Papers by Cirstina Irina
Cercul puterii. Oameni, rețele, strategii (sec. XV-XVII), editor Ramona Neacșa, 2021
Relaţiile multiple stabilite între familiile boiereşti aflate în fruntea ierarhiei sociale, dar ș... more Relaţiile multiple stabilite între familiile boiereşti aflate în fruntea ierarhiei sociale, dar și cele dintre acestea şi celălalt pol al puterii, domnia, cuprinse sub sintagma cercuri ale puterii pot fi decelate în funcție de mai mulți factori, printre care amintim: folosirea numelor de familie și a altor indicații de ordin genealogic în documente, existența unor referințe oricât de mărunte în izvoarele păstrate, indiferent de natura lor etc. Înrudirea cu familia domnitoare, strategiile matrimoniale, dreapta şi credincioasa slujbă, uneori cu vărsare de sânge, aduceau în mod cert avantaje, funcții în sfatul domnesc, danii de moșii. La rândul lor, domnii căutau crearea unui cerc cât mai strâns de familii cu scopul consolidării domniei și transmiterii ei către urmași.
Spre deosebire de secolele anterioare, în secolul al XVI-lea boierii care alcătuiesc sfatul domnesc sunt cei care deţin o dregătorie , astfel că prosperitatea unei familii şi chiar destinul ei depindeau în cel mai înalt grad de voinţa suveranului . Mai mult, inexistenţa titlurilor de nobleţe vulnerabiliza neamurile, aşa încât menţinerea în rândurile marii boierimi însemna, pe lângă stăpânirea unui număr mare de sate şi supuşi, ocuparea pentru mai multe generaţii a unor funcţii cât mai înalte. Studiind componența sfatului domnesc, se poate observa că domnii Ţării Româneşti au avut alături adevărate „dinastii de dregători”, așa cum bine afirma Maria Magdalena Szekely referindu-se la realităţile din Moldova lui Petru Rareş . În ceea ce priveşte numărul neamurilor privilegiate, constatăm că aproximativ 40 dintre familiile boiereşti ale Ţării Româneşti au fost cele care au avut reprezentanţi în sfatul domnesc și nu toate au trecut proba timpului.
REVISTA BIBLIOTECII ACADEMIEI ROMÂNE, Anul 6, Nr. 11, ianuarie-iunie , 2021
Son of a priest, with an irreproachable educational journey and
strong artistic skills proven dur... more Son of a priest, with an irreproachable educational journey and
strong artistic skills proven during his studies, Gabriel Popescu became the
first Romanian qualified engraver, founder and holder of the engraving chair of the National School of Fine Arts in Bucharest. He maintained that position for several decades. Solitary and discreet, thorough and fine connaiseur of human nature, expressive and impeccable in execution, Gabriel Popescu let art speak for himself. Due to his exceptional qualities, he received several distinctions and medals at various exhibitions and he was cherished and encouraged by His Majesty, King Carol I of Romania. He mastered all engraving techniques, displaying a particular interest in the possibilities of each one, but also excelled in other areas, making stamps, medals and plaques. He is buried in his native village, near the church in which his father served.
Keywords: engraving, drawing, painting, royal scholarship, art distinctions and institutions, memorial house with workshop, XIX-XX centuries late.
Elite târgoviștene regăsite. Memoria unei biserici din cartierul ostășesc al orașului medieval dr... more Elite târgoviștene regăsite. Memoria unei biserici din cartierul ostășesc al orașului medieval dr. Irina Cîrstina CNM Curtea Domnească Târgoviște CTITORUL De-a lungul tumultuosului secol XVI 1 , schimbările dese ale domnilor erau însoțite, adesea, de o semnificativă mobilitate în rândul sfatului domnesc. Personaj de prim rang, cu o origine incertă și o istorie personală controversată, Coadă, mare vornic în domnia lui Radu Paisie, și-a legat numele de orașul Târgoviște, care îndeplinea în perioada amintită rolul de curte domnească și reședință a unora dintre domnitorii Țării Românești. Urmând modelul altor familii boierești, Coadă s-a îngrijit, potrivit cronicii țării, de ridicarea propriei curţi boiereşti, ce avea și o biserică 2 , chiar pe Ulița Mare. Urmărind componența sfatului domnesc și hrisoavele emise la Târgovişte între anii 1542-1545, acte în care vornicul este întotdeauna prezent, observăm că acesta s-a aflat aici în lunile ianuarie şi iunie 1542, apoi din iunie până în septembrie 1543, pentru ca din ianuarie 1544 şi până în februarie 1545, Coadă să locuiască în casele 3 sale de aici. După moartea ctitorului 4 , ucis din porunca noului domn, Mircea Ciobanul, în martie 1545, reşedinţa sa dispare, singură biserica 5 ducându-i numele 6 și memoria mai departe.
Brâncoveanu-300: epoca brâncovenească la orizontul modernității românești, editori Florentiva Nițu, Șarlota Solcan, Radu Nedici, Editura Universităţii Bucureşti, 2016, p. 69-79., 2016
Potlogi prior to Brâncoveanu – some clarifications
The estate of Potlogi, situated alo... more Potlogi prior to Brâncoveanu – some clarifications
The estate of Potlogi, situated along river Argeș, near Odobești and Românești, did not belong to Dima postelnic, the small boyar from Oltenia, and Constantin Brâncoveanu did not buy it from his inheritors a short while before building the church there in 1683. Previously, parts of the land were the property of great boyars, like Dragomir, High Steward, from the Mărgineni family, who owned it in 1580. The trace of the documents was lost and two further confusions, first with the Potlogeni village in Dâmbovița, then with the Potlogi in Oltenia, complicated the writing of its history, which this paper seeks to determine.
Anuarul Arhiepiscopiei Târgoviște, 2011
Cetate de scaun încă de la finele secolului al XIV-lea, oraşul Târgovişte s-a înpodobit de-a lung... more Cetate de scaun încă de la finele secolului al XIV-lea, oraşul Târgovişte s-a înpodobit de-a lungul veacurilor cu numeroase biserici. Ridicate prin grija domnitorilor sau a marilor familii boiereşti, acestea au cunoscut toate etapele evoluţiei oraşului, constituind o sursă importantă pentru cunoaşterea unor aspecte mai puţin cercetate, legate de circulaţia monedelor.
Boyar families and their landed patrimony in Walachia (XVIII-XVIII century)
Dans cette étude, nous nous proposons de reconstituer la biographie d'un grand boyard, peu connu,... more Dans cette étude, nous nous proposons de reconstituer la biographie d'un grand boyard, peu connu, de la première moitié du XVI e siècle, le gouverneur Coada. Il édifie à Târgovişte une cour seigneuriale qui avait sa propre église (L'Eglise Rouge), les documents que nous avons étudiés apportant de nouveaux éléments en ce qui concerne les fondations d'églises du XVII e siècle.
Books by Cirstina Irina
Considering that the Walachia elite may be known only in direct relation with the land, having fr... more Considering that the Walachia elite may be known only in direct relation with the land, having from this perspective the character of a territorial nobility, we made a map of the boyar families native lands. With it we may observe their geographic distribution at the country’s level, their closeness or distance, an observation with justifies altogether the kinship and conflicts between them. As number, Walachia included more families than Oltenia, which was owed by stronger families, with very old origins. In the same time, the landed patrimony of each family, in its general lines as structure and evolution, is to be found in the portrait of that family.
Regarding the homonym families, we observed the existence of three families known under the name of Bucşani, one in Ilfov, represented by Borcea from Bucsani, beneficiary under the rule of Mihnea Turcitul, founder at monastery Gruiul and boyar under Michael the Brave, present in the delegation from Alba Iulia, another in Vlaşca (today Giurgiu), on Neajlov, known also under the name of „boyars from Mogoşesti” or „from Aninoasa and Vlădeşti” (the family of lady Voica of Radu from Afumati) and, third, in Dâmboviţa, a family which will continue also in the XVII century.
If for some families we also identified other members unknown until today, to others we made for the first time a portrait and a genealogy. Moreover, the existence of two families resulted from the documents analysis, until this moment unknown. We are referring to the boyars from Cojesti, Ilfov County and about those from Cotesti, Muscel County. For the boyars from Cojeşti, known only due to the High Steward Badea from the crossroads of the XV and XVI centuries, son in law of Udrişte from Margineni, we sketched their evolution until the middle of the XVII century. We discovered a familial environment dominated by women and small beneficiaries. Confounded with Badea from Şuici at a certain point, the High Stewart had no connection with the boyars north of Muscel. The disappearance of the boyars from Cojeşti from the princely council and from the other families known under this name was due to the absence on sons. His family decade, but his inheritance was transmitted, and his daughter and niece founded a monastery at the end of the XVI century, a sign that the family still existed and had economical resources to support such a foundation. More than a century after the death of Badea the Great Stewart, the name „Badea” is encountered again, a prof that a family conscience had always been present. A Păuna Cojasca is attested in 1743, when she sells to a relative a part of the village Cojesti, a sign that the inheritance was kept in family for three centuries.
In the area of Muscel, Godeni village we managed to follow the destiny and properties of the boyars from Coteşti and we identified six generations, starting with 1452, two of them also having great beneficiaries in the princely council: Lăudat from Leurdeni, Belcio from Cotesti, and Lăudat from Vladeni. A boyar Voicu Cotescu appears in the diptych from Argeş, and a boyar Badea Cotescul is a princely messenger in the citadel of Braşov, but also surveyor for a property from the times of Neagoe Basarab. Another „Cotescu” sells to Pătru, the father of Vlaicu from Piscani, a third from Drăgăneşti and the mountain Berivoeşti, possessions which will be confirmed to the boyars from Piscani.
Subsequently, we observe that some families documentary attested at the middle of the XV century, even if they did not master many villages and did not get too often to size power in the princely council, they managed to transmit their patrimony to their successors and they represented a human resource at which sometimes the lords appealed. This is how it is justified the appearance of the boyars from Coteşti in the princely council towards the middle of the century, the period with the greatest mobility.
Neamuri boierești și patromoniul lor funciar în Țara Românească (secolul al XVI-lea), 2015
The evolution of the Walachian great boyars as a structure of power convinced us to choose as a r... more The evolution of the Walachian great boyars as a structure of power convinced us to choose as a research subject the relation between the boyar families and their landed patrimony, seen as a concrete element on which their power was founded. The temporal sequence between 1500 and 1600 was a stage of profound changes inside the Walachian society, offering us enough arguments in order to analyze the manner in which the patrimony was correlating with a family's political role, with its status inside a geographical region, with its matrimonial strategies. Naturally, we dedicated our first chapter to the methodological and terminology issues. Our researches proved to be long and toilsome, for different reasons. With whom did our lords ruled the country, besides the well-known Craioveşti and Buzesti? How many families can be traced during the century? It was disorienting, but it also motivated us to advance, and the families "files" begun to appear. We found various mentions spread in tens of studies about some great beneficiaries or about their families. This was also the result of the documentary sources: precious information, though fragmentary, hard to put together. The conclusion was that there are sources for sketching the destiny of tens of families which were implicated next to the prince in ruling Walachia. Consequently we proposed to construct a data base for the country's elite from two perspectives: on the one side, of a working instrument, which to offer quantitative analyses (regarding especially the patrimony), but also of a picture of the boyar families, by following concrete characters, avoiding the theory excess. Further on we treated the relation between princes and the great boyars (Power circles in the XVI century: lords and boyars), trying to define a real space of those who participated at the government of Walachia. By naming them "power circles", we underlined the boyars of each lord. We investigated who, from what family, by what means and with what advantages they participated in the highest administration for. These information was synthetized under the form of tables, at the end of the third chapter. These associations of information outlined each prince's boyars, the devoted
Conference Presentations by Cirstina Irina
Moștenirea culturală a epocii brâncovenești. Interferențe multietnice și modernitate pe drumul Sudului, Potlogi, 2017
Teaching Documents by Cirstina Irina
Un argument, Mihaela Murgoci / 7 Științele și patrimoniul cultural, Angelica Mihăilescu / 10 Dâmb... more Un argument, Mihaela Murgoci / 7 Științele și patrimoniul cultural, Angelica Mihăilescu / 10 Dâmbovița, scurtă prezentare, Irina Cîrstina / 15 Complexul Național Muzeal Curtea Domnească Târgoviște -câteva repere, Irina Cîrstina / 16 Obiecte-vedetă, Cercetări fizico-chimice și biologice pentru investigarea obiectelor de muzeu Povestea pergamentului, Elena Badea și Lucreția Miu / 124 Spectometria de fluorescență de raze X, Migdonia Georgescu / 131 Spectrometria în infraroşu (FTIR), Cristina Carșote, Irina Petroviciu / 132 Cromatografia de lichide cu detecție în UV-Viz și spectrometrie de masă (LC-DAD-MS). Identificarea coloranților naturali din textile istorice, Irina Petroviciu / 133
Papers by Cirstina Irina
Spre deosebire de secolele anterioare, în secolul al XVI-lea boierii care alcătuiesc sfatul domnesc sunt cei care deţin o dregătorie , astfel că prosperitatea unei familii şi chiar destinul ei depindeau în cel mai înalt grad de voinţa suveranului . Mai mult, inexistenţa titlurilor de nobleţe vulnerabiliza neamurile, aşa încât menţinerea în rândurile marii boierimi însemna, pe lângă stăpânirea unui număr mare de sate şi supuşi, ocuparea pentru mai multe generaţii a unor funcţii cât mai înalte. Studiind componența sfatului domnesc, se poate observa că domnii Ţării Româneşti au avut alături adevărate „dinastii de dregători”, așa cum bine afirma Maria Magdalena Szekely referindu-se la realităţile din Moldova lui Petru Rareş . În ceea ce priveşte numărul neamurilor privilegiate, constatăm că aproximativ 40 dintre familiile boiereşti ale Ţării Româneşti au fost cele care au avut reprezentanţi în sfatul domnesc și nu toate au trecut proba timpului.
strong artistic skills proven during his studies, Gabriel Popescu became the
first Romanian qualified engraver, founder and holder of the engraving chair of the National School of Fine Arts in Bucharest. He maintained that position for several decades. Solitary and discreet, thorough and fine connaiseur of human nature, expressive and impeccable in execution, Gabriel Popescu let art speak for himself. Due to his exceptional qualities, he received several distinctions and medals at various exhibitions and he was cherished and encouraged by His Majesty, King Carol I of Romania. He mastered all engraving techniques, displaying a particular interest in the possibilities of each one, but also excelled in other areas, making stamps, medals and plaques. He is buried in his native village, near the church in which his father served.
Keywords: engraving, drawing, painting, royal scholarship, art distinctions and institutions, memorial house with workshop, XIX-XX centuries late.
The estate of Potlogi, situated along river Argeș, near Odobești and Românești, did not belong to Dima postelnic, the small boyar from Oltenia, and Constantin Brâncoveanu did not buy it from his inheritors a short while before building the church there in 1683. Previously, parts of the land were the property of great boyars, like Dragomir, High Steward, from the Mărgineni family, who owned it in 1580. The trace of the documents was lost and two further confusions, first with the Potlogeni village in Dâmbovița, then with the Potlogi in Oltenia, complicated the writing of its history, which this paper seeks to determine.
Books by Cirstina Irina
Regarding the homonym families, we observed the existence of three families known under the name of Bucşani, one in Ilfov, represented by Borcea from Bucsani, beneficiary under the rule of Mihnea Turcitul, founder at monastery Gruiul and boyar under Michael the Brave, present in the delegation from Alba Iulia, another in Vlaşca (today Giurgiu), on Neajlov, known also under the name of „boyars from Mogoşesti” or „from Aninoasa and Vlădeşti” (the family of lady Voica of Radu from Afumati) and, third, in Dâmboviţa, a family which will continue also in the XVII century.
If for some families we also identified other members unknown until today, to others we made for the first time a portrait and a genealogy. Moreover, the existence of two families resulted from the documents analysis, until this moment unknown. We are referring to the boyars from Cojesti, Ilfov County and about those from Cotesti, Muscel County. For the boyars from Cojeşti, known only due to the High Steward Badea from the crossroads of the XV and XVI centuries, son in law of Udrişte from Margineni, we sketched their evolution until the middle of the XVII century. We discovered a familial environment dominated by women and small beneficiaries. Confounded with Badea from Şuici at a certain point, the High Stewart had no connection with the boyars north of Muscel. The disappearance of the boyars from Cojeşti from the princely council and from the other families known under this name was due to the absence on sons. His family decade, but his inheritance was transmitted, and his daughter and niece founded a monastery at the end of the XVI century, a sign that the family still existed and had economical resources to support such a foundation. More than a century after the death of Badea the Great Stewart, the name „Badea” is encountered again, a prof that a family conscience had always been present. A Păuna Cojasca is attested in 1743, when she sells to a relative a part of the village Cojesti, a sign that the inheritance was kept in family for three centuries.
In the area of Muscel, Godeni village we managed to follow the destiny and properties of the boyars from Coteşti and we identified six generations, starting with 1452, two of them also having great beneficiaries in the princely council: Lăudat from Leurdeni, Belcio from Cotesti, and Lăudat from Vladeni. A boyar Voicu Cotescu appears in the diptych from Argeş, and a boyar Badea Cotescul is a princely messenger in the citadel of Braşov, but also surveyor for a property from the times of Neagoe Basarab. Another „Cotescu” sells to Pătru, the father of Vlaicu from Piscani, a third from Drăgăneşti and the mountain Berivoeşti, possessions which will be confirmed to the boyars from Piscani.
Subsequently, we observe that some families documentary attested at the middle of the XV century, even if they did not master many villages and did not get too often to size power in the princely council, they managed to transmit their patrimony to their successors and they represented a human resource at which sometimes the lords appealed. This is how it is justified the appearance of the boyars from Coteşti in the princely council towards the middle of the century, the period with the greatest mobility.
Conference Presentations by Cirstina Irina
Teaching Documents by Cirstina Irina
Spre deosebire de secolele anterioare, în secolul al XVI-lea boierii care alcătuiesc sfatul domnesc sunt cei care deţin o dregătorie , astfel că prosperitatea unei familii şi chiar destinul ei depindeau în cel mai înalt grad de voinţa suveranului . Mai mult, inexistenţa titlurilor de nobleţe vulnerabiliza neamurile, aşa încât menţinerea în rândurile marii boierimi însemna, pe lângă stăpânirea unui număr mare de sate şi supuşi, ocuparea pentru mai multe generaţii a unor funcţii cât mai înalte. Studiind componența sfatului domnesc, se poate observa că domnii Ţării Româneşti au avut alături adevărate „dinastii de dregători”, așa cum bine afirma Maria Magdalena Szekely referindu-se la realităţile din Moldova lui Petru Rareş . În ceea ce priveşte numărul neamurilor privilegiate, constatăm că aproximativ 40 dintre familiile boiereşti ale Ţării Româneşti au fost cele care au avut reprezentanţi în sfatul domnesc și nu toate au trecut proba timpului.
strong artistic skills proven during his studies, Gabriel Popescu became the
first Romanian qualified engraver, founder and holder of the engraving chair of the National School of Fine Arts in Bucharest. He maintained that position for several decades. Solitary and discreet, thorough and fine connaiseur of human nature, expressive and impeccable in execution, Gabriel Popescu let art speak for himself. Due to his exceptional qualities, he received several distinctions and medals at various exhibitions and he was cherished and encouraged by His Majesty, King Carol I of Romania. He mastered all engraving techniques, displaying a particular interest in the possibilities of each one, but also excelled in other areas, making stamps, medals and plaques. He is buried in his native village, near the church in which his father served.
Keywords: engraving, drawing, painting, royal scholarship, art distinctions and institutions, memorial house with workshop, XIX-XX centuries late.
The estate of Potlogi, situated along river Argeș, near Odobești and Românești, did not belong to Dima postelnic, the small boyar from Oltenia, and Constantin Brâncoveanu did not buy it from his inheritors a short while before building the church there in 1683. Previously, parts of the land were the property of great boyars, like Dragomir, High Steward, from the Mărgineni family, who owned it in 1580. The trace of the documents was lost and two further confusions, first with the Potlogeni village in Dâmbovița, then with the Potlogi in Oltenia, complicated the writing of its history, which this paper seeks to determine.
Regarding the homonym families, we observed the existence of three families known under the name of Bucşani, one in Ilfov, represented by Borcea from Bucsani, beneficiary under the rule of Mihnea Turcitul, founder at monastery Gruiul and boyar under Michael the Brave, present in the delegation from Alba Iulia, another in Vlaşca (today Giurgiu), on Neajlov, known also under the name of „boyars from Mogoşesti” or „from Aninoasa and Vlădeşti” (the family of lady Voica of Radu from Afumati) and, third, in Dâmboviţa, a family which will continue also in the XVII century.
If for some families we also identified other members unknown until today, to others we made for the first time a portrait and a genealogy. Moreover, the existence of two families resulted from the documents analysis, until this moment unknown. We are referring to the boyars from Cojesti, Ilfov County and about those from Cotesti, Muscel County. For the boyars from Cojeşti, known only due to the High Steward Badea from the crossroads of the XV and XVI centuries, son in law of Udrişte from Margineni, we sketched their evolution until the middle of the XVII century. We discovered a familial environment dominated by women and small beneficiaries. Confounded with Badea from Şuici at a certain point, the High Stewart had no connection with the boyars north of Muscel. The disappearance of the boyars from Cojeşti from the princely council and from the other families known under this name was due to the absence on sons. His family decade, but his inheritance was transmitted, and his daughter and niece founded a monastery at the end of the XVI century, a sign that the family still existed and had economical resources to support such a foundation. More than a century after the death of Badea the Great Stewart, the name „Badea” is encountered again, a prof that a family conscience had always been present. A Păuna Cojasca is attested in 1743, when she sells to a relative a part of the village Cojesti, a sign that the inheritance was kept in family for three centuries.
In the area of Muscel, Godeni village we managed to follow the destiny and properties of the boyars from Coteşti and we identified six generations, starting with 1452, two of them also having great beneficiaries in the princely council: Lăudat from Leurdeni, Belcio from Cotesti, and Lăudat from Vladeni. A boyar Voicu Cotescu appears in the diptych from Argeş, and a boyar Badea Cotescul is a princely messenger in the citadel of Braşov, but also surveyor for a property from the times of Neagoe Basarab. Another „Cotescu” sells to Pătru, the father of Vlaicu from Piscani, a third from Drăgăneşti and the mountain Berivoeşti, possessions which will be confirmed to the boyars from Piscani.
Subsequently, we observe that some families documentary attested at the middle of the XV century, even if they did not master many villages and did not get too often to size power in the princely council, they managed to transmit their patrimony to their successors and they represented a human resource at which sometimes the lords appealed. This is how it is justified the appearance of the boyars from Coteşti in the princely council towards the middle of the century, the period with the greatest mobility.