Showing posts with label Me. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Me. Show all posts

Wednesday, February 23, 2022

Last week of February

This week is already flying by so quickly. We've had 2 late start mornings and I feel like we may have another one tomorrow. Monday was President's Day and I had big plans for a quilting day at my dad's house after the kid's dentist appointments. The weather was supposed to be bad (6" of snow and below 0 temps), so I changed the plan. I decided Friday that I would go out on Saturday afternoon, after morning haircuts. I worked on the side borders for this quilt until 10:30 Friday night (after my birthday supper at Fuji Steakhouse). I couldn't get them on right, so I went to bed. While Paul took the kids to haircuts, I finished the borders, mopped the floors, cleaned up the kitchen, and sorted laundry. 
Saturday after lunch the kids and I went to Dad's house to quilt. I quilted this little boy quilt for Jace, the son of our work-study student Megan. Then I quilted my pillow swap (which I'll show after it's received) and the HST Valentine L'Amour table runner. 

It was going so well and it was only 2:30, so I loaded my Hey June quilt which is 73"x97". It is a big one, but I knew I had time to quilt it. The machine would not work! I messed with it for 30 minutes before giving up! I set up mom's sewing machine and fixed my dad's shirts and a couple things for his wife. I put everything away and decided I'd come back another day. I moved the quilting machine and it worked! It literally was like God said, "fix your dad's mending". I would have otherwise put him off. 

Thursday I had a foot doctor appointment and had enough time to finish sewing this quadrant of my EPP quilt. 

So I quilted Hey June horizontally (as I had 1" of backing and batting on each side). It was meant to be quilted this way. It quilted up beautifully after the break! I couldn't find anything else that could or would have caused the issue. I don't know who this will go to, but it's quilted and that's what matters. I used wide back red and 124" wide white warm & white batting from the Sewing Center. After it was done, I quilted a 40" square of purple Homemade fabric to make some more by Annie bags/patterns. I didn't have a plan, but I just quilted up the fabric and will cut it out later when I decide what to make with it. 

Last night I sewed the binding on my pillow swap pillow, my valentine's table runner (but was short, darn it!) and then I had put these by my table to finish as needed. I ended up sewing the binding I had cut on these 2 table toppers. I just gave them to a student for an adoption fundraiser he is helping with this weekend. I didn't have any other thing planned for them and it just felt like they would help that cause. 

Monday night I finished the binding on Jace's quilt. I think it turned out pretty cute for a "scrap quilt". I was kind of kicking myself for spending $40 on backing and more background for a scrap quilt (which I think of as a free quilt), but I know it was the right decision to spring for the minkee backing. I did frankenbatt the batting together from scraps, so that was free too. 
Sunday night Mathew and I played his new Monopoly game. Friday was the 2 year anniversary of my cancer sister's DMX. I wore my Heidi shirt to work as I celebrated what being a survivor means for me. Harmony is the background quilt. 

Thursday, September 02, 2021

Central States Fair


This year the Central States Fair was good to me. I had 19 items in Quilts & 14 in Sewing. I received 24 1st place ribbons, 9 2nd place and 2 Best in class (Bags & Embroidery). 

Mikaela received a Best of Class for her embroidery bear. 
She received a Best of Show for her pillowcase. 
She received a Best of Class for her cat doll quilt. 

Thursday, March 11, 2021

Ann's T-shirt Quilt Top

Tuesday night everyone was in bed by 8 pm. The kids were in bed at 7 due to standardized testing. When they go to bed and asleep by 7:30, I have extra sewing time. I sewed the bottom block for my dad's wife Ann's t-shirt quilt, then sewed the top together. It turned out pretty cool and I'll visit with her this weekend about backing fabric and then hopefully next weekend I can get it quilted for her. 
I also used this mini brick road table runner as my "leader/ender" project to finish it up. I'm not crazy about it, but it's from scraps, so it works. It's Glamping Gypsies fabric and about the 10th thing I've made from this fabric. 
Yesterday I had a heart Dr. appointment. I'm starting a new grandmother's flower garden table topper out of L'Amor fabric (11 years old) and I put it in the bag Jen Wehr made for me. She started me English Paper Piecing (EPP) when my mom was in the hospital, so I would sit with her and stitch. It only seemed fitting to use it for this project. 
Last night at Faith Formation (1st Communion class), I started this cross stitch project. I'm using mom's thread holder, but I think I'll be getting some bobbins to put it on. I just purchased the frame online after seeing others using it. It's been so handy. I think I might really enjoy this craft. I have done cross stitching many years ago, just haven't picked it up in a while. 
Yesterday the prompt for the online quilt festival was upcycling. I do not upcycle fabric, but I do upcycle these glue cartridges. I put old needles in them to throw away. I've also put some new ones in for storing my hand stitching needles. 
While at the heart Dr. appointment I took this photo of my new thank you heart beating mask. I thought it was so appropriate to wear. I also am wearing my needle minder, although now I have seen that others are putting them on the project. I'll have to try that as well.