I just downloaded GuitarPro 7.5. I used to use GuitarPro quite a bit, but it's been a while.
I like to tune down and play in Eb. I want to change a song to sound 1/2 step lower, but want to keep the notation and tab in original finger and original key.
Ie->Smoke on the Water in standard E tuning.
I want the key signature to remain the same (Bb major, for Smoke on the Water), or say I load a song that is in C. Drop the pitch to B, but I want the tab/score to remain in C. Hope that makes sense
-> change pitch to E flat, but keep notation/tab as was originally
I read "real" music much better than I read tab, so I don't want to hide the score.
Hope that makes sense. I used to do this all the time, but am having worst time trying to remember how I did this.
-->> It's easy to do in GuitarPro 6, but not GuitarPro 7. Not sure why.
Here are a couple of screencaps. First is a Steve Morse tune in A minor, w/ key in notation being C. When I change the tuning to Eb it also changes the score so that there are accidentals. I've tried transposing 1/2 step, but this doesn't work. There has to be a way to manipulate the score w/o altering the pitch/tone that is played.
And here is 2nd pic:
I want the musical notation to look like this but played w/ Eb tuning. This is score w/o the tab:
Hope that makes sense. I want to be able to drop tone/pitch 1/2 step, but be able to keep the notation in original key. I can't seem to manipulate the score w/o changing the actual pitch. Hope that makes sense.
ps. If you're wondering why? I'm using an Ibanez w/ locking tuners. It's tuned to Eb