Manav Rachna International University
Faculty of Architecture and Design
The fast growing rate of Delhi is leaving something behind it.. the Urban villages of Delhi are kept aside in the race of development. This unparalleled growth of Delhi has lost the vast agricultural land in this process, and villages... more
In the partial fulfilment of the M. Arch degree program, this is to certify that 'Zeeshan Ibrar' has worked on the dissertation report entitled "AN ASSORTMENT PERCEPTION OF NIGHT LIFE IN URBAN AREAS" under my guidance and supervision.
The aim of this paper is to identify and examine the urban conservation techniques as a guiding tool for the regeneration of a city. Its integration with the natural and built environment, social and cultural aspects and the effect due to... more
The presentation consists mainly maps that has been copied from DELHI FACT SHEET 1999 , NCRPB publications.
this paper discusses the existing scenario of tehkhand village.
Reason for the evolution of slum like conditions in the industrial areas.
Reason for the evolution of slum like conditions in the industrial areas.
Floods are not revered by national or regional boundaries. Flooding from across the border requires participation of governments for flood risk management. In 2015, United Nation (UN) adopted seventeen Sustainable Development Goals (SDG).... more
The book titled ‘Sustainable Regional Development’ focuses on several regional case studies across India in light of existing sustainability challenges. Defining the ‘region’ as a planning unit based on specific spatial hierarchies and... more