Thursday, January 22, 2015

Challenge #246--Anything Goes/optional warm w/Mo's image

Looks like this year is going to be rolling along just as fast as the last one.  It's already time for our new bi-weekly challenge here at Mo's.
It also looks like you really liked our Anything Goes challenge last week.  We had lots of fabulous cards to ogle over.  We have some wonderful changes coming up in the near future that we hope you will like just as well.

Our hostess this time around is our sweet Daria.  Her wonderful acetate card creations are beyond amazing.  Here'a sneaky peak at her inspiration for this week using the beautiful Gathering Kindling.

I know you all want to know who our winners were so let's find out.  It sure was no easy task to pick a Top 3 with all the amazing entries you gave us to pick from, but here's what we came up with.

Mo's Top 3

Congratulations ladies! Please grab your "Mo's Top 3" banner (located up there, to the right)...and proudly display it on your blogs!!

Our lucky prize winner selected by is...

Stela from "Stela's Wonder Place"

Please email Mo HERE at [email protected]
to claim your new digi prize!!
Please add "Mo Challenge Winner" to your email subject line.

So now I guess you all want to know what the theme of the next challenge is.  Well here's where one of our new changes comes in.  Since you like the Anything Goes challenges so much, we've decided to do them for every challenge.  However, we will continue to offer an optional theme supplied by our DT hostesses.  This week Daria has offered the optional challenge of creating a Warm card (images with anything that makes you warm - cup of coffee, sweaters, blankets etc.).  The choice is up to you.

New Challenge Theme....

Anything Goes with the option of something warm (anything that makes you warm - cup of coffee, sweaters, blankets etc.)
(with a Mo image)

Here's what Daria's and the rest of Mo's challenge team have come up with to inspire you.

Hope you enjoyed our projects and they've inspired you to join in our fun. So...before you begin working on your own "Anything Goes/optional Warm" projects, please take a few minutes to visit the DT's blogs (just click on their names) to find out more about their stunning creations...and please don't forget to leave 'em each a little "love" while you're there!'s your turn! Just choose at least one of Mo's images and create your own masterpiece (card, 3-D project, etc.) using this fortnight's "Anything Goes/optional Warm" theme. Up for grabs is a $5.00 voucher for Mo's online store!! 

This will be a three week challenge so you will have until 9 a.m. Eastern time (New York time) on Tuesday, February 10th to link up your project below!

Be sure to follow Mo's Challenge Rules (in sidebar)...
use at least one Mo Manning image...
And, please, only ONE entry per person!

Thursday, January 8, 2015

Anything Goes in 2015 (w/Mo image, of course!)

HAPPY NEW YEAR, Mo fans!! Welcome, welcome, welcome!! Mo and her Design Team  ladies are delighted to welcome you to our first challenge of 2015! PLUS...we'll let you in on a little secret...there are some fabulous new things coming in 2015!! That''s all we can tell you now...but stay tuned for more hints!!

Oh...and if you haven't taken advantage of the WINTER SALE going on over at Mo's online store, you'll definitely want to check it out!! All images (including lots of adorable brand new digis) are on sale for 20% off! Just enter the code: BIGCHILL at checkout! runs through January 11th!

This fortnight's hostess is...Pat! And she's chosen one of our favorite themes...which we'll talk about momentarily! Here's a sneak peek at her DT project using one of Mo's newest little digis called "Hey Bud"...

Before we get to this fortnight's challenge, though, we some important business to talk about!

First... Thank you so much for playing in last fortnight's "Your Best 'Mo Make' of 2014" Challenge...your entries were positively stunning!! And we loved seeing them all again!! As you can imagine, it was incredibly difficult selecting Mo's Top 3...we think you are ALL winners!!

Here are Mo's Top 3!

Ann Marie


Congratulations ladies! Please grab your "Mo's Top 3" banner (located up there, to the right)...and proudly display it on your blogs!!

And now...PRIZES!!
Our lucky winners (remember, Mo awards 1 prize for every 25 entries) selected by Random.Org are...

Cathy from "KraftyKoolKat"

Pat from "Pinky's World"
Congratulations ladies!!
Please email Mo HERE at [email protected]
to claim your new digi prize!!
Please add "Mo Challenge Winner" to your email subject line.

Now...on to our new challenge....
where our theme is...

"Anything Goes"
(...with a Mo image, of course!)

Here's what Pat and the rest of Mo's talented designers have been up to....




Whoa! Now that's how to start out the New Year!! Gorgeous, right?! So...before you begin working on your own "Anything Goes" projects, please take a few minutes to visit the DT's blogs (just click on their names) to find out more about their stunning creations...and please don't forget to leave 'em each a little "love" while you're there!'s your turn! Just choose at least one of Mo's images and create your own masterpiece (card, 3-D project, etc.) using this fortnight's "Anything Goes" theme. Up for grabs is a $5.00 voucher for Mo's online store!! 

You will have until 9 a.m. Eastern time (New York time) on Tuesday, January 20th to link up your project below!

Be sure to follow Mo's Challenge Rules (in sidebar)...
use at least one Mo Manning image...
And, please, only ONE entry per person!