Tarbiat Modares University
Engineering Geology
Salt crystallization is one of the most powerful weathering agents that may cause a rapid change in the mechanical properties of stones, and thus limit their durability. Consequently, determining the mechanical properties of stones due to... more
Freeze-thaw is one of the most powerful weathering agents that may cause a rapid change in the mechanical properties of stones, and thus limit their durability. Consequently, determining the mechanical properties of stones after... more
In order to assess the resistance of travertine against salt crystallization, 15 travertine samples were selected from Iran's mines. Petrographic, physical and mechanical properties of the travertine samples were determined, and then salt... more
Crack evolution in a rock depends on the mineralogy, microstructure and fabric of specific rock type. This study aims to investigate how mineralogy and grain shape affect the microcrack initiation and propagation of granite rock, which... more
Durability is the most important characteristic of stones in sustainable architecture. Salt crystallization has been known to damage porous building stones. Gerdoi and red travertines are extensively used in new buildings in East... more
Freeze-thaw is one of the most powerful weathering agents that may cause a rapid change in the mechanical properties of stones, and thus limit their durability. Consequently, determining the mechanical properties of stones after... more
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Sea balls also called aegagropila, can be found on Mediterranean beaches. They are made of Posidonia fibers, which aggregate on the seabed due to the sea motions. To understand the mechanism of aggregation and compaction of these... more