// Вестник НГУ. Серия: История, филология. Т. 21, № 4: Востоковедение, c. 62-69. Vestnik NSU. Series: History and Philology, 2022, vol. 21 , no.4 : Oriental Studies, p. 62-69, 2022
Исследование посвящено раннему периоду развития масонства в Китае XIX – начале XX в., которое в т... more Исследование посвящено раннему периоду развития масонства в Китае XIX – начале XX в., которое в тот период характеризовалось открытием десятка лож Английской, Шотландской, Массачусетской, Филиппинской конституции. Несмотря на то, что масонство не имело решающего влияние на политику или экономику Китая, оно выступало в качестве важнейшей силы консолидации иностранцев, прежде всего в Шанхае, Гуанчжоу, Гонконге, способствовало сохранению «оазиса» западных традиций в инокультурной среде, создавала новые, в том числе и трансазиатские деловые связи между бизнесменами – членами лож. Немногочисленные ложи включали представителей разных слоев, но прежде всего – предпринимателей. Важнейшей частью деятельности лож стала благотворительность и поддержка своих членов. Однако к 20–30-м гг. ХХ в. «колониальный» характер масонства размывается, в некоторых шанхайских ложах большая часть членов уже была китайцами, и даже возник вопрос о проведении ритуалов на китайском языке. This research focuses on the early period of the development of Freemasonry in China in the 19 and early 20th centuries, this period was characterized by the establishing of a dozen lodges under English, Scottish, Massachusetts, Philippine Constitution. While Freemasonry had no decisive influence on politics or the economy of China, it acted as a major force for the consolidation of foreigners, especially in Shanghai, Guangzhou, Hong Kong, contributing to preserve the “oasis” of Western traditions in a foreign cultural environment, created new trans-asian business relations between business members of lodges. The member of each lodge were not numerous, included representatives of different strata, but above all - entrepreneurs and traders. Charity and support of masons’ families became an important part of the lodges’ activities. However, by the 20s-30s of the 20 century the “colonial” character of Freemasonry is being eroded, in some Shanghai lodges most of the members were Chinese, and local masons even raised a question about rituals in the Chinese language.
Books by Alexey Maslov
This book includes a series of scholarly essays, it was written at a time when the global pandemic had not even entered its final stage yet. Therefore, it is very difficult to give a complete and consistent picture of the situation. Our main task is to show how China responded to economic, social, political and epidemiological challenges in 2020.
Что происходит с социальной ситуацией и экономикой Китая в 2020 г. и насколько она устойчива под ударами эпидемии? В чем реальная суть проти-востояния США и КНР, почему оно столь резко обострилось именно в период пандемии и как поведет себя Европа на этом фоне? Как и почему Китаю уда-лось в столь короткие сроки почти одолеть эпидемию и насколько был откро-венен Пекин в своей информации по поводу масштабов заболевания? Эта кни-га, состоящая из серии очерков и отдельных статей, создавалась в тот момент, когда пандемия даже не вступила в стадию своего завершения. Поэтому дать целостную и непротиворечивую картину в этих условиях весьма сложно. Мы обсудим то, как развивалась ситуация в Китае, какие меры предпринимал Ки-тай для стабилизации собственной экономики и на каком международном фоне это происходило.
A reseacrh of a series of ideas and concepts by Confucius (551-479 B.C.), accompanied by an annotated and sectioned translation of his work "Lun Yu". The author regards Confucius not as a classical philosopher, but as the follower of one of the mystical schools, who decided to offer his efforts for secular service to local kingdom leaders and failed in his message. Some people call him a symbol of the Chinese nation, others call him the Teacher of Teachers and the Great Sage, while others consider him the greatest mystic. Or maybe he was just a philosopher, tired of unhelpful students, from rejection of his ideas, because the world has not followed him? This book is an original presentation of the ideas and history of Confucius' life, accompanied by excerpts from the records of his sayings "Conversations and judgments. A wise, meditative and instructive story...
Книга представляет собой сборник лучших средневековых притч и рассказов о китайских мастерах Чань-буддизма, вошедших во многие классические произведения: «Застава без врат», «Записи о передачи светильника», «Речения с Лазурного утеса», «Престольная сутра Шестого патриарха». Издание также включает в себя рассказ об истории становления жанра чаньских речений «юйлу» и «парадоксальных диалогов» - коанов (гунъаней), о способах тренировки сознания чаньских монахов.
How to achieve enlightenment with just one word? Or through silence? To be enlightened with wisdom one does not need complicated methods, it is enough to calm one's heart, to purify one's consciousness and... to be near a worthy mentor. This is the essence of the famous teaching of Chan sect.
The book is a collection of the best medieval parables and stories about Chinese masters of Chan Buddhism, included in many classical works: "Outpost without Gates", "Records of the Transmission of the Lamp", "Speeches from the Azure Cliff", “Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch". The publication also includes a wide research on the history of formation of the genre of Chan’s “yulu” and paradoxical dialogues - koans (Gong'an), about ways of mind training of Chinese Buddhist monks.
1 Erotic Wandering of the Spirit 2. The Way to Chinese Erotology 3. The body of pleasure and the body of enlightenment. 4. Popular "secret texts." 5. Enlightenment, longevity, and flesh. 6. Responding to Heavenly Coitus. 7. "Pliable and obedient.“ 8. From woman to androgynous. 9. The lonely immortal.
Одна из наиболее полных книг об искусстве духовного совершенствования, лечения и достижения просветления через сексуальные практики. Китайская эротология - уникальная система достижения мистического прозрения, получения трансцендентального опыта, продления жизни и даже восхождения к бессмертию. Для неискушенных людей эротология - это просто искусство наслаждения и способы сексуальной практики, а для посвящённых - это путь к просветлению и укреплению здоровья. Выбор партнера приравнивается к выбору ингредиентов для лечения и таблетки бессмертия. В этом издании представлы различные аспекты искусства китайской мистической эротологии с переводами нескольких классических текстов об искусстве "внутренних покоев" с комментариями.
1 Эротические странствия духа 2. Путь к китайской эротологии 3. Тело наслаждения и тело просветления. 4. Популярные "тайные тексты". 5. Просвещение, долголетие и плоть. 6. Отвечая небесное совокупление. 7. "Податлива и послушна". 8. От женщины к андрогину. 9. Одинокая бессмертная.
This research includes the attempt to understand the initial meaning of the one of the most famous text of Taoist tradition “Dao de jing” (Tao te king) including the language and paragraphs structure, possible compiler and the date of compilation. Presumably the initial text was formed as compendium of saying of old mystical masters lately mixed with commentaries and many addition, so to “crack codes” of “Dao de jing” we must separate the initial levels of the scripture from late additions. The edition also includes the complete translation for the “Dao de jing” with commentaries of Wang Bi, 3 c., brilliant philosopher of the school of Xuanxue (“Teaching of the Sacral)
Research on the early history and practice of the Buddhism Chan (Zen) in China before 11 c., describing the different approaches to the inner nature of the man, the way to "Buddhahood" and meditation practice. Also includes compete translations with annotations of several important Buddhist texts: "Platform Sutra of the Sixth patriarch", "Sayings of teacher Ma-zu", “Sayings of Bodhidharma about Heart” “Blue cliff records”, etc.
"The Science to govern China. Mirror for the Dragon" . Moscow: Ripol Classic Publishing House, 2017 by Alexey Maslov. This is a annotated translation and research of the important Tang dynasty text " The Compilation of writings on the Important Governing Principles" by official Wei Zheng (7 c.) is the compilation of advises to emperor about methods of ruling, relations with officials and people. self cultivation, main values and ideas for the state development. The translation is followed by the research on the medieval methods of advising for Chinese emperor.
Papers by Alexey Maslov
with Asian partners, emphasizing a shift towards the East as a means of
reorienting its economy and politics towards key Asian allies. Our assessment
of the slogan "turn to the east" is that it has been extremely unsuccessful,
causing confusion among our partners in Asia. It is crucial to recognize that
a significant portion of Russia's landmass, almost two-thirds, is located in
Asia, and historically, Russia has been diligently cultivating diplomatic ties
with Asian nations since the 16th and 17th centuries. Despite this, we are in
agreement that Russia should have redirected its priorities from the West
to the East. This redirection encompasses various aspects of relations,
such as trade, business, politics, culture, and the development of personnel
capable of effectively engaging with Asian countries, including India, while
maintaining utmost respect.
This book includes a series of scholarly essays, it was written at a time when the global pandemic had not even entered its final stage yet. Therefore, it is very difficult to give a complete and consistent picture of the situation. Our main task is to show how China responded to economic, social, political and epidemiological challenges in 2020.
Что происходит с социальной ситуацией и экономикой Китая в 2020 г. и насколько она устойчива под ударами эпидемии? В чем реальная суть проти-востояния США и КНР, почему оно столь резко обострилось именно в период пандемии и как поведет себя Европа на этом фоне? Как и почему Китаю уда-лось в столь короткие сроки почти одолеть эпидемию и насколько был откро-венен Пекин в своей информации по поводу масштабов заболевания? Эта кни-га, состоящая из серии очерков и отдельных статей, создавалась в тот момент, когда пандемия даже не вступила в стадию своего завершения. Поэтому дать целостную и непротиворечивую картину в этих условиях весьма сложно. Мы обсудим то, как развивалась ситуация в Китае, какие меры предпринимал Ки-тай для стабилизации собственной экономики и на каком международном фоне это происходило.
A reseacrh of a series of ideas and concepts by Confucius (551-479 B.C.), accompanied by an annotated and sectioned translation of his work "Lun Yu". The author regards Confucius not as a classical philosopher, but as the follower of one of the mystical schools, who decided to offer his efforts for secular service to local kingdom leaders and failed in his message. Some people call him a symbol of the Chinese nation, others call him the Teacher of Teachers and the Great Sage, while others consider him the greatest mystic. Or maybe he was just a philosopher, tired of unhelpful students, from rejection of his ideas, because the world has not followed him? This book is an original presentation of the ideas and history of Confucius' life, accompanied by excerpts from the records of his sayings "Conversations and judgments. A wise, meditative and instructive story...
Книга представляет собой сборник лучших средневековых притч и рассказов о китайских мастерах Чань-буддизма, вошедших во многие классические произведения: «Застава без врат», «Записи о передачи светильника», «Речения с Лазурного утеса», «Престольная сутра Шестого патриарха». Издание также включает в себя рассказ об истории становления жанра чаньских речений «юйлу» и «парадоксальных диалогов» - коанов (гунъаней), о способах тренировки сознания чаньских монахов.
How to achieve enlightenment with just one word? Or through silence? To be enlightened with wisdom one does not need complicated methods, it is enough to calm one's heart, to purify one's consciousness and... to be near a worthy mentor. This is the essence of the famous teaching of Chan sect.
The book is a collection of the best medieval parables and stories about Chinese masters of Chan Buddhism, included in many classical works: "Outpost without Gates", "Records of the Transmission of the Lamp", "Speeches from the Azure Cliff", “Platform Sutra of the Sixth Patriarch". The publication also includes a wide research on the history of formation of the genre of Chan’s “yulu” and paradoxical dialogues - koans (Gong'an), about ways of mind training of Chinese Buddhist monks.
1 Erotic Wandering of the Spirit 2. The Way to Chinese Erotology 3. The body of pleasure and the body of enlightenment. 4. Popular "secret texts." 5. Enlightenment, longevity, and flesh. 6. Responding to Heavenly Coitus. 7. "Pliable and obedient.“ 8. From woman to androgynous. 9. The lonely immortal.
Одна из наиболее полных книг об искусстве духовного совершенствования, лечения и достижения просветления через сексуальные практики. Китайская эротология - уникальная система достижения мистического прозрения, получения трансцендентального опыта, продления жизни и даже восхождения к бессмертию. Для неискушенных людей эротология - это просто искусство наслаждения и способы сексуальной практики, а для посвящённых - это путь к просветлению и укреплению здоровья. Выбор партнера приравнивается к выбору ингредиентов для лечения и таблетки бессмертия. В этом издании представлы различные аспекты искусства китайской мистической эротологии с переводами нескольких классических текстов об искусстве "внутренних покоев" с комментариями.
1 Эротические странствия духа 2. Путь к китайской эротологии 3. Тело наслаждения и тело просветления. 4. Популярные "тайные тексты". 5. Просвещение, долголетие и плоть. 6. Отвечая небесное совокупление. 7. "Податлива и послушна". 8. От женщины к андрогину. 9. Одинокая бессмертная.
This research includes the attempt to understand the initial meaning of the one of the most famous text of Taoist tradition “Dao de jing” (Tao te king) including the language and paragraphs structure, possible compiler and the date of compilation. Presumably the initial text was formed as compendium of saying of old mystical masters lately mixed with commentaries and many addition, so to “crack codes” of “Dao de jing” we must separate the initial levels of the scripture from late additions. The edition also includes the complete translation for the “Dao de jing” with commentaries of Wang Bi, 3 c., brilliant philosopher of the school of Xuanxue (“Teaching of the Sacral)
Research on the early history and practice of the Buddhism Chan (Zen) in China before 11 c., describing the different approaches to the inner nature of the man, the way to "Buddhahood" and meditation practice. Also includes compete translations with annotations of several important Buddhist texts: "Platform Sutra of the Sixth patriarch", "Sayings of teacher Ma-zu", “Sayings of Bodhidharma about Heart” “Blue cliff records”, etc.
"The Science to govern China. Mirror for the Dragon" . Moscow: Ripol Classic Publishing House, 2017 by Alexey Maslov. This is a annotated translation and research of the important Tang dynasty text " The Compilation of writings on the Important Governing Principles" by official Wei Zheng (7 c.) is the compilation of advises to emperor about methods of ruling, relations with officials and people. self cultivation, main values and ideas for the state development. The translation is followed by the research on the medieval methods of advising for Chinese emperor.
with Asian partners, emphasizing a shift towards the East as a means of
reorienting its economy and politics towards key Asian allies. Our assessment
of the slogan "turn to the east" is that it has been extremely unsuccessful,
causing confusion among our partners in Asia. It is crucial to recognize that
a significant portion of Russia's landmass, almost two-thirds, is located in
Asia, and historically, Russia has been diligently cultivating diplomatic ties
with Asian nations since the 16th and 17th centuries. Despite this, we are in
agreement that Russia should have redirected its priorities from the West
to the East. This redirection encompasses various aspects of relations,
such as trade, business, politics, culture, and the development of personnel
capable of effectively engaging with Asian countries, including India, while
maintaining utmost respect.