This week is the 2 year anniversary of when I began posting a painting each week. I know that's not much of an accomplishment when you compare it to all of the artists that post a painting every day but for me, who used to paint maybe 8-10 paintings a year, it's a pretty big deal. I've been having so much fun being more involved with art and blogging. I have met so many nice people and incredible artists on the internet. I've even met a couple of them in person. Making art a focal point in my life has made me a better artist. I have learned so much. Of course not every painting has been a success but I have probably learn the most from the ones that I like the least. Some weeks have been a little stressful as my self imposed Monday deadline has drawn near with no finished painting in sight but I've been able to pull it off. I haven't missed a Monday yet -- even when I was out of town.
This is a pastel of a photo I took in Mexico. When I saw this scene, I had a really strong sense of deja vu. My mom was from Alabama and this reminded me so much of my visits there, it was really strange. I'm not sure why it would remind me of that area because Mexico doesn't have the red clay earth or the type of trees that are in Alabama. It was probably just the dirt road that seemed familiar. Anyway, it brought back happy memories of a beautiful place.
Sunny Path
Image Size 9" x 12"