Saturday, April 30, 2011

In Loving Memory...

In Loving Memory

9-23-22~ 4-30-09
There are truly no words to express how much I miss you Dad.
I can still hear your beautiful voice, see your twinkling eyes and I feel your tight hugs.
I'll love you forever.

Till me meet again.


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  1. Nancy I'm so sorry to read of your loss. My thoughts and prayers are with at this time.

    Take care, ~Melissa

  2. Funny how the pain does get better with time, but the grief still hits you - sometimes without warning. Your dad would be happy to know you still miss his hugs. :)

  3. Oh Nancy, I can truly say that I know the feeling! I loved my Daddy so much and I miss him every day! Little things like cutting a cantelope this morning brought tears to my eyes remembering how much he loved a good, sweet cantelope! I can close my eyes and see him shuffling around in the kitchen making his breakfast and sipping his coffee from a saucer... OH SWEET MEMORIES!

    BIG Hugs on this day! Love to you and prayers!

  4. Sweet post, Nancy. I lost my dad when I was young. I can't begin to explain how much I still miss him. Hugs to you ~ Sarah

  5. What a precious post about your dad and your memories of him. No one can take his place in your heart and he would be thrilled that you feel the way you do! I'm so glad that you have happy memories of him.

  6. Oh, Nancy! I'm so sorry about your hurt. But hallelujah, we will see our loved ones again some day. My Daddy went to heaven in 1987 and I still miss him.
    Prayers for comfort and the sweet memories.
    Shelia ;)

  7. Nancy I am so sorry about the death of your father. Hugs and prayers. Sandie

  8. Precious my friend....what a loving daughter you are.


  9. It's really hard, Nancy, when our parent(s) are gone. You and your dad had such a wonderful relationship. I know he is one of the reasons why you are such a wonderful mother and grandmother! My thinking is that he is in his prime, doing all that he wants to do and enjoying being in God's heavenly home.
    Ladybug Creek

  10. Such a sad and poignant post. I can't imagine your loss and pain.

    I'm sorry that so much sad has come to live in your heart on this poignant anniversary.

    Sending a prayer and a hug your way.

  11. What a beautiful post sweet Nancy-



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