Showing posts with label Blogland. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blogland. Show all posts

Saturday, October 22, 2011

General Sewing Tutorials

Interesting the places you can find information. I was Reading the BYU Magazine Fall 2011 that arrived last week and I found this little paragraph about Professor Catherine A. Burnham from the School of Family Life. She just uploaded 50 simple tutorials about sewing. You can find from bobbin-winding basics to sewing a dress. Click here for the list of tutorials.

Es interesante los lugares en donde uno puede encontrar informacion. Estaba leyendo la revista de BYU de el Otono 2011 que llego esta semana pasada y encontre un parrafo pequenito en donde la profesora Catherine A. Burnham de el Colegio de Vida de Familia ha puesto una lista de 50 tutoriales acerca de todo para coser. Desde como enbobinar hasta como hacer un vestido. Click aqui para ver la lista de tutoriales.

Have a Great weekend!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Got Tutorials?

I was looking for a specific tutorial on the web and I found this site you have probably seen it before, if not pop over it has tons of free tutorials. I got a few ideas to make. It also has other home ideas to do.

Estaba buscando por la internet por un tutorial especifico y me encontre con esta pagina, talvez ustedes ya lo conozcan pero si no aqui se los dejo Talvez encuentren algun tutorial que les interese. Yo encontre algunas ideas que quiero hacer. Tambien tiene otro tipo de tutoriales.


Monday, July 11, 2011

My Craft Channel

Kim and Kris from the DIY Dish are joining My Craft Channel which is giving away 20 Cricuts in 20 days! go and visit them to get a chance to win.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Crayon Clay

Sandy from Portabellopixie has this wonderful tutorial. I will try to make them for my kids.
Have a great day!

Monday, June 20, 2011

Do you like to stitch?

Helen form Hugs'n Kisses is going to start giving stitching lessons on her blog. Starting next Sunday she will give a tutorial or lesson. She is wonderful do not miss it.
Helen de Hugs'n Kisses va a empezar clases de bordado en su blog. Empezando el proximo Domingo ella empezara a dar tutoriales o clases. Ella es muy buena, no se lo pierdan.

Tuesday, May 24, 2011


I just want to let you know about this web side Embroidables. You can found alot of cool designs ad special offers. I hope you will like it.

Solo quiero ensenarles este Web side Emboidables. Aqui pueden encontrar muchisimos diseños super cool y tambien tienen ofertas especiales . Espero que les guste

Friday, May 6, 2011

Sweet Wrap Reversible Dress

A couple of weeks ago Heidi and Finn had a BOGO sale and Darlette and I bought some cute patterns for our girls. Darlette made the Sweet Wrap Reversible Dress and here is how beautiful it turn out. Mine is still in the making. I cannot believe how long it takes me to finish things now days anyway I am almost done with the first one to later show you. I love her shop It has beautiful patterns for girls and boys. I have to say that the instructions are very clear and easy to follow I like that!
Hace un par de semanas Heidi and Finn tubo una venta de patrones que Darlette y yo no dejamos escapar. Darlette hizo el Sweet Wrap Reversible Dress y aqui esta para mostrarselos. Yo todavia no acabo los mios, es increible cuanto tiempo me tardo en hacer algo ultimamente. Ya solo me faltan las mangas asi es que pronto los mostrare. Me encanta la tienda tiene patrones lindisimos para ninoas y ninos. Y tengo que decir que sus patrones son faciles de seguir y eso me gusta!
Have a great weekend

Thursday, April 14, 2011

FREE! Quilting 101

Great Blog Chasing Cottons is having a 12 week FREE! online class about how to quilt! Do not miss it!

Chasing Cottons tendra clases GRATIS de como acolchar! no se lo pierdan!

Thursday, March 24, 2011

looking on the internet...

hi, me again, looking on the internet I found out that Red brolly has this beautiful Easter basket. when I first looked at it I thought I want to find the pattern and then I found out she has it for FREE! visit her and live her a thank you visit.
Hola yo otra vez. visitando blogs me encontre con Red Brolly y este hermoso canasto que la autora esta compartiendo el patron GRATIS! visitala y dale las gracias por su generocidad.

Friday, December 10, 2010

A Utah Momma's Givaway!

Hi, This has been around for some days. I am participation on a Utah momma's givaway that Heidi from Monkey Face is organizing, please go and visit here. I am giving away a Baby cover. more covers on my shop.


Friday, July 9, 2010

I was featured on Emblibrary!

Darlette did it again! she was featured on Emblibrary on the front page top right. Here is the link for her project on showcase. If you type Darlette on the search box you will find all her other showcased projects.

Darlette lo hizo otra vez, salio uno de sus projectos en Emblibrary en la pagina principal en el boton de arriba a la derecha en el boton para showcase. Aqui esta el link para el projecto. Si ponen Darlette en el recuadro para buscar encontraran todos los projectos que han mostrado de ella.

Happy crafting
Darlette and Erika

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Valentine's table runner, Erika's version

As you may know I love making table runners. Last year I decided to make a Valentine's table runner; I bought the fabric and I found some paper piecing patterns on the web, but I never made it. This year I decided to make them and here is what I did.
Some days ago I was telling Darlette about my idea and she told me that she wanted to do something similar, so we got ourselves some kind of challenge using the materials we have at home.

Here is my version of my Valentine's table runner.I have to admit that I got carried away and I did not realized that I shouldn't done the borders of the paper pieced hearts on red and left then light as background. That is why I had to quilt a heart in the middle to emphasize the heart and then diminish the background with filling quilt. I think it could be better but I just realized the mistake when I was done piecing and Darlette pointed it out.
Darlette and I decided to give you the dimensions and sources where we got the idea or some kind of help if you are interested in making something like this for Valentines'. The patterns can be found here, here, and here. Sorry I do not have the forth one. I cannot find it but if you google
"paper piecing heart" on images you will find lots of patterns for free! My blocks are 6 7/8'' about 17.5 cm. and I use a cream sashing 2" wide (5 cm) to end at 1 1/2 ". The total Measurements are: 9 1/4" (24.5 cm) by 32 3/4" (83 cm).

Como sabran me encanta hacer caminos de mesa. El ano pasado compre la tela para hacer uno y con unos patrones que me encontre en el internet ya estaba lista, pero nunca los hice. Este ano platicando con Darlette le comente que ahora si queria hacerlo y ella me dijo que tambien tenia ganas de hacer algo similar asi es que nos pusimos un tipo de desafio de hacer un camino de mesa con los materiales que teniamos en casa.
Aqui esta mi version del camino de mesa.

Tengo que admitir que me emocione y no me di cuenta que tenia que trabajar con los colores rojos solo para los corazones y color crema los bordes. Para compensar mi error decidi acolchar un corazon en medio del block para hacer enfasis en el corazon y acolchar de relleno el borde del block. Pienso que se hubiera visto mucho mejor con el fondo claro pero solo me di cuenta del error cuando ya habia acabado de hacer los corazones y Darlette me senalo el error.Darlette y yo decidimos darle las dimensiones y de donde sacamos los patrones de los caminos de mesa para que si estan interesadas lo puedan hacer para el dia de San Valentin. Los patrones los pueden encontrar aqui, aqui, y aqui, Lo siento que no tengo el cuarto patron no lo puedo encontrar en ningun lugar pero si van a google y buscan en "paper piecing heart" dentro de imagenes encontraran muchos patrones gratis! Mis blocks son de 6 7/8" unos 17.5 cm cada uno, el sashing es de 2.5" (5 cm) para terminar en 1 1/2". Las medidas totales son: 9 1/4" (24.5 cm) por 32 3/4" (83 cm).

I hope you like the idea and if you decided to make one let us know!
Espero que les haya gustado la idea y si se deciden hacer algo asi platiquenos!
Darlette will post hers as soon as she is done quilting it.
Darlette ponder su version en el siguiente post cuando termine de acolchar el suyo.

Happy Quilting!

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Hand Motion Quilting

I am happy to tell you that I am in the process of quilting my Christmas BOM project. and today looking on Quilting Blogers, I found a few interesting blogs mentioning this amazing lady's blog called "365 Days of free Motion Quilting" I was checking her blog and for those of us interested in learning this fascinating skill pop over her blog and see her technique.

Here my project all pieced and ready to blanket stitch the stitchery blocks (already done) My goal is to have it done by Tuesday.

Estoy feliz por contarles que ya estoy en el proceso de acolchar mi projecto de Navidad, y hoy buscando por nuevos blogs en quilting Blogers (en donde empece a descubrir este mundo de los blogs) Me encontre con blogs muy interesantes que mencionaban este nuevo (para mi) blog "365 Days of free Motion Quilting" Este es un blog super interesante para aquellas de nosotras interesadas en perfeccionar este arte de acolchado libre en maquina.

Aqui una foto de mi projecto ya unido solo le falta que le ponga las orillas de cada bloque bordado (lo cual ya termine). Mi meta es terminar esto para el Martes.

Happy Quilting

Monday, July 27, 2009

Thank you

This is a quick post to let all those beautiful girls that have left comments on my blog and have the horrible non-reply on their comments that I really appreciate your comments. I wish I can answer back but I have no way (unless I have your e-mail) but Thank you, your comments feed me.

Este es una entrada repida para agradecer a esas lindas personas que me dejan comentarios en el blog y que tienen ese horrible non-reply que no me deja responderles pero realmente les agradezco sus comentarios. Desearia poderles escribir pero no tengo su correo. Muchas gracias de todos modos sus comentarios alimentan mi blog.


Monday, July 13, 2009

The Stitchers' Angel swap 2009

Helen from Hugs and Kisses is again organizing The Stitchers' Angel swap 2009 if you did not know about it it is a very fun time when seven top talented designers like Helen share a free pattern of their own. You can participate in the swap or just visit every week starting August 17th and get the free patters.

Helen de Hugs and Kisses esta organizando su "Stitchers' Angel swap 2009" si no participaron el ano pasado no se pierdan la oportunidad. Estas siete super talentosas disenadoras Australianas como Natalie Lymer, Lynette Anderson y porsupuesto Helen presentan cada semana un patron gratis.

Happy stitching

Friday, June 26, 2009

Happenings around Blogland

I mean to tell you about this: go and visit this amazing designers. Also Helen is having a giveaway stop by and good luckHave a Great Day!

Saturday, May 9, 2009

New Blog

For at least four months I've been having the idea of creating another blog just for food storage and emergency preparedness. Last Wednesday I finally took the decision of doing it. It is a lot of work because it is just in Spanish. The thing is that there are lots of places to get information about the topic but all in English. I wish all the people could get all this wonderful data. then one night I could not sleep thinking about how important this is. Since the health crisis put everybody to the edge of concern.
If you are interested about learning about this topic pop on my blog even though it is all in Spanish I do have a list of blogs and web sites on the side bar that are all in English. The name I choose is "Prepared Families" I hope you can go and check it out.

Por lo menos desde hace cuatro meses he tenido la idea de crear un nuevo blog acerca del preparacion para emergencias y almacen familiar. El Miercoles pasado finalmente tome la desicion de hacerlo. Me esta tomando algo de tiempo pues es todo en Espanol, la cosa es que todos los lugares en donde uno puede obtener informacion estan en Ingles . Desearia que todas las personas pudieran tener esta informacion y bueno desde la crisis con la influenza me he dado cuanta que realmente es necesario hacer mi parte.
Si estan intresados acerca de este tema visiten mi blog le llame "Familias Preparadas" Espero que lo visiten tratare de poner tanta informacion como sea posible.

Happy Day

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Cute and fast

While enjoying the Mystery Purse Sew Along from Lola Again... I've been busy sewing another purse for a friend whose birthday already passed and I missed badly. So while I was wondering what to give her I saw a post from Sew mama sew, featuring a purse tutorial made of just a fat quarter and a little more.. and it is the cutest thing. I decided to go and buy my very first Amy Butler's fabric and I really love the outcome. The tutorial is here
Mientras disfruto el SAL de jana en Lola Again... Tambien me he dado tiempo de hacer un bolso para una amiga que ya paso su cumpleanos y yo totalmente me olvide. Asi es que cuando pensaba en que regalarle vi que en el blog de sew,mama sew presentaron un tutorial de como hacer un lindo bolso solo con un fat quarter y algo mas. y me pudo encantar. Decidi comprar dos fat quarters de la tela de Amy Butler (la cual es la primera vez que me animo a comprar) y no me arrepiento pues me encanto como ha quedado lindo el bolso. el tutorial lo encuentran aqui

Happy sewing


Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Fans, Fans, and more Fans... oh and a Mystery

Here I am my Fans are all done I just need to do the block. I was amazed at how fast it went. 46 fans ready to go for the next step. As I realize this project has turn to be quite easy. Then my biggest challenge turn to be fear of the unknown LOL. Anyway here are my fun fans!
Aqui estoy con mis abanicos que he termnado solo necesitan ponerlos en los bloques. realmente me sorprendo que tan rapido los termine. 46 abanicos listos para el siguiente paso. Al darme cuenta que tan facil ha sido este projecto me he convencido de que mi gran desafio era el miedo a lo que uno no conoce ja ja ja. en fin aqui estan mis abanicos.

On the other hand have you visit Lola Again? She and Gracie Lou's are organizing a mystery purse sew along. I went yesterday to the shoppe and the girls they promise me I wont regret the project so I bought the things required to make the purse. Since I have been making light purses and are so easy to look dirty I decided to go for dark fabric. Gracie Lou's has the debut line of Patty Young Andalusia it is so yum fabric. on my side bar is the logo for the Mystery purse sew along and starts on the 14th

Por otro lado Han visitado el blog de Lola Again? Ella y las chicas de Gracie Lou's estan gorganizando un SAL llamado bolso misterioso y en estos momentos me he dado cuenta que quiere decir SAL he preguntado a mucha personas y nadie me ha sabido decir y es Sew Along miren lo que uno aprende. por si no lo sabian ja ja ja. En fin ayer fui a Gracie Lou's y preguntando a las chicas me prometieron que no me iba a arrepentir de el projecto y promete se muy divertido. si alguen esta interesada y no sabe Ingles o les es dificil yo les puedo ayudar con las instrucciones solo mandenme un e-mail [email protected] Todas las bolsas que he hecho han sido con tela clara y lucen sucias muy rapido asi es que esta vez decidi comprar tela obscura. Gracie Lou's tiene la linea de Patty Young llamada Andalucia que esta lindisima.
Para su informacion el SAL empieza el 14 de Marzo y el logo esta en la barra de mi blog.

Happy quilting


Tuesday, February 24, 2009

My first Tilda Angel

Here is a picture of my first Tilda Angel, I did a Santa back in December but this was very interesting to make, Alana loved it and I really enjoy making it.
Aqui les presento a mi primer angelito Tilda fue muy divertido hacerlo, Alana le gusto mucho y tan pronto como lo termine ella empezo ajugar con el preendidndo que el angelito volaba Gracias Celes por el SAL

My friend Ale, has a cute tutorial to make some handy mice for your kitchen here are a couple of pictures.
Ademas les cuanto que mi amiga Ale tiene un lindo tutorial para haver unos ratoncitos muy utiles para la cocina aqui un par de fotos