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Showing posts with label apples. Show all posts
Showing posts with label apples. Show all posts

Sunday, September 30, 2012


In September, we did a lot with apples.  We started by making observations about apples.

 We then made apple smiles for our snack.  They are made with 2 apple slices, mini marshmallows and peanut butter (this year I had to use carmel because of peanut allergies).  The kids love these.

 These apple trees are made in several steps. We start by doing green marble painting.  When they dry, the children cut along the lines I've drawn (with older kids, I had them use a tracer).  They then cut out the trunk and glue their collage together.  The last step is to add the apples with a pencil eraser.

 We of course had to do a graph.

The kids love this poem. I also typed it up and they added the picture clues (colored apples).  We practiced reading the poem as we pointed to each word ( I put a black dot under each word). This was the first paper that they brought home that they could "read" to their families...very exciting!

         Finally, after reading 10 Apples Up on Top, the kids did a self portrait and then decided how many apple they would put "on top."  The apples were little red circle stickers. Under the picture it says "_________ has ____ apples up on top!" I kept these in their portfolios so I could show parents at conferences how they were drawing themselves, writing their names and counting at the beginning of the year.