Saturday, 9 June 2012

Around the World - Part 2

After a very wet Jubilee holiday I have managed to catch up on some of my stitching projects.
Part 2 of Around the World in 80 Stitches is now complete and as with all Yvonnes designs, I have loved stitching it.

The Mordivian stitch was a "right Royal pain in the you know what!" I had to frog it several times before I was happy. I also wimped out and did the no-cut hardanger but I still like it and I wasn't sure how it would look when it was framed if I'd cut it..
Right, I'm going to have a quick flick around with a duster and the vacuum and then I'll settle down with my birds of a feather project. Hopefully I'll get an update to you soon.
Bye for now.

Friday, 1 June 2012

Hello strangers!

Hello my friends and fellow bloggers, long time no post. Life has got in the way of everything and the last few weeks have been very hectic.
I have managed to lose a total of 11lbs now so I'm pretty pleased with that and with my next holiday looming in August I can envisage losing another 7 before we go. YAY go me!!!!
Not much stitching has been done, although I have finally completed part 1 of Papillon Creations new SAL - Around the world in 80 stitches.
I love how Yvonne designs these, they are so beautifully thought out.
Right well, part 2 is here and I have a Jubilee weekend to prepare - loads of family fun, BBQ's, friends around and to top it off a cricket match at the local club - here's hoping the good weather holds.
Bye for now.