A full-chemistry simulation of the Great African Plume gives one example of a broad conceptual model of the intercontinental pollution of the tropical middle troposphere by lofted biomass burning plumes. This two-dimensional idealization...
moreA full-chemistry simulation of the Great African Plume gives one example of a broad conceptual model of the intercontinental pollution of the tropical middle troposphere by lofted biomass burning plumes. This two-dimensional idealization "calibrated" by carbon monoxide distributions links conventional estimates of burning emissions to oceanic concentrations of pollutants. This paper makes use of GRACES, a modular photochemical simulation system, in two forms. The results of the chemically intensive two-dimensional form, using idealized winds, mixing, deposition, and rainout, match the general concentration patterns of a three-dimensional GRACES model study of CO during the TRACE A/SAFARI period of October 1992 (reported separately). The study highlights the importance of simulating the vertical and diurnal variation of the planetary boundary layer and cloud activity. These correlate temporally with the intensity of tropical agricultural burning. We emphasize one situation, the drift northward and eastward of pollution into the interocean convergence region, where it rises by small-scale motions and fides out westward in the lower midtroposphere (<5 km). These effects help set in place large strata of enhanced CO, ozone, and other pollution over the equatorial Atlantic Ocean. Overall, our comparisons of simulations with the TRACE A data on the cycling of CO, NOx, and 03 in the tropical atmosphere suggest substantial agreement of current emission estimates and atmospheric concentrations. In certain regions, ozone is simulated slightly below observed levels. The striking major disagreements are in NOy (total reactive nitrogen) and HNO3, which are intimately related to CO and 03; this suggests that current theory omits at least one fundamental process. 24,279 24,280 CHATFIELD ET AL.: AFRICAN EMISSIONS, OCEANIC PLUMES OF 03, CO, PAN, AND SMOKE the role of localized organized convergence/pattems in the lower troposphere, e.g., an interocean front, to the north and east of the emissions. These aspects of the convective process are repeatedly suggested by our simulations, but evaluation will require further studies. These important effects support the importance of the "mix and cook" situations described by Chatfield and Delany [1990], in which situations of biomass burning followed within hours by deep cumulus convection was found to be particularly effective in elevating the tropospheric ozone column. Two large field experiments, Tropical Atmospheric Chemistry Experiment Atlantic (TRACE A) and Southern African Fire Atmospheric Research Initiative (SAFARI), were mounted in September and October 1992, to sample the pollutant sources and mid-oceanic accumulation [Andreae et al., 1994; Bachmeier and Fuelberg, this issue; Fishman et al. [this issue], Thompson et al., this issue]. The work reported here is intended to summarize one important process at work during that sampling period and to make some general comparisons to the TRACE A data. Outline of the Paper Our transport-chemistry model, GRACES (Global-Regional Atmospheric Chemistry Event Simulator), is used in two ways. In one mode it uses highly realistic three-dimensional winds and cloud transports to describe the motion of an inert tracer, one that behaves like carbon monoxide. A striking and repeated feature of this simulation seems to deserve more detailed chemical simulation. After an introductory description of this simulation we describe some preliminary results which motivated the main chemistry simulation that constitute this paper. Further threedimensional analysis will come in a future paper, but this striking feature of the three-dimensional simulations causes us to seek to formulate a simple but general model of biomass plumes. Thus motivated, we return to model formulation, and propose a two-dimensional Great African Plume model that follows one main pathway of the plume that has very visible effects in Atlantic Ocean. This model also attempts to have just enough description of transport to rationalize the concentrations seen in the atmosphere with the emission fluxes of pollutants and other trace species. Yet, it retains the simplicity to provide a reasonably simple conceptual framework for comparing the roles of important processes. In some important ways, it overcomes some limitations of the trajectory models which have also been applied to explain the TRACE A observations. In a few days the atmosphere significantly acts both to accumulate pollution like CO and to disperse it horizontally and to vent it vertically. Since it is difficult to simulate these processes in trajectory models, their results are more limited in addressing emission/concentration budget questions and dispersion. The trajectory models, of course, being conceptually simpler, are even more rapidly and broadly deployable and give some three-dimensional information consistent with resolvable analyzed wind fields [Thomspon et al., this issue; Fuelberg et al., this issue; Pickering et al., this issue(b)]. We expect that our proposed model has complementary capabilities and limitations. Following the description of the idealization there is a section on methods for emission and chemistry. The two-dimensional results are analyzed, first to describe qualitatively the very different biomass burning plumes that different species trace out and then to make initial comparisons to a small set of the TRACE A data showing general agreement. However, nitric acid in the continental plume and ozone production in the far-downwind ocean plume show disagreements with observations; these require explanations that are beyond our paper. This connects our simulation to the local-photochemical model work also performed for TRACE A [Jacob et al., this issue; Thompson et al., this issue; Pickering eta/., this issue. Motivation Three-Dimensional Simulation of TRACE A Burning Emissions How do ozone and CO accumulate so in the central Atlantic? Weather patrems vary sufficiently in the tropics that we attempt to describe a typical main route, with typical transit times, rather than one constituted on mean winds. Our current purpose is to provide an appropriate setting for a specialized two-dimensional model; that is, a generalized picture of emission, vertical mixing, and transport in a general downwind direction, and one typical pattern will serve. We draw that pattern from a three-dimensional simulation of a carbon monoxide-like tracer using reconstructed meteorological winds and patterns of dry (boundary layer) and moist convection. Methods for three-dimensional simulations MM5 runs. Plates 1 a and lb give a multilevel view of an important October flow pattern centered on southern and central Africa, taken from a run of the MM5 mesoscale-synoptic model [Grell et al., 1994, and references]. This figure portrays the weather-simulation and forecasting model, MM5, run in an assimilation mode, for 1300 UT on October 2, 1992. The model nudges the solutions toward the observed meteorology as recorded in the analyses of the European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasting (ECMWF) [Grell et al., 1994]. Special analyses for the TOGA (Tropical Ocean Global Atmosphere) period were available for 1992 with better-than-normal observational support. A standard Blackadar technique described in the MM5 documentation was used to simulate the planetary boundary layer. Plate l c shows the diagnosed boundary layer height, above the surface, for that time. The Grell scheme [Grell, 1993; Grell et al., 1994, and references] developed for MM5 (version 1) was used to simulate convection. Plates ld and le show the simulated cloud updraft top in kilometers and the cloud base up&aft mass flux for the same time. Clearly, the cloud top diagnostic should be interpreted judiciously outside the regions.of larger mass flux. No separate, special low-cloud parameterization was employed; the difficulty of detailed low-cloud simulation justifies more specialized work. The convective mass flux information as well as a boundary layer height and convective velocity-scale information were saved for off-line use. All the wind, density, and convective information were transferred into our GRACES model, run in a three-dimensional mode. GRACES is our Global-Regional Atmospheric Chemistry Event Simulator, to be more fully described by R. B. Chatfield et al. (manuscript in preparation, 1996) (hereinafter referred to as C). Briefly, it is modularly constructed and runs in a generalized mapprojection coordinate system deriving from the description of Toon et al. [1988]. It employs the exponential-fit system of that paper for vertical transport, but an S-tuned nonoscillatory version of the Smolarkiewicz [1984] horizontal transport scheme. The chemistry is described by a reaction table, and the photochemistry is driven by delta-Eddington integrated intensities that are integrated with the absorptions and quantum yields of Madronich and Calvert [1990]. The chemistry is integrated using the DASSL algorithm employing backward difference formulae [Brenan et CHATFIELD ET AL.