Showing posts with label bee. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bee. Show all posts

Thursday, 31 July 2008

Back on the beach

Back to the regularly-scheduled programming today!

I had an attempt at some arty-farty black and white, but I'm not sure how well it's worked. These three were the best:

Grass and sand

Twigs on sand

Sand ripples

And I took another picture of water rippling over sand, which I like:


There were oyster catchers on the beach this evening, the first time I'd seen them at Armadale. They're a lot less spooky than the gulls, which took off the moment they saw me lift the camera, but with the oyster catchers you get closer:

Oystercatchers (1)

and closer (guess which direction the wind was coming from?!):

Oystercatchers (2)

and finally a bit too close:

Oystercatchers (3)

On the way back up to the house I got macro-happy again, particularly with the insects which were out in force:

Bluebottle (1)

Bee on thistle

And a dandelion to finish:

Dandelion (2)