánchez-Ibáñez, R., Egea-Vivancos, A., García-Crespo, F. J., & Miralles-Martínez, P. (2021). A competence-based test to assess historical thinking in secondary education: Design, application, and validation. Historical Encounters, 8(1), 30-45.
Historical Encounters, 8(1), 30-45, 2021
This paper presents the theoretical framework, application and final outcomes of a pilot test des... more This paper presents the theoretical framework, application and final outcomes of a pilot test designed as a possible model for assessing students' historical thinking in Secondary Education. It is based both on widely accepted historical thinking concepts and on the assessment framework developed by PISA. The test tries to assess what could be named as the three major competences in history: "explain historically", "use of sources as historical evidence" and "understanding the features of historical knowledge". It includes several stimuli (texts, images…) and a total of 39 items. The field trial of the test was applied to a convenience sample of 893 10 th and 11 th grade students, aged 16 to 18 years. Their answers were analysed statistically according to the Item Response Theory (IRT), and the results uphold the validity and reliability of the test instrument. The IRT analysis also enables us to take a first step towards defining levels of achievement and progress for the learning and acquisition of those competences. One implication of note of this research is the possible adoption of this model for assessing history, based both on applied content knowledge and historical thinking concepts and skills. Such a model of assessment would also stimulate more active, problem-based and motivating teaching approaches.
Jesús Domínguez (Univ. Nebrija) and Ramón L. Facal (Univ. Santiago de Compostela)
A tentative fr... more Jesús Domínguez (Univ. Nebrija) and Ramón L. Facal (Univ. Santiago de Compostela)
A tentative framework for an assessment study on European History (*)
Key words: Diagnostic large-scale assessment, Historical thinking, Historical consciousness, Historical competences, Evidence, Causation, Empathy, Change and continuity, Accounts.
Our aim is to develop a tentative framework for a future assessment study on European history. Aimed to assess both historical content knowledge and historical thinking and consciousness skills, that study could develop and foster young students’ European and world citizenship, as a tool to face present and future uncertainties in our global world. The study is conceived as a sample diagnostic survey, in line with the majority of current large-scale assessment studies (i.e. PISA, ICCS).
The corresponding test would be based on unknown stimulus material (excerpts of mostly primary sources) presenting students with genuine problems of historical interpretation and reflection. These problems and episodes will deal with central issues selected from the major topics in 20th C European History (see a. below). Assessment items (multiple-choice, short answers questions, etc.) will require students to apply historical thinking skills and consciousness derived from the following ‘Historical competences’:
a. Apply historical content knowledge to unknown particular events in European History. Two parts in this content knowledge:
- A chronological frame of reference of the last three hundred years.
- Contextualized knowledge on major topics in 20th C European History such as:
- Europe at War 1900-1945 (1st and 2nd World Wars)
- Europe and the Cold War (1945-1991)
- The process of European integration (1949-2016)
b. Reflect on historical accounts and historical consciousness (Temporal orientation). Items for this reflection will focus on:
- Contrasting historical accounts on European troubled pasts.
- Past into future: What can we learn from the past?
c. Use sources as evidence. Items for this competence will assess among others, the following skills:
- Reading skills (retrieve information, make inferences...)
- Historiography skills (sourcing, cross-checking…)
d. Understand the logic of historical knowledge. Items for this competence should assess skills related to central concepts of the discipline such as:
- Causal explanation
- Perspective taking (historical empathy),
- Time, change and continuity.
- Domínguez, J. (2015): Pensamiento histórico y evaluación de competencias,.Barcelona: Graó.
- Eliasson, P. et alii (2015): Historical Consciousness and Historical Thinking Reflected in Large-Scale Assessment in Sweeden. In Ercikan, K. and Seixas, P. Eds. (Ed.): New Directions in Assessing Historical Thinking. New York: Routledge, 171-182.
- Seixas, P., Gibson, L. and Ercikan, K. (2015): A Design Process for Assessing Historical Thinking, in Ercikan, K. and Seixas, P. (Eds.), 102-116.
- Willschut, A. (2015): Testing Frame of Reference Knowledge in National Examinations: Report on an Experiment in the Netherlands. In Chapman, A. and Wilschut, A.: Joined-up History. New Directions in History Education Research. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, 85-112
Papers (Teaching Social Science) by Jesús Domínguez Castillo
Esta comunicación analiza el estudio piloto y primeros resultados de una prueba de historia que ... more Esta comunicación analiza el estudio piloto y primeros resultados de una prueba de historia que ha sido concebida y diseñada como posible modelo para evaluar las competencias de pensamiento histórico del alumnado de secundaria obligatoria. El estudio piloto se ha realizado en dos fases en las que han participado en torno a 800 alumnos al acabar la ESO. Los resultados de la primera fase, con las respuestas de 316 estudiantes analizadas estadísticamente siguiendo la Teoría de Respuesta al Ítem (TRI), nos hacen confiar en que la prueba sea un instrumento adecuado para evaluar dicho pensamiento histórico y para distinguir escalas de niveles de logro en las distintas competencias históricas. //
This paper analyzes the pilot study and first results of a test of history that has been conceived and designed as a possible model to assess historical thinking skills of students in compulsory secondary education. The pilot study was conducted in two phases which have involved around 800 students in their last year of compulsory education. The results of the first phase, with 316 students’ answers that have been analyzed statistically according to the Item Response Theory (IRT), allow us to expect that the test can be an appropriate tool to assess students’ historical thinking and to distinguish scales of levels of achievement in the different historical competences.
Papers (Teaching History) by Jesús Domínguez Castillo
Historical Encounters, 2021
This paper presents the theoretical framework, application and final outcomes of a pilot test des... more This paper presents the theoretical framework, application and final outcomes of a pilot test designed as a possible model for assessing students' historical thinking in Secondary Education. It is based both on widely accepted historical thinking concepts and on the assessment framework developed by PISA. The test tries to assess what could be named as the three major competences in history: "explain historically", "use of sources as historical evidence" and "understanding the features of historical knowledge". It includes several stimuli (texts, images…) and a total of 39 items. The field trial of the test was applied to a convenience sample of 893 10 th and 11 th grade students, aged 16 to 18 years. Their answers were analysed statistically according to the Item Response Theory (IRT), and the results uphold the validity and reliability of the test instrument. The IRT analysis also enables us to take a first step towards defining levels of achievement and progress for the learning and acquisition of those competences. One implication of note of this research is the possible adoption of this model for assessing history, based both on applied content knowledge and historical thinking concepts and skills. Such a model of assessment would also stimulate more active, problem-based and motivating teaching approaches.
Papers by Jesús Domínguez Castillo
History and Social Studies – Methodologies of Textbook Analysis, 2022
Clío & Asociados. La historia enseñada, 2017
Este artículo analiza el estudio piloto y primeros resultados de una prueba de historia que ha si... more Este artículo analiza el estudio piloto y primeros resultados de una prueba de historia que ha sido concebida y diseñada como posible modelo para evaluar las competencias de pensamiento histórico del alumnado al finalizar la etapa de secundaria obligatoria. El artículo hace una breve exposición del marco teórico del estudio y explica cómo pueden concretarse en destrezas evaluables los conceptos de pensamiento histórico, como el de empatía. El estudio piloto se ha realizado en dos fases en las que han participado en torno a 800 alumnos de entre 16 y 18 años. Los resultados de la primera fase, con las respuestas de 316 estudiantes analizadas estadísticamente siguiendo la Teoría de Respuesta al Ítem (TRI), nos hacen confiar en que la prueba sea un instrumento adecuado para evaluar dicho pensamiento histórico y para distinguir escalas de niveles de logro en las distintas competencias históricas.
Ensinar E Aprender Historia Na Educacion Secundaria 1994 Isbn 84 8121 191 5 Pags 61 104, 1994
La Geografia Y La Historia Dentro De Las Ciencias Sociales Hacia Un Curriculum Integrado 1987 Isbn 84 369 1343 4 Pags 231 246, 1987
Iber Didactica De Las Ciencias Sociales Geografia E Historia, 2013
International Review of History Education, 2013
Enseñanza de la historia y competencias educativas, 2017, ISBN 978-84-9980-812-3, págs. 23-48, 2017
En los ultimos anos estoy trabajando sobre un posible marco para la evaluacion competencial del p... more En los ultimos anos estoy trabajando sobre un posible marco para la evaluacion competencial del pensamiento historico ( historical thinking ) y su concrecion en un modelo de prueba como instrumento para llevar tal evaluacion a la practica (Dominguez, 2015). Desde 2014, en el marco de los proyectos de investigacion de la USC y la UM sobre competencias sociales y su evaluacion, hemos podido disenar ese modelo de prueba y realizar un estudio piloto para evaluarla como instrumento adecuado a ese fin. Los resultados de ese estudio piloto, que actualmente se estan analizando, permiten avanzar que una prueba de ese tipo puede ser un buen instrumento para evaluar el pensamiento historico del alumnado al terminar la ESO. Esta comunicacion se plantea avanzar un paso mas y completar el trabajo realizado hasta ahora, a fin de incorporar la conciencia historica como nueva competencia en el marco para la evaluacion de la historia, y explorar posibles destrezas e items que permitan evaluar tal com...
Historical Encounters: A journal of historical consciousness, historical cultures, and history education, 2021
This paper presents the theoretical framework, application and final outcomes of a pilot test des... more This paper presents the theoretical framework, application and final outcomes of a pilot test designed as a possible model for assessing students' historical thinking in Secondary Education. It is based both on widely accepted historical thinking concepts and on the assessment framework developed by PISA. The test tries to assess what could be named as the three major competences in history: "explain historically", "use of sources as historical evidence" and "understanding the features of historical knowledge". It includes several stimuli (texts, images…) and a total of 39 items. The field trial of the test was applied to a convenience sample of 893 10th and 11th grade students, aged 16 to 18 years. Their answers were analysed statistically according to the Item Response Theory (IRT), and the results uphold the validity and reliability of the test instrument. The IRT analysis also enables us to take a first step towards defining levels of achievemen...
El marco teórico de PISA para la evaluación de las ciencias experimentales ofrece un buen modelo ... more El marco teórico de PISA para la evaluación de las ciencias experimentales ofrece un buen modelo para plantear la evaluación de competencias en historia. PISA distingue tres grandes competencias científicas y subraya su papel central en la evaluación, diseñando cada uno de los ítems de la prueba con la finalidad de evaluar una de esas tres competencias. Utilizando ese modelo, el artículo propone un posible marco para la evaluación de la historia, ilustrado con algunos ejemplos de preguntas, cuyo núcleo lo formarían estas tres competencias históricas: Explicar históricamente hechos del pasado y del presente, Utilizar las pruebas históricas e Identificar las características del conocimiento histórico. Finalmente se valora la relación complementaria que tiene esta propuesta de competencias históricas con la teoría de J. Rüsen sobre la “conciencia histórica”.
The PISA science assessment framework offers a good model to think about the assessment of historical competences. PISA distinguishes three major scientific competences and emphasizes their central role in the assessment by devising each of the test items with the goal of assessing one of these competences. Based on this model, the article outlines a possible assessment framework for history, exemplified with some assessment ítems, the core of which could rest upon the following historical competences: Explaining past and present facts historically, Using historical evidence and Identifying features characterizing historical knowledge. Finally, a short reference is made to the complementary relation between this proposal of historical competences and J. Rüsen’s theory on “historical consciuosness”
Palabras clave: PISA, evaluación, competencias científicas, competencias históricas, consciencia histórica.
Key words: PISA, assessment, scientific competences, historical competences, historical consciousness.
Conference Presentations by Jesús Domínguez Castillo
Competencies, Historical thinking, Assessment, Pilot study, Item Response Theory (IRT), Educational research
How to Cite:
Domínguez-Castillo, J., Arias-Ferrer, L., Sánchez-Ibáñez, R., Egea-Vivancos, A., García-Crespo, F. J., & Miralles-Martínez, P. (2021). A competence-based test to assess historical thinking in secondary education: Design, application, and validation. Historical Encounters, 8(1), 30-45.
A tentative framework for an assessment study on European History (*)
Key words: Diagnostic large-scale assessment, Historical thinking, Historical consciousness, Historical competences, Evidence, Causation, Empathy, Change and continuity, Accounts.
Our aim is to develop a tentative framework for a future assessment study on European history. Aimed to assess both historical content knowledge and historical thinking and consciousness skills, that study could develop and foster young students’ European and world citizenship, as a tool to face present and future uncertainties in our global world. The study is conceived as a sample diagnostic survey, in line with the majority of current large-scale assessment studies (i.e. PISA, ICCS).
The corresponding test would be based on unknown stimulus material (excerpts of mostly primary sources) presenting students with genuine problems of historical interpretation and reflection. These problems and episodes will deal with central issues selected from the major topics in 20th C European History (see a. below). Assessment items (multiple-choice, short answers questions, etc.) will require students to apply historical thinking skills and consciousness derived from the following ‘Historical competences’:
a. Apply historical content knowledge to unknown particular events in European History. Two parts in this content knowledge:
- A chronological frame of reference of the last three hundred years.
- Contextualized knowledge on major topics in 20th C European History such as:
- Europe at War 1900-1945 (1st and 2nd World Wars)
- Europe and the Cold War (1945-1991)
- The process of European integration (1949-2016)
b. Reflect on historical accounts and historical consciousness (Temporal orientation). Items for this reflection will focus on:
- Contrasting historical accounts on European troubled pasts.
- Past into future: What can we learn from the past?
c. Use sources as evidence. Items for this competence will assess among others, the following skills:
- Reading skills (retrieve information, make inferences...)
- Historiography skills (sourcing, cross-checking…)
d. Understand the logic of historical knowledge. Items for this competence should assess skills related to central concepts of the discipline such as:
- Causal explanation
- Perspective taking (historical empathy),
- Time, change and continuity.
- Domínguez, J. (2015): Pensamiento histórico y evaluación de competencias,.Barcelona: Graó.
- Eliasson, P. et alii (2015): Historical Consciousness and Historical Thinking Reflected in Large-Scale Assessment in Sweeden. In Ercikan, K. and Seixas, P. Eds. (Ed.): New Directions in Assessing Historical Thinking. New York: Routledge, 171-182.
- Seixas, P., Gibson, L. and Ercikan, K. (2015): A Design Process for Assessing Historical Thinking, in Ercikan, K. and Seixas, P. (Eds.), 102-116.
- Willschut, A. (2015): Testing Frame of Reference Knowledge in National Examinations: Report on an Experiment in the Netherlands. In Chapman, A. and Wilschut, A.: Joined-up History. New Directions in History Education Research. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, 85-112
Papers (Teaching Social Science) by Jesús Domínguez Castillo
This paper analyzes the pilot study and first results of a test of history that has been conceived and designed as a possible model to assess historical thinking skills of students in compulsory secondary education. The pilot study was conducted in two phases which have involved around 800 students in their last year of compulsory education. The results of the first phase, with 316 students’ answers that have been analyzed statistically according to the Item Response Theory (IRT), allow us to expect that the test can be an appropriate tool to assess students’ historical thinking and to distinguish scales of levels of achievement in the different historical competences.
Papers (Teaching History) by Jesús Domínguez Castillo
Papers by Jesús Domínguez Castillo
The PISA science assessment framework offers a good model to think about the assessment of historical competences. PISA distinguishes three major scientific competences and emphasizes their central role in the assessment by devising each of the test items with the goal of assessing one of these competences. Based on this model, the article outlines a possible assessment framework for history, exemplified with some assessment ítems, the core of which could rest upon the following historical competences: Explaining past and present facts historically, Using historical evidence and Identifying features characterizing historical knowledge. Finally, a short reference is made to the complementary relation between this proposal of historical competences and J. Rüsen’s theory on “historical consciuosness”
Palabras clave: PISA, evaluación, competencias científicas, competencias históricas, consciencia histórica.
Key words: PISA, assessment, scientific competences, historical competences, historical consciousness.
Competencies, Historical thinking, Assessment, Pilot study, Item Response Theory (IRT), Educational research
How to Cite:
Domínguez-Castillo, J., Arias-Ferrer, L., Sánchez-Ibáñez, R., Egea-Vivancos, A., García-Crespo, F. J., & Miralles-Martínez, P. (2021). A competence-based test to assess historical thinking in secondary education: Design, application, and validation. Historical Encounters, 8(1), 30-45.
A tentative framework for an assessment study on European History (*)
Key words: Diagnostic large-scale assessment, Historical thinking, Historical consciousness, Historical competences, Evidence, Causation, Empathy, Change and continuity, Accounts.
Our aim is to develop a tentative framework for a future assessment study on European history. Aimed to assess both historical content knowledge and historical thinking and consciousness skills, that study could develop and foster young students’ European and world citizenship, as a tool to face present and future uncertainties in our global world. The study is conceived as a sample diagnostic survey, in line with the majority of current large-scale assessment studies (i.e. PISA, ICCS).
The corresponding test would be based on unknown stimulus material (excerpts of mostly primary sources) presenting students with genuine problems of historical interpretation and reflection. These problems and episodes will deal with central issues selected from the major topics in 20th C European History (see a. below). Assessment items (multiple-choice, short answers questions, etc.) will require students to apply historical thinking skills and consciousness derived from the following ‘Historical competences’:
a. Apply historical content knowledge to unknown particular events in European History. Two parts in this content knowledge:
- A chronological frame of reference of the last three hundred years.
- Contextualized knowledge on major topics in 20th C European History such as:
- Europe at War 1900-1945 (1st and 2nd World Wars)
- Europe and the Cold War (1945-1991)
- The process of European integration (1949-2016)
b. Reflect on historical accounts and historical consciousness (Temporal orientation). Items for this reflection will focus on:
- Contrasting historical accounts on European troubled pasts.
- Past into future: What can we learn from the past?
c. Use sources as evidence. Items for this competence will assess among others, the following skills:
- Reading skills (retrieve information, make inferences...)
- Historiography skills (sourcing, cross-checking…)
d. Understand the logic of historical knowledge. Items for this competence should assess skills related to central concepts of the discipline such as:
- Causal explanation
- Perspective taking (historical empathy),
- Time, change and continuity.
- Domínguez, J. (2015): Pensamiento histórico y evaluación de competencias,.Barcelona: Graó.
- Eliasson, P. et alii (2015): Historical Consciousness and Historical Thinking Reflected in Large-Scale Assessment in Sweeden. In Ercikan, K. and Seixas, P. Eds. (Ed.): New Directions in Assessing Historical Thinking. New York: Routledge, 171-182.
- Seixas, P., Gibson, L. and Ercikan, K. (2015): A Design Process for Assessing Historical Thinking, in Ercikan, K. and Seixas, P. (Eds.), 102-116.
- Willschut, A. (2015): Testing Frame of Reference Knowledge in National Examinations: Report on an Experiment in the Netherlands. In Chapman, A. and Wilschut, A.: Joined-up History. New Directions in History Education Research. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, 85-112
This paper analyzes the pilot study and first results of a test of history that has been conceived and designed as a possible model to assess historical thinking skills of students in compulsory secondary education. The pilot study was conducted in two phases which have involved around 800 students in their last year of compulsory education. The results of the first phase, with 316 students’ answers that have been analyzed statistically according to the Item Response Theory (IRT), allow us to expect that the test can be an appropriate tool to assess students’ historical thinking and to distinguish scales of levels of achievement in the different historical competences.
The PISA science assessment framework offers a good model to think about the assessment of historical competences. PISA distinguishes three major scientific competences and emphasizes their central role in the assessment by devising each of the test items with the goal of assessing one of these competences. Based on this model, the article outlines a possible assessment framework for history, exemplified with some assessment ítems, the core of which could rest upon the following historical competences: Explaining past and present facts historically, Using historical evidence and Identifying features characterizing historical knowledge. Finally, a short reference is made to the complementary relation between this proposal of historical competences and J. Rüsen’s theory on “historical consciuosness”
Palabras clave: PISA, evaluación, competencias científicas, competencias históricas, consciencia histórica.
Key words: PISA, assessment, scientific competences, historical competences, historical consciousness.