Personal Website by Philip McShane
Published and unpublished books, articles, and essays are available at: http://www.philipmcshane.... more Published and unpublished books, articles, and essays are available at:
Books by Philip McShane
This book offers an introductory reach for economic wisdom. At the same time, it is an explosive,... more This book offers an introductory reach for economic wisdom. At the same time, it is an explosive, yet pragmatic, push past Keynesian theories and postmodernism. What is missing in present economic thinking is both an appreciation of the economic variables and vision that would restore true democracy. The emergence of enlightened economics will gradually replace present disorder and confusion with innovative local and global vision.
It is time to go back to the beginning and start again.'" The quotation is from a somewhat unorrh... more It is time to go back to the beginning and start again.'" The quotation is from a somewhat unorrhodox introducrion to economics that appeared and disappeared in the early sevenries. It occurs at the end of a brief but illuminating survey of past economic theorizing, and is followed by the fresh beginning. One of rhe authors, Joan Robinson (1903Robinson ( -1983 was well-known for her disagreement with standard economics, especially American economics. Her litrle book, Economic Heresies, reaches back to her discussions with Keynes. At one poinr in rhat book she remarks thar "Keynes' ideas were not always definite, precise and consistent,"? and recalls writing to Keynes about her difficulties in following the argument of chaprer seventeen of The General Theory. "Keynes replied, in effect, rhat he was not surprised for he found it difficult himself" You are not dismayed, 1 hope, by my rnention of past economic rheory and its difficulties, difficulties that are regularly glossed over in standard introductory texts. I am not going to plunge you into those murky waters. Indeed, if you have already suffered your way through an inrroductory course in economics, you will most
Papers by Philip McShane
A discussion of how functional research might impact futire research on Lonergan's Collected ... more A discussion of how functional research might impact futire research on Lonergan's Collected Works
This contexting obviously follows the attempts that were the subject of the previous essay. Yet I... more This contexting obviously follows the attempts that were the subject of the previous essay. Yet I wrote the first four parts in preparation for the seminar, deciding to hold the proximate contexting till after the seminargroup's first attempt. So, if you are an active member of the seminar, you have already that small advising from FuSe 4. There I pointed towards FuSe 5 and its broad sweep, a sweep that points to distant heights, both ontic and phyletic. And we are looking for still more from this first seminar. What that something more is, is to emerge in FuSe 7 on March 1 st : a positioning of oneself regarding this enterprise that should give rise to a re-visioning of the second attempt. The re-visioning is a third attempt on the same topic, the next objective, to be mused over in FuSe 8. Finally, FuSe 9 gives a wider context and fuse 10 paves the way for the second seminar of the series, 'Functional Interpretation' (May 1 st to July 15 th). I suspect that some of the fifty-four people who were in this first seminar will wish to participate in that second seminar, but it is a fresh start, and, as we shall see, it has deep troubles of its own quite different from the leap to novel research that we are encountering here. 1 Starting Rambling: Ontic and Phyletic growth in Science Oddly, I think now, as I type, of that Voegelin beginning quoted in the first of my Cantowers eight years ago, 1 but my serious thinking has gone further back this morning to the winter of fifty years ago, 1960-1961, when I began my teaching career in mathematical physics. 2 And it has gone back to that precisely in the context of Lonergan's beginning of Method in Theology of about six years later. The analogy of successful
For society to progress towards that or any other goal it must fulfill one condition. It cannot b... more For society to progress towards that or any other goal it must fulfill one condition. It cannot be a titanothore, a beast with a three-ton body and a ten-ounce brain. It must not direct its main effort to the ordinary final product of standard of living but to the overhead final product of cultural implements. It must not glory in its widening, in adding industry to industry, and feeding the soul of man with an abundant demand for labor. It must glory in its deepening, in the pure deepening that adds to aggregate leisure, to liberate many entirely and all increasingly to the field of cultural activities. It must not boast of science on the ground that science fills its belly. It must not glue its nose to the single track of this or that department. It must lift its eyes more and ever more to the more general and more difficult fields of speculation, for it is from them that it has to derive the delicate compound of unity and freedom in which alone progress can be born, struggle, and...
A discusion of a central goal in the development of functional collaboration, the shift toward th... more A discusion of a central goal in the development of functional collaboration, the shift toward the persuit of a standard model for the science and for collaboration grounded in the core methodlogy of generalized empirical method.
... And there is a debt internal to the General Editors, of Fred Crowe to Robert Doran for revisi... more ... And there is a debt internal to the General Editors, of Fred Crowe to Robert Doran for revising and integrating the input of the various workers and checking many of the footnote references. In turn, Robert Doran wishes to acknowledge ...
Theological Studies, 1968
predominantly intellectual) contemplation. Add the contemporary stress on the social dimension of... more predominantly intellectual) contemplation. Add the contemporary stress on the social dimension of Christianity (unthinkingly identified with external apostolic action) and the suspicion, founded on theory that is not given the test of personal experience, that contemplative prayer is a flight from "real" Christianity—and it will be readily seen that it is not easy for many present-day readers to approach these questions of the Summa intelligently. Against these last-mentioned prejudices no book can defend its readers. But the misunderstanding of the terms "contemplative life" and "contemplation" can be countered, and Fr. Aumann provides for this in his appendixes, especially those on the historical (pagan-philosophical and patristic) background and on the term "contemplation." The interested reader would do well to consult the abundant commentary of Hans Urs von Balthasar in his Besondere Gnadengaben und die Zwei Wege menschlichen Lebens (= Deutsche Thomas-Ausgabe 23 [Summa theologica 2-2. 171-82]; Heidelberg: F. H. Kerle; Graz: A. Pustet, 1954); the commentary on the "action and contemplation" questions runs through pp. 431-^4. Faced with volumes which give us St. Thomas' thought, its translation, annotation of it, and essays on it, the reviewer may well be puzzled about what to select for notice. In reviewing this set of volumes, I have concentrated on the blocks to understanding which the reader, often without realizing the fact, may bring with him and which serve to screen him successfully from the author. It is no small merit of these volumes that their editors have anticipated these difficulties and tried to meet them. The measure of their success will ultimately depend, of course, on whether such barriers as editors of texts can assault have in fact been dismantled for each reader—the unenviable task that any form of commentary faces.
The objective of this essay is to illustrate patterns of present distraction from the meaningful ... more The objective of this essay is to illustrate patterns of present distraction from the meaningful objectives of The objective of this essay is to illustrate patterns of present distraction from the meaningful objectives of global business: the provision of local standards of living through collaborative care both of innovative structures of local improvements and for the global distribution of generic consumer benefits. Such distractions are as obvious as media attention, in pseudo-business discussions, to the neurotic and greedy patterns of gambling symbolized by the name Wall St . But overlayed on this silly devotion to casino-dynamics are varieties of supposedly learned discourse that are, in the main, locked into those same patterns. They need to be exposed. : the provision of local standards of living through collaborative care both of innovative structures of local improvements and for the global distribution of generic consumer benefits. Such distractions are as obvious as med...
A review of efforts in functional research with an eye to towards improving the efficeny of the c... more A review of efforts in functional research with an eye to towards improving the efficeny of the collaborative effort.
The presentation of an alternative future vision for both Lonergan studies and for all academic a... more The presentation of an alternative future vision for both Lonergan studies and for all academic and scientific collaboration.
Universitas philosophica, 1999
Personal Website by Philip McShane
Books by Philip McShane
Papers by Philip McShane