Showing posts with label friendship. Show all posts
Showing posts with label friendship. Show all posts

Saturday, September 8, 2012

That's What Friends Are For - Friday Flix

"Don't walk behind me; I may not lead. Don't walk in front of me; I may not follow. Just walk beside me and be my friend." - Albert Camus

Recently I wrote a post on friendship which focused mostly on those that have lasted for several years. But those aren't the only friendships that are important. In fact - if you think about it  - every friendship which has endured the hands of time was once a new friendship, full of possibilities and worries and wonderings. 

Photo by teachinfourth

Thanks to all my friends both old and new...

Thursday, August 30, 2012


The events of the past few weeks have been a poignant reminder to me not to leave things unsaid. They have also been a reminder of the value of true friends both old and new. While I imagine many of us have wonderful friends, do we take the time to let them know we feel that way? Do we make the effort to give voice to the feelings of our hearts?

We may think that those around us know that we care and that we don't need to say the words. Perhaps we aren't comfortable in expressing our feelings through words and simply hope that actions suffice. Perhaps we take for granted that the words have been spoken and need not be repeated. Whatever the reason we often lose opportunities to let others know how we feel.

If there is anything that I have learned from the experiences of the last several weeks it is that we need to tell those for whom we care how we feel - and often - because we never know when it will be too late. We never know what difference a few words coupled with action can make in someone's life.

It is in that light this post was born.

The past few years I have come in contact with wonderful people in the town where I live and have developed friendships with many of them.

Yet, there are a few who have gone above and beyond the call of ordinary friendship. To those people I say a deep and heartfelt thank you even though that doesn't seem to be enough. You cannot know how I treasure the kindness and compassion you show me on a continual basis. Your support and care help sustain me through difficult times and your fun and laughter make good days into great ones. Whether "Nanny McD" or "Auntie M" or simply "Ms. D" your acceptance of me into your lives is a true blessing. Your encouragement and acknowledgement of my strengths - even when I may not see them myself uplifts me and your acceptance of my weaknesses and foibles while still encouraging me to grow and change and improve makes me a better person. I only hope that I can be the kind of friend to you that you are to me.

So thank you...
      for laughing at silly jokes...
      for lifting when I fall...
      for inviting me into your family...
      for encouraging, and cajoling, and uplifting...
      for simply being who you are...


Sunday, March 18, 2012

Give it away...

I found this song today and it struck a cord with me. 
I thought I'd share it here.

Lighten up - 
See the world through another's eyes.
Wisen up - 
In a moment it'll be alright.
Tons of ideas are waiting to be seen.
I've got tons of love to give you
Are you ready to receive me?

Don't wait one more day, just give it away -
It's coming back to you.
Don't wait one more day, just give it away.

Listen up - 
See the world through your father's mind.
He's had the time to know
The loss of his own family life.
Quiet now - 
See your mother in a different light.
You can't say much 'til you've had a child and given life.

Don't wait one more day, just give it away -
It's coming back to you.
Don't wait one more day, just give it away.

So give it away -
It's coming back to you.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012


Every month I, with the help of my faculty, choose a book for me to read to our student body. These generally are books that we try to link with positive character attributes that we want to encourage our students to develop.

On this Valentine's Day our book was Heartprints, by P.K. Hallinan.

The book describes a variety of ways to leave a "heart-print" including sharing a smile, lending a helping hand, providing a listening ear, and so on. The repeated refrain throughout the book as each act of kindness is described is - How many heart-prints will YOU leave today?

After I was finished reading the book to the students I encouraged each of them to spend some time in the next few days leaving "heart-prints"on the people around them. Each student was given a heart to write something kind they did for someone else, or something kind that someone else did for them. I plan on placing the hearts throughout the school to remind us how to treat others. (I got the idea from a friend who did something similar with his class - though he had his students do it anonymously. Maybe we'll try that next year... :-) )

Hopefully, it will make a difference. 

So, I'll finish my blog by posing to you the same question.

How many heart-prints did YOU leave today?

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Secret of Christmas...

A friend recently wrote an entry on his blog that struck a cord with me. It is a gentle reminder of what this time of year is truly about.

I must admit that - though I love Christmas - this year it has been hard to feel the Spirit of the Season.  In all the hustle and bustle of the holiday season sometimes it is easy to forget that the greatest gift of all was not bought at Walmart or Macy's or even Sak's Fifth Avenue but was delivered in a humble stable. It didn't come wrapped in ribbons and paper, but in swaddling clothes instead. It was not placed in layers of velvet or silk, but in a manger filled with hay.

When I was younger, I remember learning a song for a Christmas program that expresses so succinctly much of what I feel about this time of year.

"The secret of Christmas is not the things you do at Christmas time, but the Christmas things you do all year through...."

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

A long time ago in a hospital far, far away....

I was born to two wonderful parents and a loving older sister. During the past 38 years more people have entered our family both by birth and through marriage. I'm so glad to be a part of such a loving family! My biggest present on this day, as always, is you. I am also extremely blessed to have such wonderful friends in my life. Who can be sad for long with so many blessings to count. Thanks! And I love you all!

Thursday, June 17, 2010

And so it goes...

      It's been awhile since I last checked in, so I thought I'd take a few minutes and "muse" a little. It's been a busy few weeks since school got out. I've had teacher workshops and master's classes and in between the little summer experiment that Mr. H., the sixth grade teacher, and I put together. We've had a pretty good turn out so far. I'm glad that the students haven't gotten tired of us yet.
      I had a drop in visit from one of my brothers today, and it was good to visit with him for a little while. I talked with one of my sisters on the phone a little while after that - exchanging recipes, and news of the 'western front'. It's good to keep in contact with family and I am so grateful that despite differences in personalities and misunderstandings every once in a while we are still as close as we are. Some families are not so blessed. I understand that fact and it makes me treasure my family relationships even more.

                                                                        Family ties...

      I was thinking back the other day and I realized that I have now been in Green River nearly as long as lived in Huntington before going to college. Wow - how time flies! My first class of kindergartners graduated high school this year, as well. (I know - there are those who will say - "Wait until you TEACH with the students you taught!" True, enough - and it may get to that point in the future - but still, this was enough to make me feel just a little older than I'd like to...) I am glad to have been able to spend time with some great teachers, administrators, and support staff in my years here in Green River - not to mention ward and community members. I can honestly say that, for the most part, I have felt accepted as a member of this community almost from the start. I had people who took me under their wings and helped me establish myself, offering places to stay, moral support, and shoulders to lean on. I truly have made lifelong friends that I will always cherish.