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      Chemical EngineeringMeat ScienceAustraliaCulture
This data article contains annotation data characterizing Multi Criteria Assessment (MCA) Methods proposed in the agri-food sector by researchers from INRA, Europe's largest agricultural research institute (INRA,... more
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Ce projet consiste en une experimentation "systeme" pluridisciplinaire : nous avons mis a l’epreuve du reel, pour les evaluer sur differents criteres, deux systemes herbagers ovins biologiques, productifs et autonomes, dont l’un... more
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There is an increasing societal concern for the welfare of farm animals. The European project Welfare Quality® aims at developing a standard for the assessment of and information about animal welfare. Welfare is composed of several... more
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      EngineeringComputer SciencePolitical Science
Meat quality includes intrinsic qualities (the characteristics of the product itself) and extrinsic qualities (e.g. animal health and welfare, environmental impacts, price). There is still a high level of variability in beef palatability,... more
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      BusinessBiological SciencesEnvironmental SciencesBeef Cattle
The Welfare Quality multi-criteria evaluation (WQ-ME) model aggregates scores of single welfare measures into an overall assessment for the level of animal welfare in dairy herds. It assigns herds to 4 welfare classes: unacceptable,... more
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      MathematicsNonparametric StatisticsDairy ScienceAnimal Welfare
Meat quality is a complex concept and can be defined as the characteristics of meat which satisfy consumers and citizens. The quality concept can be divided into intrinsic quality traits (which are the characteristics of the product... more
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      BusinessMarketingChemical EngineeringMeat Science
L’apparition de la notion de développement durable a conduit à un passage des évaluations orientées selon un seul critère vers des évaluations plus intégrées couvrant différentes dimensions de la performance des élevages : l’économie, le... more
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      HumanitiesPolitical Science
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      Environmental PlanningLivestock
National audienceThe emergence of the notion of sustainable development has led to a shift from single-criterion-oriented evaluations to more integrated assessments covering the different dimensions of livestock performance: economics,... more
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The consortium of experts, and universities involved are listed in Annex B 'Contributors to WelFur'. This document presents version 1 and 2 nd edition of the assessment protocol for foxes dated 30 th March 2015.
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Ruminant production systems have been facing the sustainability challenge, namely, how to maintain or even increase production while reducing their environmental footprint, and improving social acceptability. One currently discussed... more
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      Computer ScienceAgroecologyMedicineAnimal Husbandry
RESUME-Le bien-être est un concept multidimensionnel. Son évaluation globale repose sur la prise en compte de manière conjointe d'un ensemble d'indicateurs-d'état général, sanitaire, ou comportemental-, chacun lié à une facette du... more
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      BusinessAnimal WelfareWelfare
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      MathematicsAnimal ScienceAnimal Production
Individual older than 7 months. In WelFur terms adult mink can be present in period 1, 2 and 3. Animal-based measurement: Measurement that is taken directly from the animal. Assessor: Person in charge of collecting data using the WelFur... more
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    • Mink
HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or... more
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    • Computer Science
Face au développement en Europe de programmes de certification d’élevages mettant en avant le respect du bien-être animal, le projet Welfare Quality® a proposé à l’Union Européenne d’établir un modèle d’évaluation globale des... more
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      Computer ScienceHumanitiesPolitical ScienceAnimal Welfare
There are time-tested assessments for the environmental and economic aspects of sustainability. Its societal aspect has mainly been approached through the assessment of animal welfare. However, the intrinsic quality of milk is seldom... more
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      MathematicsMedicineBiological SciencesAnimal
Marbling score Meat Colour Fat colour and fat thickness Ossification score Eye muscle area Fat thickness Texture Meat brightness Texture Meat texture Hump height Fat luster Firmness Ribfat Ultimate pH Fat texture Lean maturity Kidney fat... more
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    • Computer Science
One approach to reducing enteric production of greenhouse gases (GHG; i.e., nitrous oxide and methane) is to feed tanniniferous forage plants such as sainfoin. The objective of this study was to investigate, in vitro, effects of the... more
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      Animal ProductionMethanePolyethylene GlycolGreenhouse gases