Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Questions, questions!

What do you say … let's play the Wednesday Medley!
As ever, thank you to our lovely hostess, Terri, for compiling this week's questions!

* * *

On November 28, 1995 President Bill Clinton ended the 55 MPH speed limit that began in 1974 as an energy-savings measure during the Mid East oil embargo.  If you are old enough to remember this, did it make you happy?  Do you have a heavy foot when driving or does 55 MPH sound good to you?

Ha!  Even when I had my 'Vette I behaved like a 'little old lady'; I'm no fan of unnecessary speed.  Still, 55 seems a bit absurd.  I'm good with 65-70. 

You are home alone on a rainy/snowy Sunday afternoon.  What Christmas movie will you watch?

What do you recommend?  Except for "Amahl and the Night Visitors" (when I was a small child) I don't recall ever having watched a Christmas-themed movie.
(Please, no sophomoric slapstick!)

What is something you have tried that you will never try again?

So many things come to mind! 
I'll go with knitting.  At least a dozen times my mother tried to teach me - but her being right-handed and me a 'leftie', it always ended badly.  We'd just change the subject and go pour ourselves an adult beverage!  

Today is National French Toast day!  Will you have some?  Do you like French Toast?

No, but I'm loving IHOP's Grinch-inspired breakfast menu!

I think they've even added a cheesecake-stuffed French Toast!

The Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center will be lighted today, as will the one at the White House in Washington, D.C.  To you have your tree up, and is it lighted?  Have you ever been to New York City or Washington, D.C. to see the trees lit up during the holidays?

Coming soon to my next post (I hope!).   
I used to fantasize about travelling to NYC during the holidays and go ice skating at Rockefeller Center under that iconic tree.  'So disappointed when I saw the ice rink is, in fact, much (much)smaller than it appears on television.  (This was in September, but still …)

Tell us something random about this new week of yours.

I adore fog!

I am SO LOVING this week's weather, y'all!   The last few mornings the temps have dipped below freezing.  Sure, and it's supposed to begin warming … but for me and the dogs?  Right now, Heaven = vegging under a heavy throw with my tablet and ritualistic first-mug-of-the-season (of) CafĂ© Vienna.

Tom's new oven (oops!) stove is supposed to be delivered today, and I'm over here like …

The salesman wasn't quite sure what to make of me.  Ha!

Finally!  O thought this was kind of neat.
Normally, I favor dark roast coffee, straight up black.  But every now and then I'll linger at the dairy case -- like little kids do at a candy counter.
Doesn't this sound like a great alternative to costlier creamers?   

Have fun, y'all … it's not just for kids anymore!

Hugs … stay safe!


Saturday, November 24, 2018


G'morning friends!

I'd planned to participate in the Saturday 9 (meme), but figured I had too many 'asides' to play politely.  

It sounds as if everyone really enjoyed their Thanksgiving observances.  I love to imagine each of you in your little homes or restaurants!   So, this being our first holiday in Alabama, I surprised myself by wanting to host the dinner.   (Bowing to my parents tradition, the last several years Tom's agreed to eat 'out' somewhere we might order prime rib or salmon.)

My DIL assured me, she was doing all her meal prep the day before so they wouldn't be in a rush to get home and have to prepare a whole 'nother meal!   So surprised (and pleased) when son phoned the day before, asking if we'd room at the table for 3 more.  He and Lois always try to include their friend Brad during the holidays, and I enjoyed getting to know him - and his daughter Julia - a little better.   We weren't expecting Chloe, but were delighted to see her face!  Her Johnny - an R.N. - had just concluded a shift-and-a-half (I think that's 16 hours!) and needed sleep.  Is it just me, or does it concern anyone else when nurses are worked so many hours to the point of exhaustion?

  (l-r Brad, Chloe, son Troy, Julia & Lois)

Uncharacteristically, Tom was stressing about the fried turkey being large enough to feed everyone.   I suggested we just stop by Food Outlet and throw a Mississippi Pot Roast in the slow cooker Thursday morning.  Unfortunately, I didn't realize the roast he bought weighed in at 4-1/2 lbs. … and didn't recall the directions being 8 hours on low.  (For the record, amending the cooking time to 5 hours on high isn't such a great idea.)   

Then he began to get cranky about sharing oven time with the appetizers.   (If we ever do this again, I'm investing in an electric roaster!)  Thank goodness, I'd the presence of mind to postpone making sausage bread!   

Funny.  I suggested he go sit down with a Bloody Mary while I prepped the spinach and sausage mix.   Except I'd forgotten to let the cream cheese warm.  No worries, I'll thaw it in the microwave.  (Did you know cream cheese can explode in a microwave?  Yes, really.)   

I don't think we'll be doing a fried turkey again.  It may have been the rub they used, but the skin was awfully salty and it wasn't nearly moist as we'd hoped.
Tom remarked, "It looks as if someone set it out in the rain and it rusted."   Poor little Gracie looked up at the counter and began barking hysterically … scared to death.

Despite appearances, hey, it was all good.   (At least everyone said so.)   I only regret not getting more photos.  Not sure why, but Chloe doesn't enjoy having her picture made -- and I didn't want her annoyed at her g'ma.  (Sure, I'm biased.  But if I looked like her, I'd probably be the Queen of Selfies.  LOL!)   Does anyone else think she bears a striking resemblance to Courtney of ABC's The Bachelor?

Chloe (left) v. Courtney Robertson (right)

Well, I've prattled on long enough!  Tom's in the kitchen preparing our favorite dip (Jimmy Dean sausage, RoTel and cream cheese), and I've cheesy grits in the crock pot.   It looks like a junky food-Iron Bowl sort of day.   (Our team is heavily favored to lose, but miracles can - and do - happen!)

Be safe out there … War Eagle!


Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Thanksgiving Medley

Good morning, and happy Day Before!   
I'm always grateful for an opportunity to step aside from chores and join Terri's ever entertaining Wednesday Medley!   Why not pour yourself a cup of coffee and join us?  

Without further ado, here are this week's posers --

What's your favorite Thanksgiving food?

Cheesecake Factory's pumpkin pecan cheesecake.
(Sadly, the CF is a 2-hour drive away in Birmingham.)

What's the happiest Thanksgiving memory of your childhood?

Some of you may recall, most of my childhood Thanksgivings meant 'road trip' -- usually to a Denver (CO) hotel.  That's where my dad took me to a downtown soda fountain and introduced me to my first brown cow.  I think my parents only requirement was being able to order dinner from the regular menu.  Anything but turkey! 

The best?  A trip to a Colorado dude ranch, about 1964(?).  And, I was permitted to bring along my BF, Liz!   I remember little to nothing … except a certain ranch hand named Jerrell.   For 48 exquisite hours I silently loved him from afar.  LOL!   

Who is the most consistently grateful person you know?

Oh, don't make me choose!   
It's a tie between Pam ('I'm Mostly known as Ma') and our hostess, Terri ('Your Friend From Florida').  
Both of these ladies always lift me up! 

If you could thank one person today - near or far, living or dead - for their influence on your life, who would that person be?

I sorely regret never telling my dad what he meant to me.  It's difficult to grasp he's been gone longer (37 years, now)  than the 31 years we shared.   

Nevertheless, his example of work ethics is cemented in my conscious.  That, and his love of Good Food!

Who's one person you've never thanked for their contribution to your life, but would like to?

There aren't enough days, not enough ways to express how much my son means to me!

Tell us something random about your Thanksgiving week.

So, you want to hear about my getting carded for the first time ever at Wal-Mart, yesterday?  It's was kind of sweet watching the (obviously-new) cashier trying to do the right thing.

No.  More exciting, Tom has not one, but both his hearing aids back.  So far, no complaints!   It wasn't even 9 when we left the VA, so I was delighted when he suggested breakfast.  That's become my favorite meal of the day.  

Unfortunately, the last time we visited my favorite deli, our entrees were a big letdown.  After months of me waxing rhapsodic about their Conecuh omelets and heavenly grits, I was genuinely sad.  Perhaps their cook may have left for greener pastures.  Does that happen to anyone else?

At any rate, we tried IHOP across the boulevard, and now I've a new favorite spot.  How fickle of me … LOL!

Thanksgiving blessings … stay safe and warm!



Monday, November 19, 2018

.. and That's What's Going On

Hi there!

What a gorgeous time of year, no?   
In fact, a couple days last week grew downright cold!  Waking up to a 30* morning Thursday, I came this close to opting out of swim class.  Even a couple hours later when I stepped out of the locker room it was unpleasantly chilly.  The lifeguards couldn't see for all the fog, so they'd opened the sliders and turned on the fans.  

I had to chuckle at one lady who offered, "I promise not to drown; won't you please turn them off?"

Does anyone else remember this scene?
Looking a vague shapes through the fog, I'd a flashback to that 1985 movie, Cocoon.  Giggling, remembering the cast of 'old people' … realizing, hey, I'm right there!

So, those of you on Facebook saw where we bit the bullet.  Rather than roll the dice and throw band-aid after band-aid into roof repairs, we had the whole thing replaced.  We went with the fellow who did son and Lois' home a few years ago, and were totally impressed.  They even discovered additional breaches and replaced those beams for no additional charge.  All I want for Christmas is peace of mind!

(OK, am I weird?)

Tom grew all upset with me when I expressed little interest in the shingle samples:  "I don't care ...pick something."   (The same way I did when we were looking at washers/dryers.)   I mean, there's lots of things I've definite opinions about, but appliances and shingles aren't among them.

Moving right along!  For all my 'big talk' about loving Winter, I was mighty glad to warm up a little yesterday.  I think Sean of the South best described my feelings when he wrote, "I don't love the weather itself, but I enjoy what the cold represents.  It means November is here; it means the holidays are close."

Given my abysmal record for buying Christmas cards -- then forgetting to mail them in time -- this year I went with Thanksgiving greetings for family and friends who aren't on social media.  The lady at the Post Office says she's seen (that) growing trend … let the turkey have its 15 minutes of fame!

So, it looks as if our Thanksgiving table will be a small affair.  Son and Lois will be by mid-day …  perhaps with a close friend they try to include each holiday.

We've never had a deep-fried turkey, but placed an order from our favorite BBQ place.  There's the requisite potatoes and dressing, and I discovered a couple of yummy-sounding recipes for stuffed mushrooms.  Keto-friendly for Lois and me, too!

This has nothing to do with nothing, but it made me laugh out loud.

That could so be me … except my mom's been gone a long time, and I don't recall her ever having made a turkey either!

Finally, this is a little late for Veterans Day … but still appropriate when I consider all those we owe our thanks.

Go rest high, sir.

Thanks for being you … stay safe and have a great week!


Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Wednesday Medley

I'm happy to join (host) Terri and friends for this week's Medley!
Amid all the horrifying images from California's wild fires and (continual) political bickering, I think it's fun to engage in a little nonsensical Q & A!

Terri has asked us to complete the following posers:

With the holidays coming, what is the most essential appliance to help you prepare for the celebration?

Our plans are still up in the air … but considering the season, I'll go with our homely-but-trusty oven.  I'd be happy to eat most anything Tom prepares on the grill, but I don't know any other way to prepare my mother's famous banana nut bread.

What is your favorite (clean) word?

That would be y'all, y'all!  
I'm not sure it's a favorite, but probably the one I use most.  At least here in Alabama I'm not kidded about it!   
When I hear it, I think of friendly, unpretentious folks … the kind whose smiles meet their eyes.    

Are you a good judge of character?

'Wish I could say, 'yes.'  Unfortunately, I've been fooled more than a few times, believing someone was genuinely friendly.

What is the last thing you took a picture of?  Can you share it with us?  
3rd straight day of rain … more in the forecast = unhappy Grace.

November 15 is Clean Out Your Refrigerator Day.  How do you intend to celebrate?

Bahahaha!  My mind immediately went to this creamy cinnamon-y goodness in the refrigerator door.  Anyone have a straw?

Tell us something random about your week.

Aside from 3 days non-stop rain, I'm coming up empty.  
Well, except this public service announcement:

When checking out at Wal-Mart this afternoon, the chatty cashier and I both paused for an audio call.   "Was that, 'a fall in Maintenance'?" I asked?   No, I think it was, "All to Maintenance."
   No-one was waiting behind me, so we began visiting, and I told her it reminded me of the staff codes used at my former workplace -- everything from a Bomb Threat to Fire … guest disturbances to mice.   She said Wal-Mart has them too, only they're colors (not numbers).   FYI, if you ever hear "Blue" while shopping WM, join me in running to the nearest exit.  It means, 'bomb.'
(You're welcome … lol)  

Monday, November 12, 2018

My November Life List

Currently I'm-a …

… Pondering

How hard (it is) to believe this week marks one year since we flew out here to look for homes.  Despite the bumps and wrinkles, moving to Alabama is one of the best decisions I've ever made.  Even the not-so-good days far exceed the last few years I spent not living, but simply enduring.  


What on earth took me so long?

… Outside my Window

Foggy mornings, 50* days, fallen leaves … these are a few of my favorite things.  If I could save time in a bottle!

… In the Kitchen

More green chile stew!
This time I put almost a cup of Hatch in the mix ...but even 6 hrs. later Tom was fearing it might be inedible.  But no!  After warming overnight we've consumed almost half!

If anyone's interested, here's a link to the recipe:
(We ordered 'Sandia hot', but they also offer mild and medium.)

… Feeling

Remember Tom going up on the roof a few weeks ago to trouble-shoot the leak?

The other morning we were enjoying breakfast in the sunroom when little Gracie began barking hysterically.   I rounded the corner to see her staring up at the kitchen ceiling … then, an unmistakable sound: "Drip, Drip, Drip."
Of course, not having his hearing aids, Tom couldn't hear a thing.  He went up, and sure enough confirmed what our little leak-detector heard.

Not only that!  
Behind a partition at the other end of the house he discovered a big bucket collecting water.

Since then, roofers have been out to inspect and give us their quotes.  Both confirm these leaks are at least 3 years old.
I am so cross at that so-called inspector!

… Grateful for

Tom's willingness to 'go with the flow' when I get a yen to visit an estate sale.  Rather than sit and glare at the ceiling, we took the ride Friday.  I didn't find any cute ornaments, but couldn't leave this sweet bear behind!

I think I shall call her Inga, after my maternal grandmother.

… Interested in
Yes, I stopped in my tracks and squealed like a little girl.  I've never been privy to watching leaves fall, but gosh.  They intoxicate my senses!  I've never seen a red one before!

Not that we need it … but I'm wondering how affordable it would be to adopt a mature maple?

… Planning

Mother's recipe box rarely gets used anymore.  So?

I love colored index cards, and always keep a few in my car and in my purse for those moments I want to capture a thought.  What about re-purposing this as a repository for future blogs?
Do you utilize anything like this  … a notebook or a planner, perhaps?

… Resolving
Only a mile down the road, Village Green has the prettiest walking trail!  Weather permitting, I'm going to try and step up my walk-a-mile Thursday to an everyday thing.

* * *

Have a thank-full week … be safe!


Wednesday, November 7, 2018

What, what, WHAT a Medley!

Well, hello again!

'Not sure, but I suspect there's a cat of there who's got my tongue.  Sure, there's plenty going on in Coosada.  But when I go to share, the little voice in my head says, "No-one's going to be interested in that."   Does anyone else experience times like this?   

….. All the more reason I'm thankful to Terri for her weekly prompts!   Come on along, let's play!

What is your claim to fame?

Does being in the right place at the right time count?   I'm nothing special, but have been fortunate (via my job) to visit some who are/were.    This was back when cell phones weren't a thing, so I've only a few fuzzy images:  (l-r) Frank Gifford, Alex Trebek, John Forsythe, Greg Morris.

Then, one evening at a charity golf event my former hubby and I were witness to a funny-looking little man (I'd never heard of) debuting his new song.  Right there in front of our table, Lee Greenwood sang 'God Bless the U.S.A.'
(My girlfriend and I were more interested in ogling Farrah Fawcett who was sitting with her father only a few tables away!)  

What is something you like to do the old-fashioned way?

Drive. I always prefer taking back roads to interstates.  (Who needs all that anger?)   Plus, being a control freak, I'm loathe to use the cruise control feature.

What did you think you would grow out of -- but haven't?

Unfortunately, I'm still too concerned what others think.

What is the dumbest thing you've done that actually turned out pretty well?

Back in the mid-70's I mistakenly returned a client's bank statements to the wrong person and was (deservedly) fired.   A friend knew someone who was looking to hire a secretary and encouraged me to apply.   I didn't get the job, but wound up marrying him!

If you had to change your name, what would you change it to?

Let's go with Mevely!  When I started blogging I didn't want anyone at my workplace knowing ….. so I made up a combo of mine and my mother's names: Myra Evelyn.  (She was Evelyn Myra.)

What's something random you can tell us about this week?

Son and DIL invited us down to their place Saturday to watch football.   Times like this I still pinch myself, having the opportunity to 'hang out' with my favorite humans!  

We invited them to our home for Thanksgiving, but now I'm wondering if it won't be too stressful for my DIL.  Turns out, she's committed to cooking another meal after they get home.  All sorts of convoluted, yes.  Now I'm thinking we should reschedule, but don't want to hurt DH's feelings.  Sigh.

On the other hand!  
This sign at our favorite pizza shop made me smile.  Don't you love the name?

Have a super Wednesday … stay safe!
