Monday, November 2, 2009



North River Valley Akitas Puppies for Sale said...

What a perfectly delightful little elephant girl! I adore her floppy ears and primitive style....just a wonderful creation!
Blessings and Bear Hugs,
Bramblewood Bears

primsista said...

Thank you, Thank you:))
Which one left or right you are talking about?:)))
There are two of them, and they are sisters:))
Thanks again:)

Urszula Cz.Nardello said...

I love to visit your blog!!! Your creations are amasing!!! Best regards Urszula

natusik said...

Чудесные девочки, Лен! Платьица необыкновенные тож, очень стильные)))) Ничего лишнего))))))

primsista said...

Thanks a lot, Urszula:))

primsista said...

Спасибо, Наташа, большое!:)