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Showing posts with label Freebie. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Freebie. Show all posts

Tuesday, January 20, 2015

Fill it Up with 100... {100th Day of School Freebie}

I am blogging at Primary Powers today.  Come and visit to pick up a quick idea for the 100th Day of School.

Hope you like it!

Saturday, September 14, 2013

Our Writing Process Pencils (freebie for you).

There are many times, when whatever you created for one class, does not work the next. My husband wonders why I continue to work as hard as I do, even though I have never changed grade levels. The truth is, I like to do new things and when things do not go well, plan B is not an option.

My writer's workshop is not going smoothly. I have observed them closely. I have stopped my teaching to see where I fell them. Sure enough, it happened again. I went over the steps of the writing process waaaayyy too fast. They continue to ask me the same questions.over.and.over. I blamed them for a bit, but then I reflected and admitted that it is all my fault for getting to the teaching part before training was over (HUGE mistake).

So, this past week, we stopped our writing time and went over every step. I then decided to create something new.
 A quick tool my students can use to follow the writing ,and for me to know what they are working on.

My blue chart from last year (new pictures of the kids) was not as successful :( 
I printed the front cover using white card stock. I used regular white paper for the middle pages, and color card stock for the back cover. We hole punched them and added a little ring.

We went over each step of the writing process. I wanted them to have a future model, just in case they forget what it looks like.

Now, they put it close to their writing making sure they do what they need, before asking for a conference.
Not only that, but when I walk around I do not have to ask them what they are working on, I can just look at their pencil. 
Their pencil is placed in their writer's workshop folder. 

Is it working? This past week it did :) Everything sounded and looked the way it was supposed to.

Are they playing with it? No. I am hoping they don't.

Do I still have kids who do not understand the process? Well, yes. But only 2 :)

Would you like a free copy?  I hope you do :)  Find it HERE.   Let me know what you think!

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Maps and More Maps

I hope most of you are enjoying spring break. I have been enjoying my 'break', but spring has not arrived. NC has been chilly!

I am back to show you our maps and share a little document you may be able to use if you live in NC. Since I am not a great writer, I rather show you the goods through pictures.

Save your cereal boxes, cut them in half, staple and create classroom maps.
Before you begin, create a key so all of your maps are more or less uniform.
 We decided to map out the biggest items. Then we chose the colors to use before I took out the construction paper.
Some finished samples

Moving on to Me on the Map - NC
I had a small group of kids do a bit of research. We wrote facts behind each circle.

IF you live in North Carolina and can use the circles to make this project. Download  HERE.
Would love your feedback :)

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Easter Homework Passes (new ones).

I am always tracked out during Easter, and do not get to do crafty Easter things with my students anymore (boo!). Before I changed tracks, I used to do a huge measuring unit and celebrating with an Easter Egg Roll. I miss it.

The Mr. is working on Easter (yeap...he has missed every single holiday since November), so I need to come up with mommy Easter ideas.

I received a super sweet e-mail asking me to create Easter Homework passes that matched the other ones I have posted.
Download HERE :)

I hope you can use them!  
I'd love to hear what you think and what you do for your students to celebrate Easter.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

One Sharp Winner and a Time Capsule (Freebie)

Thanks to all of you who entered my Sharp Pencil Giveaway.  Visit Classroom Friendly Supplies and show Troy some love by purchasing a red, black, green or blue sharpener.  You will love it!

Jaime P. gets to take one home :) 

I made a  Time Capsule recording sheet for my students. I will be using it once we go back to school on January 22. Don't hate me. You get long summers. I get 3 weeks off.

Maybe you can use it and love it? I'd love a comment :) 
 Download here.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Two Small Freebies (Exit Slips and Halloween Homework Passes)

I purchased this guy in the summer. Cookies were gone right after the purchase :)
I knew he had to be used in my classroom since the Mr. thought the bear does not match our decor.  :)

I had read about Exit Slips and this is my Beary own way of using the same fantastic idea. 
I measured and created two different labels for Mr. Bear, exit slips and a sign with ideas on what to share. 

The idea is to find something Beary (insert your choice here) to share about, at the end of the day.

Find them here.

Halloween Homework Passes anyone?  I am looking forward to stealing organizing my kids' candy right after they go to bed.
I made these homework passes for my students and I am also sending it to my son's teacher (hint, hint).

Find them here.

If you download them (either one), would you leave me some love?  My comment box has been really sad lately.

Friday, October 5, 2012

Halloween Freebie

I took a three hour nap today and I can't sleep.  So I made this to share with you.

Download here.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012

Number Patterns and Snakes (freebie)

What's the rule? and Number Patterns was the last math topic in my classroom before our break. I gave the kids markers, pattern cards, white boards, and hundred charts. Model, think aloud, practice, model, teach a partner, model...repeat.

We started with two digit numbers. I modeled how to find the number pattern step by step. We did a lot of these before moving on to three digits.

We used two color markers. The first marker was to find the pattern, the second was to extend the pattern. They loved it! 

Then came the snakes!  I printed the snake pattern using different color paper to make them pop. The kids 'planned' their number pattern before getting the snake sheet. They had to choose a pattern (+2, +5, +11, -12...anything they wanted), and then transfer that to their numerical snake.

Here's the snake pattern for ya'.

You can find all my number cards and much more here. Thanks Jaime for all your help!

Thursday, September 13, 2012

How do you show your feelings? (freebie)

This week during Writer's Workshop, we worked on showing our feelings by using specific actions.

I had faces ready for them to use. The kids worked in small groups and began brainstorming one characteristic that could describe how you look, or what you do that matched that facial expression. Each group had the chance to write one word and rotate through the rest of the classroom where the other cards were located.

After each group had the chance to participate I made this:

The next couple of days, we reviewed our chart and talked about expressing our feeling through actions and specific details. They had to write some 'feeling sentences' to practice.

Some of my favorites:

I had a very red face when my sister pinched me.
My mouth was wide open the day I saw my new dog.
In the morning my face was really, really red because my mom woke me up.
My legs were shaking on the first day of school.
When I got a new toy I was jumping up and down.
The day my brother cut up my pompoms, I yelled loudly because I could not use them anymore.
Seeing a big black bear, makes my body shake without control.
I had tears down my eyes, the day my brother went to the beach for a whole week.

Here are the case you like them :) do you show your feelings?

Saturday, July 28, 2012

Writing Quote Freebie

Made these for my Writer's Workshop folder.  I will be happy to e-mail you, one, two or all of them. Just leave your e-mail.
Google docs is not cooperating :(

I'll be announcing the winner of my Grandisimo giveaway tomorrow.

Erin (my blog designer) from Creating and Teaching, created an incredibly cute calendar pack. Go check it out!

Night, night.

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Mother's Day Coupons (Freebie)

Made these coupons to include with our Mother's Day gift. I have a few ideas for gifts, but I have yet to decide.
Feel free to download them .  Would love to read your honest opinion :)

Do you make anything for your students to take home to their moms?

Monday, April 9, 2012

"Give me an A!" (Freebie!)

My student's parents have asked me about ways to practice spelling words at home.  The funny thing though, is that we do not have spelling words or spelling tests.  Long story.
So, I quickly come up think of fun ways they can practice at home. I have had this list forever! Sometimes I include it in my Open House packet, sometimes I add ideas in my newsletter.
I have cutiefied (that is a word, right?) my list of ideas to share with my fabulous 25 followers (so excited!!) and all of you who come across this list.

"Give me an F"  ( you know...for Freebie).  I think I need some pom poms.