Showing posts with label Photography. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Photography. Show all posts

Monday, July 29, 2013



If you follow me on Facebook you may have heard my recent rant about Google.  Annoying is all I can say.  They don’t like it that I don’t have a “real” name and I’m not popular enough to keep my pseudo name in their Google + environment.  Well, Google, guess what?  I’ve been blogging longer than Google + has been around…Anyway, I did appeal, they rejected me, so I have not other choice than to leave Blogger. 


Remember when I mentioned that Strawberry will be learning computer programing through Team Tree House?  One of the things she is learning is how to code a WordPress Blog.  It makes sense for me to move for a number of reasons, one being the aforementioned issue, the other being I’m going to have to start paying blogger because I’ve about used up all my picture storage and pictures are a huge part of blogging to me, but I DON’T want to pay to blog!! 


So in my very limited free time I have been working on a new blog, with a new name and a new design.  I think I may loose some readers during the switch, but that’s okay.  Follow along if you want, but please don’t feel like you have too!! 


I’ll give you lots of time to make the switch in whatever reader you are using.  I’m not quite ready to reveal the new title, but I love it.  And just like I feel like changes are happening in my own life the new blog will reflect the same changes.  It’s still just me though, blogging about things that make me happy, a new title, a new chapter, a new decade in the life of the Taffy’s!


Thanks for reading here, it blesses me to no end!


Mrs. Taffy

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

My Little Girls

Sometime last week I did a little photo shoot with my little girls.  They ended up with matching dresses and I have pictures of Strawberry and Bubble Gum around the same age also in matching dresses, it was the perfect opportunity for a copy-cat picture!





The quilt is VERY special to me.  My mom made it with the fabric that was used in my wedding.   The floral print is the bridesmaid’s dresses and the white is from the tablecloth.  She quilted tulips in the large white areas because tulips were my wedding flower.  I had a homespun garden brunch wedding

I tried so hard not to get the neighbors truck in the background, the ones with out the truck in the background, just didn’t have best faces.  Oh well, it was still super fun anyway and Bubble Gum and Marshmallow are great sports!


Mrs. Taffy

Thursday, June 30, 2011

Unprofessional Portraits

It’s tradition for me to take the kids to the park and take their pictures for my wall.  My wall is starting to look WAY out dated, especially where my teens are concerned.  So yesterday we loaded up and drove to two different parks and got some great shots.

2011 Portraits 056

2011 Portraits 094

2011 Portraits 101

2011 Portraits 001               2011 Portraits 007

2011 Portraits 041

I’m also working on updating my “Meet the Taffy Flavors” page. The kids are writing their bios now. You can also see more shots down the left side of my blog.

I’m so thankful that my children indulge me in these photo sessions.  I completely realize that they could rebel at any moment and stop being such willing subjects.  They’ve had the camera snapping in their face since they were born, I guess they are pretty used to it and maybe even like it a little bit?


Mrs. Taffy

Monday, April 25, 2011

Easter Photo Shoot

Garden and Easter 028

Garden and Easter 030

I like the layout and background of this photo but was disappointed by all the shadows. 

Garden and Easter 033

This one is pretty good…somehow it looks washed out though…not as vibrant of colors as the one above.

It’s no simple task to get everyone ready for a group shot!  I’m thankful to have it anyway, even if it’s not perfect! 

Garden and Easter 042

Garden and Easter 051

17 Days old.  Her little dress was passed down from Bubble Gum Taffy.  I didn’t save much of her baby things, but I’m so glad I saved this.  I still love it!

Garden and Easter 054

Petite little baby feet-so sweet!

You can see more shots of our photo shoot on the side of my blog and up in the header.  I love spring!


Mrs. Taffy

Monday, July 19, 2010

Summertime Photo Shoot

If you’ve been following my blog for a while you know how much I like taking pictures. I’m a very visual person so I like to capture the visions of my world around me. A few years back I started taking portraits of my children, myself, instead of going to JC Penny’s like I always had—we just couldn’t afford it any more and the customer service there was driving me up the wall. I don’t claim to be a photographer, amateur or otherwise, I just love taking pictures of the people and places and things that I love.

So, as I was looking at the pages on my blog the other day, I noticed how outdated the pictures were on my Meet the Taffy’s Page. Oh goodie, a good excuse to take some more pictures! So I warned the kid’s over the weekend that we would be getting dressed up and getting pictures taken on Monday morning. Honestly, I have taken so many pictures of my children over their lifetimes that they don’t even complain or blink at the sight of my camera! I just wanted to give them a little warning because I basically had to pick out their clothes and I wanted them mentally prepared! :o)

Here’s a few of my favorite shots:

Summer Photo Shoot 042

Summer Photo Shoot 049

Summer Photo Shoot 029

Summer Photo Shoot 084

Summer Photo Shoot 086

Summer Photo Shoot 063

Summer Photo Shoot 047

Some of them aren’t as clear as I had hoped, wondering if maybe I had a smudge on my lens… If you look on my Meet the Taffy’s page you’ll see the pictures that will soon grace the walls in our dining room—their “official” school pictures for the 2010/2011 school year.

Thanks for stopping by!


Mrs. Taffy

Monday, June 7, 2010

I Heart Faces-Play!

Okay, I'm doing it again. This time it's actually a contest though...and while I'm pretty sure I'm not a contender for a prize, I think this photo does a pretty good job of capturing Blue-Raspberry at play! I almost entered a picture of Mr. Taffy doing the limbo. I love him too much to do that though!


Mrs. Taffy

P.S. Blogger has been having trouble if you think you should have heard from me and haven't, that's why. :o)

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Teen-aged Feet

I'm trying something new today. Something totally out of my comfort zone. I was reading some different photography blogs and found a nifty little photo challenge that I thought I could enter because the theme just so happens to be feet and I just so happened to take a picture of a certain teen aged son's feet today. I teased him that I was going to put the picture on FaceBook and tag him...he didn't appreciate that. But I think something is really profound about his feet. More than one thing actually.

1-His feet, out of six children, are the only feet that resemble mine. Which means they aren't "super-sized!"

2-The awful condition of his socks.

3-Either my floors are dirtier than I realized, he hasn't changed his socks in days, or he's been walking around the garage in his socks.

4-He's often found in this position...reading on the couch, feet up.

5-How he stuffs his socks between his big toe and second toe.

6-Artistically, I like how you can see his foot print (albeit a dirt print) in his sock, toes defined.

So thanks for indulging me a little. I don't know what I would take pictures of if I didn't have children!


Mrs. Taffy