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The atmospheric transport of biomass burning emissions is studied through a numerical simulation of the air mass motions using the CATT-BRAMS (Coupled Aerosol and Tracer Transport model to the Brazilian developments on the Regional... more
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    • Atmospheric sciences
We investigated the effects of fire-induced plume-rise on the predicted export of carbon monoxide (CO) over Africa during SAFARI 2000 using the NCAR Community Atmosphere Model (CAM) with a CO tracer and plume-rise parameterization scheme.... more
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      Atmospheric ScienceSouthern AfricaIndian OceanAtmospheric sciences
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      Atmospheric sciencesCarbon Monoxide
Several strong statistical relationships quantifying local ozone generation are found which use only easily measured variables: nitrogen oxides (NO x), formaldehyde (HCHO), its photolysis (i.e., UV), and temperature (T). A parameterized... more
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      Environmental EngineeringModelingSensitivity AnalysisAtmospheric sciences
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      Environmental EngineeringAir QualityRemote SensingAir pollution
Satellite observations may improve the areal coverage of particulate matter (PM) air quality data that nowadays is based on surface measurements. Three statistical methods for retrieving daily PM 2.5 concentrations from satellite products... more
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      Environmental MonitoringAir pollutionEnvironmental PollutionMultidisciplinary
The abundance of gas phase nitric acid in the upper troposphere is overestimated by global chemistry-transport models, especially during the spring and summer seasons. Recent aircraft data obtained over the central US show that mineral... more
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      East AsiaMultidisciplinaryBiomass burningNITRIC ACID
Significant concentrations of formic and acetic acids are known to exist in the troposphere. These acids contribute between 16 and 35% of the free acidity in North American precipitation and between 25 and 98% of the free acidity of... more
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      Atmospheric ChemistryMultidisciplinaryAtmospheric Boundary LayerPlanetary boundary layer
The N oxidation ratio, [HNO3]/[NOx], in the free troposphere is measured at •-1 to 9 (averaging-5), consistently lower than the values of !5-100 which known theory suggests to be reached rapidly. This discrepancy casts doubt on current... more
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      Environmental ScienceRemote SensingAtmospheric ChemistryNitrogen Cycle
The three-dimensional (3-D) distribution of carbon monoxide (CO) over the southern Pacific during the NASA Global Tropospheric Experiment Pacific Exploratory Mission-Tropics (PEM-T) (August-October 1996) has been analyzed in comparison to... more
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      MultidisciplinaryCarbon MonoxideGeophysical
A full-chemistry simulation of the Great African Plume gives one example of a broad conceptual model of the intercontinental pollution of the tropical middle troposphere by lofted biomass burning plumes. This two-dimensional idealization... more
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      MultidisciplinaryCarbon MonoxideConceptual ModelNitrogen
Simultaneous measurements of the oxides of hydrogen and nitrogen made during the NASA Subsonic Assessment, Ozone and Nitrogen Oxide Experiment (SONEX) afforded an opportunity to study the coupling between these two important families... more
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      MultidisciplinaryChemical KineticsNitrogenSteady state
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      MultidisciplinaryChemical KineticsNitrogenMethane
This paper explores some of the mechanisms governing the accumulation of passive tracers over the tropical southern Atlantic Ocean during the northern hemisphere fall season. There has been a pioneering observation regarding ozone maxima... more
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      Atmospheric ChemistryTime UseStratificationMultidisciplinary
We present the first directly retrieved global distribution of tropospheric column ozone from Global Ozone Monitoring Experiment (GOME) ultraviolet measurements during December 1996 to November 1997. The retrievals clearly show signals... more
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      Remote SensingMultidisciplinaryOzoneGeophysical
Biomass buming throughout the inhabited portions of the tropics generates precursors which lead to significant local atmospheric ozone pollution. Several simulations show how this smog could be only an easily observed, local manifestation... more
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      MultidisciplinaryBiomass burningOzoneGeophysical
Max-Planck-lnstitut fiir Chemie Reactive surface emissions of reduced sulfur gases can produce SO2 in the middle and upper troposphere at the levels of 80 _+ 30 pptv measured high over the remote oceans. We present simulations with a... more
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      MultidisciplinaryMethaneGeophysicalVertical Distribution
Portions of the global cycles of sulfur and iodine could be intertwined in reactions resulting from the emissions of dimethyl sulfide (DMS) and methyl iodide. A two-dimensional photochemical model of a marine tropical tropospheric... more
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      Atmospheric ChemistryMultidisciplinaryIodineSulfur
We synthesize daily sonde (vertical) information and daily satellite (horizontal) information to provide an empirical description of ozone origins over the northern Indian Ocean during the INDOEX field campaign (February-March 1999). This... more
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      MultidisciplinaryIndian OceanTropospheric OzoneGeophysical
This work studies the atmospheric CO2 budget in the Amazon basin, focusing on the role of shallow and deep convective systems. The vertical redistribution of CO2 is numerically simulated using an Eulerian transport model coupled to the... more
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    • Atmospheric sciences