Papers by Jelena Djordjevic
Analele Banatului, s.n., arheologie-istorie, XXXI, 2023
The article presents the results of the archaeological excavations of two medieval village church... more The article presents the results of the archaeological excavations of two medieval village churches and cemeteries with several stages of burials at the “Livade-Đurđevac” site near Pančevo in the southwestern part of the Serbian Banat, carried out in 2009–2013. The older church (Church 1) belongs to the 12th–13th centuries. After the demolition, a new church (Church 2) with a slightly different plan was built on its foundations, which belongs to the late medieval Gothic period (14th–15th centuries). Buryings took place around both churches during the entire
medieval period. The horizon of buryings from the 11th century, before the construction of churches, was also singled out. We connected the late medieval Church 2 with the settlement of “Sent-Đurađ”, known in the area of Kovin County in written sources from the 14th and 15th centuries.
Cercetări Arheologice, 2012
Situl "Najeva ciglana" se află la marginea de sud a localităţii Pancevo, de-a lungul colţului ves... more Situl "Najeva ciglana" se află la marginea de sud a localităţii Pancevo, de-a lungul colţului vestic al suburbiei Topola (PI. 1). Ca urmare a activităţii intensive a fabricii de cărămizi, o mare parte a sitului a fost distrus, înainte de începerea săpăturilor. Din sit se mai păstrează doar o făşie îngustă, de-a lungul mlaştinii Topola. În 2003 şi 2004 zona a fost cercetată sistematic, prin câteva secţiuni (PI. 2). În ciuda suprafeţei mici care a fost cercetată, complexele arheologice descoperite sunt suficiente pentru a dovedi existenţa unei aşezări medievale, a cărei existenţă se întinde, cu întreruperi, din secolul al X-lea până în secolele XV-XVI. Pe toată durata sa, aşezarea şi-a păstrat aceeaşi poziţie, pe malul înalt al terenului mlăştinos, nu departe de confluenţa râului Timiş cu Dunărea. Cel mai vechi complex, locuinţa 3, şi-a încheiat existenţa în ultimele decenii ale secolului al X-lea şi la începutul secolului al Xi-lea. Următoarea etapă de funcţionare a aşezării este datată în secolul al Xii-lea şi la începutul secolului al XIII-iea, pe baza locuinţei I şi a cuptorului I, împreună cu vatra alăturată. Ultimul nivel al aşezării este dovedit de locuinţa 2, datată în general din secolul al XIV-iea până la începutul secolului al XVI-iea. În ultima fază, în partea NV a sitului a fucţionat o necropolă, ce suprapunea resturile locuinţelor I şi 3. Necropola a fost doar parţial cercetată. Faptul că mormintele se află la aproximativ I 00 m NE de locuinţa 2, coroborat cu datarea lor, în general, în aceeaşi perioadă, sunt argumente în favoarea ipotezei că necropola a aparţinut aceleiaşi aşezări.
Балканы, Подунавье и восточная Европа в римское время и Эпоху средневековья, Москва, 2022
This article attempts to develop a relative chronology and a preliminary periodization of a multi... more This article attempts to develop a relative chronology and a preliminary periodization of a multilayered antique/ late antique settlement at the „Ciglana” in Dolovo based on the materials of modern systematic archaeological excavations that have been conducted since 2013. The research revealed the remains of several settlements that discontinuously existed here from ancient times to the 12th – 13th cc. 127 closed complexes belong to the antique period. An extremely intricate horizontal stratigraphy with mutual overlapping of archaeological objects can be observed. There is distinguished a group of objects, the stratigraphic correlation of which allows to clearly distinguish three horizons of settlements within the antique and late antique periods.
The first horizon, named Dolovo 1, identified on the basis of chrono-indicating findings, was dated to the second half of the 2nd - the last third of the 3rd cc. Chronologically it coincides with the Marcomannic wars and the departure of the Romans from the province of Dacia (166/180 – 271, or the periods B2/C1 and C1 of Central European chronology). It is characterized by the material culture, based on the Dacian culture of the late La Tene era, which was affected by a strong Roman influence. Today it is considered unique and has no analogies among the materials of Serbian Banat.
The Dolovo 2 horizon was formed in the first half of the 4th c., after the earlier settlement had been abandoned; it existed until the end of the second third of the 4th c. (periods C2 and C3). Apparently, this settlement was abandoned during the wars of Emperor Constantius II against the Limigantes (359). Its material culture is characteristic of Sarmatian-Limigantian settlements, i.e. settlements of the Baranda type. The pottery traditions of the earlier period were discontinued, a new type of dwellings appeared (a semi-earth lodge with a central pillar).
The last horizon of the Late Roman settlement is Dolovo 3. Based on stratigraphy and the findings two periods can be singled out. The first phase (Dolovo 3a) dates to the last quarter of the 4th – first decades of the 5th cc. (Central European period D1). At this period the settlement was damaged in a fire. The second phase (Dolovo 3b) dates to the second quarter of the 5th century (period D2). It is the last settlement that can be correlated with the anonymous barbarians of the rhetorician Priscus of Pania, it was forever abandoned around the middle of the 5th c.. The Dolovo 3 horizon is characterized by a high proportion of moulded ceramics, the appearance of ceramics made on a slow-rotation throwing wheel, as well as a large variety of vessels made on a fast-rotation throwing wheel. New types of dwelling appeared – ground houses with deep basements.
Каталог изложбе. Народни музеј Панчево., 2007
Glasnik muzeja Banata 13-14, 2009
Cercetări Arheologice, 2012
Лесная и лесостепная зоны восточной Европы в эпохи римских влияний и великого переселения народов, Тула, 2010
Гласник српског археолошког друштва 21, 2005
From 2002 to 2004 the National Museum at Pančevo conducted investigative excavations in the area ... more From 2002 to 2004 the National Museum at Pančevo conducted investigative excavations in the area of Staro Selo, at Idvor (figs. 1-2). Over 50 sites of archaeological interest were discovered. Staro Selo is located on a wooded island, 400 x 600 m in size and rectangular in shape, rising some 10 m above the surrounding marshland. The site is connected to the modern settlement by only a narrow isthmus. The first finds at the site date from the 1950s, when it was used for brick production, an activity which destroyed the north-western section. Since then the site has been investigated several times and multi-layered archaeological deposits discovered. In the 1990s clay pits were again dug at the site to supply the brick factory, resulting in further damage to the site.
The earliest deposits contain remains from the Starčevo culture (figs. 3-4), a midden of which was discovered, containing a large quantity of rough Starčevo pottery, among which shards decorated with barbotine and impressio ornamentation stand out, while painted pottery is extremely rare. Settlement traces discovered in the southern section date from the late Iron Age (fig. 5/1-7), with several irregularly shaped pits and holes in which a few potshards were discovered. These exhibit the characteristics of the Basarabi phase of Bosut culture. Staro Selo was inhabited again at the time of the Migration Period (fig. 5/8-10). From this period the remains from two refuse pits have been preserved, in one of which the hoard of iron items (fig. 6) was discovered, these are; an axe, a sickle, a scythe, a bit and a shield boss. A ceramic weight and fragments of a jug decorated with burnished network decoration and a modeled facetted frieze were also found. On the basis of comparison with similar finds at other sites, the items discovered place the whole cultural level to the period of the Hunnish domination of Pannonia in the first half of the 5th century.
A small number, mainly of damaged structures, date from the 10th—11th century. In dwellings of a rectangular ground plan, pottery made on a hand-turned wheel was discovered (fig. 7). This was decorated with repeated or singular horizontal lines. Two dwelling houses from 14th-15th century were discovered, (one built from ground level and the other partially underground) and a large communal oven. A contemporary cemetery was discovered in the southern part of the site, with 6 graves oriented east-west. The bodies were laid to rest on their backs with hands folded over the breast or stomach. In one grave a silver Hungarian coin, minted between 1427 and 1430 was discovered. See 14th—15th century finds on figs. 8-9.
Best preserved are the settlements from the 17th and 18th century with approximately 15 structures of differing purpose (pit dwellings, storage and refuse pits) in which a large quantity of moveable archaeological material was discovered (figs. 10-13). This included several types of pottery vessel from different schools of manufacture (Hungarian, Austrian, Turkish, Serbian and Haban pottery), decorative silver and bronze hairpins, and silver and bronze coins, on the basis of which the development of the settlement at Staro Selo can be separated into two phases, in the 17th and 18th centuries. It is from this period that the first written record of Idvor dates. In 1663, the inhabitants donated money and foodstuffs to the Peć Patriarchy.
Балканы, Подунавье и восточная Европа в римское время и Эпоху средневековья, Москва, 2022
This paper aims at specifying the existence period of the archaeological complex Livade on the ba... more This paper aims at specifying the existence period of the archaeological complex Livade on the basis of data received during the excavations in 1984 and 2008–2013, as well as comparative analysis of the material found there with some studied sites in close proximity to Livade, on the
territory of the southern part of Serbian Banat. It is essential to work out the chronological scale for antiquities of the 8th – 11th cc. on this territory.
Подунавље и источна Европа у римско доба и у раном средњем веку, Нови Сад, 2019
Гласник музеја Баната 11-12, 2002
Glasnik Srpskog arheološkog društva, 2012
Апстракт: Археолошким ископавањима локалитета Најева циглана на јужној периферији Панчева, недале... more Апстракт: Археолошким ископавањима локалитета Најева циглана на јужној периферији Панчева, недалеко од ушћа Тамиша у Дунав, установљени су остаци дуготрајног средњовековног насеља. Најстаријем насеобинском хоризонту припадају куће 1 и 2, истражене 1947, и кућа 3, откривена 2004. године. Временски се могу сместити у оквире X века. Почетак живота на овом месту не може се сасвим тачно одредити, док се трајање насеља може продужити највише до првих деценија XI столећа. То време обележено је бурним дешавањима на обе стране Дунава. На десној обали Византија дефинитивно обнавља власт, а на простору северно од Дунава одиграва се сукоб између мађарског краља Стефана I (1000-1038) и кнеза Ахтума, који је господарио територијом данашњег Баната.
Rad Muzeja Vojvodine, 2012
Glasnik Srpskog arheološkog društva, 2007
Apstrakt: Arheolo{kim iskopavawima obavqenim leta 2006, kompletirano je istra`ivawe unutra{wosti ... more Apstrakt: Arheolo{kim iskopavawima obavqenim leta 2006, kompletirano je istra`ivawe unutra{wosti crkve, razja{wena situacija sa wene ju`ne strane, u vezi sa ranijim pretpostavkama o postojawu jo{ jedne gra|evine i istra`ena nekropola u ve}em obimu. Unutar crkve nisu konstatovani tragovi sahrawivawa, dok su na prostoru oko crkve istra`ena 142 groba. Ukupno je prona|eno 66 nov~i}a, od~ega 56 u zatvorenim grobnim celinama. Po na~inu prilagawa novca izdvajaju se retki grobovi u kojima je na lobawi sa spoqne strane vilice prona|en komad ko`e, ispod koga se nalazio novac. Pojedine nau{nice predstavqaju primerke do sada nepoznate na teritoriji Srbije. Na osnovu analize grobnih nalaza, naro~ito novca, trajawe sahrawivawa je opredeqeno u razdobqe druge polovine XII i prve polovine XIII v.
Glasnik Srpskog arheološkog društva, 2006
Apstrakt: Prilikom arheolo{kih iskopavawa obavqenih tokom leta 2005. u ataru sela Omoqica kod Pan... more Apstrakt: Prilikom arheolo{kih iskopavawa obavqenih tokom leta 2005. u ataru sela Omoqica kod Pan~eva, u celini su otkriveni temeqi jednobrodne crkve sa dubokom, vi{e potkovi~astom nego polukru`nom apsidom na isto~noj strani. U zapadnom delu crkve delimi~no je o~uvana pravougaona konstrukcija. Osim crkve, istom prilikom su, delimi~no, istra`eni i ostaci jo{ jedne gra|evine neposredno uz crkvu, kao i deo nekropole sa zapadne i ju`ne strane crkve. Na osnovu preliminarnih rezultata prve obimnije istra`iva~ke kampawe, ostaci crkve bi se okvirno mogli pripisati razdobqu XII-XIII v. Kqu~ne re~i: jugozapadni Banat, Omoqica, Preko Slatine, crkva, sredwi vek.
Books by Jelena Djordjevic
Археолошка топографија Баната 4, 2020
A large number of registered sites and extensive archaeological material collected on the territo... more A large number of registered sites and extensive archaeological material collected on the territory of the City of Pančevo, conditioned the way in which it will be presented, so this monograph is the first book in a series, which concerns archaeological material from this area. The monograph completely retains the established concept, which was formed in the previous two published monographs, for the municipalities of Novi Kneževac and Čoka, as well as in the third, for the northwestern part of the City of Kikinda.
The monograph presents more than 307 archeological sites registered in the area of five cadastral municipalities (Banatski Brestovac, Omoljica, Ivanovo, Starčevo and Vojlovica, which is also the urban settlement of Pančevo). In addition to the textual part, the sites are presented in 796 illustrations (photographs, maps, plates and tables).
ABSTRACT BOOKLETS by Jelena Djordjevic
Jesenji sastanak srednjovekovne sekcije SAD, 2023
Papers by Jelena Djordjevic
medieval period. The horizon of buryings from the 11th century, before the construction of churches, was also singled out. We connected the late medieval Church 2 with the settlement of “Sent-Đurađ”, known in the area of Kovin County in written sources from the 14th and 15th centuries.
The first horizon, named Dolovo 1, identified on the basis of chrono-indicating findings, was dated to the second half of the 2nd - the last third of the 3rd cc. Chronologically it coincides with the Marcomannic wars and the departure of the Romans from the province of Dacia (166/180 – 271, or the periods B2/C1 and C1 of Central European chronology). It is characterized by the material culture, based on the Dacian culture of the late La Tene era, which was affected by a strong Roman influence. Today it is considered unique and has no analogies among the materials of Serbian Banat.
The Dolovo 2 horizon was formed in the first half of the 4th c., after the earlier settlement had been abandoned; it existed until the end of the second third of the 4th c. (periods C2 and C3). Apparently, this settlement was abandoned during the wars of Emperor Constantius II against the Limigantes (359). Its material culture is characteristic of Sarmatian-Limigantian settlements, i.e. settlements of the Baranda type. The pottery traditions of the earlier period were discontinued, a new type of dwellings appeared (a semi-earth lodge with a central pillar).
The last horizon of the Late Roman settlement is Dolovo 3. Based on stratigraphy and the findings two periods can be singled out. The first phase (Dolovo 3a) dates to the last quarter of the 4th – first decades of the 5th cc. (Central European period D1). At this period the settlement was damaged in a fire. The second phase (Dolovo 3b) dates to the second quarter of the 5th century (period D2). It is the last settlement that can be correlated with the anonymous barbarians of the rhetorician Priscus of Pania, it was forever abandoned around the middle of the 5th c.. The Dolovo 3 horizon is characterized by a high proportion of moulded ceramics, the appearance of ceramics made on a slow-rotation throwing wheel, as well as a large variety of vessels made on a fast-rotation throwing wheel. New types of dwelling appeared – ground houses with deep basements.
The earliest deposits contain remains from the Starčevo culture (figs. 3-4), a midden of which was discovered, containing a large quantity of rough Starčevo pottery, among which shards decorated with barbotine and impressio ornamentation stand out, while painted pottery is extremely rare. Settlement traces discovered in the southern section date from the late Iron Age (fig. 5/1-7), with several irregularly shaped pits and holes in which a few potshards were discovered. These exhibit the characteristics of the Basarabi phase of Bosut culture. Staro Selo was inhabited again at the time of the Migration Period (fig. 5/8-10). From this period the remains from two refuse pits have been preserved, in one of which the hoard of iron items (fig. 6) was discovered, these are; an axe, a sickle, a scythe, a bit and a shield boss. A ceramic weight and fragments of a jug decorated with burnished network decoration and a modeled facetted frieze were also found. On the basis of comparison with similar finds at other sites, the items discovered place the whole cultural level to the period of the Hunnish domination of Pannonia in the first half of the 5th century.
A small number, mainly of damaged structures, date from the 10th—11th century. In dwellings of a rectangular ground plan, pottery made on a hand-turned wheel was discovered (fig. 7). This was decorated with repeated or singular horizontal lines. Two dwelling houses from 14th-15th century were discovered, (one built from ground level and the other partially underground) and a large communal oven. A contemporary cemetery was discovered in the southern part of the site, with 6 graves oriented east-west. The bodies were laid to rest on their backs with hands folded over the breast or stomach. In one grave a silver Hungarian coin, minted between 1427 and 1430 was discovered. See 14th—15th century finds on figs. 8-9.
Best preserved are the settlements from the 17th and 18th century with approximately 15 structures of differing purpose (pit dwellings, storage and refuse pits) in which a large quantity of moveable archaeological material was discovered (figs. 10-13). This included several types of pottery vessel from different schools of manufacture (Hungarian, Austrian, Turkish, Serbian and Haban pottery), decorative silver and bronze hairpins, and silver and bronze coins, on the basis of which the development of the settlement at Staro Selo can be separated into two phases, in the 17th and 18th centuries. It is from this period that the first written record of Idvor dates. In 1663, the inhabitants donated money and foodstuffs to the Peć Patriarchy.
territory of the southern part of Serbian Banat. It is essential to work out the chronological scale for antiquities of the 8th – 11th cc. on this territory.
Books by Jelena Djordjevic
The monograph presents more than 307 archeological sites registered in the area of five cadastral municipalities (Banatski Brestovac, Omoljica, Ivanovo, Starčevo and Vojlovica, which is also the urban settlement of Pančevo). In addition to the textual part, the sites are presented in 796 illustrations (photographs, maps, plates and tables).
ABSTRACT BOOKLETS by Jelena Djordjevic
medieval period. The horizon of buryings from the 11th century, before the construction of churches, was also singled out. We connected the late medieval Church 2 with the settlement of “Sent-Đurađ”, known in the area of Kovin County in written sources from the 14th and 15th centuries.
The first horizon, named Dolovo 1, identified on the basis of chrono-indicating findings, was dated to the second half of the 2nd - the last third of the 3rd cc. Chronologically it coincides with the Marcomannic wars and the departure of the Romans from the province of Dacia (166/180 – 271, or the periods B2/C1 and C1 of Central European chronology). It is characterized by the material culture, based on the Dacian culture of the late La Tene era, which was affected by a strong Roman influence. Today it is considered unique and has no analogies among the materials of Serbian Banat.
The Dolovo 2 horizon was formed in the first half of the 4th c., after the earlier settlement had been abandoned; it existed until the end of the second third of the 4th c. (periods C2 and C3). Apparently, this settlement was abandoned during the wars of Emperor Constantius II against the Limigantes (359). Its material culture is characteristic of Sarmatian-Limigantian settlements, i.e. settlements of the Baranda type. The pottery traditions of the earlier period were discontinued, a new type of dwellings appeared (a semi-earth lodge with a central pillar).
The last horizon of the Late Roman settlement is Dolovo 3. Based on stratigraphy and the findings two periods can be singled out. The first phase (Dolovo 3a) dates to the last quarter of the 4th – first decades of the 5th cc. (Central European period D1). At this period the settlement was damaged in a fire. The second phase (Dolovo 3b) dates to the second quarter of the 5th century (period D2). It is the last settlement that can be correlated with the anonymous barbarians of the rhetorician Priscus of Pania, it was forever abandoned around the middle of the 5th c.. The Dolovo 3 horizon is characterized by a high proportion of moulded ceramics, the appearance of ceramics made on a slow-rotation throwing wheel, as well as a large variety of vessels made on a fast-rotation throwing wheel. New types of dwelling appeared – ground houses with deep basements.
The earliest deposits contain remains from the Starčevo culture (figs. 3-4), a midden of which was discovered, containing a large quantity of rough Starčevo pottery, among which shards decorated with barbotine and impressio ornamentation stand out, while painted pottery is extremely rare. Settlement traces discovered in the southern section date from the late Iron Age (fig. 5/1-7), with several irregularly shaped pits and holes in which a few potshards were discovered. These exhibit the characteristics of the Basarabi phase of Bosut culture. Staro Selo was inhabited again at the time of the Migration Period (fig. 5/8-10). From this period the remains from two refuse pits have been preserved, in one of which the hoard of iron items (fig. 6) was discovered, these are; an axe, a sickle, a scythe, a bit and a shield boss. A ceramic weight and fragments of a jug decorated with burnished network decoration and a modeled facetted frieze were also found. On the basis of comparison with similar finds at other sites, the items discovered place the whole cultural level to the period of the Hunnish domination of Pannonia in the first half of the 5th century.
A small number, mainly of damaged structures, date from the 10th—11th century. In dwellings of a rectangular ground plan, pottery made on a hand-turned wheel was discovered (fig. 7). This was decorated with repeated or singular horizontal lines. Two dwelling houses from 14th-15th century were discovered, (one built from ground level and the other partially underground) and a large communal oven. A contemporary cemetery was discovered in the southern part of the site, with 6 graves oriented east-west. The bodies were laid to rest on their backs with hands folded over the breast or stomach. In one grave a silver Hungarian coin, minted between 1427 and 1430 was discovered. See 14th—15th century finds on figs. 8-9.
Best preserved are the settlements from the 17th and 18th century with approximately 15 structures of differing purpose (pit dwellings, storage and refuse pits) in which a large quantity of moveable archaeological material was discovered (figs. 10-13). This included several types of pottery vessel from different schools of manufacture (Hungarian, Austrian, Turkish, Serbian and Haban pottery), decorative silver and bronze hairpins, and silver and bronze coins, on the basis of which the development of the settlement at Staro Selo can be separated into two phases, in the 17th and 18th centuries. It is from this period that the first written record of Idvor dates. In 1663, the inhabitants donated money and foodstuffs to the Peć Patriarchy.
territory of the southern part of Serbian Banat. It is essential to work out the chronological scale for antiquities of the 8th – 11th cc. on this territory.
The monograph presents more than 307 archeological sites registered in the area of five cadastral municipalities (Banatski Brestovac, Omoljica, Ivanovo, Starčevo and Vojlovica, which is also the urban settlement of Pančevo). In addition to the textual part, the sites are presented in 796 illustrations (photographs, maps, plates and tables).