# Makefile.PL for urpmi
# $Id: Makefile.PL 271298 2010-11-21 15:39:18Z peroyvind $
use strict;
use ExtUtils::MakeMaker;
# Command-line parsing.
# --without-rpm : don't use rpm to find some paths, and generate make targets
# to produce an rpm of this
# --install-po : compile .po files and install locale files
# also, install localized man pages
# --install-gui : install gurpmi
my $with_po = 0; $with_po = 1 if grep $_ eq '--install-po', @ARGV;
my $with_polkit = 0; $with_polkit = 1 if grep $_ eq '--install-polkit', @ARGV;
my $with_gui = 0; $with_gui = 1 if grep $_ eq '--install-gui', @ARGV;
# All scripts, some of them go in /usr/sbin (see DESTINSTALLSBIN below)
our @bin_scripts = qw(urpmq urpmf rpm-find-leaves);
our @sbin_scripts = qw(urpmi urpme urpmi.addmedia urpmi.removemedia rurpmi rurpme);
our @libexec_scripts = qw(urpmi.update);
if ($with_gui) {
push @bin_scripts, qw(gurpmi);
push @libexec_scripts, qw(gurpmi2);
# And now, add some functionality to MakeMaker.
package MY;
# Don't install gurpmi.pm if we don't install gui
sub libscan {
my ($self, $path) = @_;
return !$with_gui && $path =~ /gurpmi/ ? '' : $path;
# Make proper sbin/libexec/man5/man8 dirs in blib
sub top_targets {
my $inherited = shift->SUPER::top_targets(@_);
$inherited =~ s/^config ::/$& \$(INST_MAN5DIR)\$(DIRFILESEP).exists \$(INST_MAN8DIR)\$(DIRFILESEP).exists \$(INST_SBIN)\$(DIRFILESEP).exists \$(INST_LIBEXEC)\$(DIRFILESEP).exists/m;
# Install sbin_scripts in sbin under blib
sub installbin {
my $self = shift;
my $inherited = $self->SUPER::installbin(@_);
my $s = join '|', map quotemeta, @libexec_scripts;
$inherited =~ s{\$\(INST_SCRIPT\)/($s)}{\$(INST_LIBEXEC)/$1}g;
$s = join '|', map { quotemeta($_) . '\s' } @sbin_scripts;
$inherited =~ s{\$\(INST_SCRIPT\)/($s)}{\$(INST_SBIN)/$1}g;
# how to create needed directories under blib
$inherited .= $self->dir_target("\$(INST_$_)") for qw(SBIN LIBEXEC MAN5DIR MAN8DIR);
sub install {
my $inherited = shift->SUPER::install(@_);
# Take into account scripts in sbin under blib
# and new manpage sections
die "Could not replace INST_SBIN!" if $] >= 5.022000;
# install files under /etc and /var
my $po = $with_po ? ' installpo' : '';
my $polkit = $with_polkit ? ' installpolkit' : '';
my $gui = $with_gui ? ' installgurpmi2' : '';
if ($inherited !~ s/^install ::/$& installconfigfiles installstatedir$po$polkit$gui/gm) {
die "Could not replace install.";
# Due to some hateful layout (that I can't change because the whole stuff is
# hosted in CVS (double hate)) I need to add pm_to_blib in the phonic targets.
sub special_targets {
my $inherited = shift->SUPER::special_targets(@_);
$inherited =~ s/PHONY:/$& pm_to_blib/;
sub manifypods {
my $inherited = shift->SUPER::manifypods(@_);
#- TODO repartition of man pages in sections by pod2man is incorrect
#- TODO as more languages are added adapt the following quick hack
# Adjust captions to make them look less like perl packages
$inherited =~ s/^(POD2MAN_EXE\s*=\s*)(.+)$/$1$2 -c "Mageia Package Management" -r "Mageia Linux"/m;
# to generate the ChangeLog depending on the checkout layout
my $commonusername = "../common/";
-d $commonusername or do {
$commonusername = "../../common/";
-d $commonusername or do {
$commonusername = "../../../common/";
-d $commonusername or $commonusername = "";
# Additional targets
sub postamble {
.PHONY: installconfigfiles installstatedir ChangeLog TAGS
\$(MAKE) -C po install
\$(MAKE) -C polkit install
install -d \$(SYSCONFDIR)/urpmi
install -m 644 inst.list skip.list \$(SYSCONFDIR)/urpmi
install -d \$(LOCALSTATEDIR)/urpmi
install -d \$(DESTDIR)/var/cache/urpmi/partial
install -d \$(DESTDIR)/var/cache/urpmi/headers
install -d \$(DESTDIR)/var/cache/urpmi/rpms
installgurpmi2: pure_install gurpmi.desktop
etags *.pm */*.pm
make test
sudo make test TEST_FILES='t/superuser--*.t'
%.desktop: %.desktop.in
intltool-merge --utf8 po \$< \$@ -d -u -c intltool-merge-cache
# Back to our schedule
package main;
NAME => 'urpmi',
ABSTRACT => 'Tools to handle the rpm & urpmi databases (install, query, remove installed/available packages)',
LICENSE => 'gpl_2',
AUTHOR => 'Thierry Vignaud',
'ExtUtils::MakeMaker' => '6.64'
'Filesys::Df' => '0',
'Getopt::Long' => '0',
'Locale::gettext' => '1.01',
'MDV::Distribconf' => '4.100',
'Net::LDAP' => '0',
'Time::ZoneInfo' => '0',
'URPM' => 'v5.25',
'XML::LibXML' => '0',
'XML::LibXML::Reader' => '0',
'Expect' => '0',
'File::Slurp' => '0',
'Net::Server' => '0',
'rpmtools' => '7.12',
'Test::More' => '1.302',
'Test::Pod' => '0',
'Test::Pod::Coverage' => '0',
VERSION_FROM => 'urpm.pm',
macro => {
INSTALLMAN5DIR => '$(PERLPREFIX)/share/man/man5',
INSTALLMAN8DIR => '$(PERLPREFIX)/share/man/man8',
INST_SBIN => 'blib/sbin',
INST_LIBEXEC => 'blib/libexec',
INST_MAN5DIR => 'blib/man5',
INST_MAN8DIR => 'blib/man8',
# We could read those values from rpm macros.
( $ExtUtils::MakeMaker::VERSION >= 6.46 ? (
"meta-spec" => { version => 2 },
provides => {
'urpm' => {
file => 'urpm.pm',
version => 0, # workaround RT#127881
'urpmi' => {
file => 'urpmi.pm',
version => 'v8.121.26',
resources => {
repository => {
type => 'git',
url => 'git://git.mageia.org/software/rpm/urpmi/',
web => 'http://gitweb.mageia.org/software/rpm/urpmi/',
release_status => 'testing',
} ) : ()
MIN_PERL_VERSION => '5.010000',
EXE_FILES => [ @bin_scripts, @sbin_scripts, @libexec_scripts ],
PMLIBDIRS => [ qw(gurpm urpm) ],
$with_po ? (DIR => [ 'po' ]) : (),
map {
my $targ = $_;
$targ =~ s{^pod/}{};
$targ =~ s{^(\d)/(.*)\.pod$}{$2};
my $section = $1 || 1;
( $_ => "\$(INST_MAN${section}DIR)/$targ.$section" );
} <pod/*/*.pod>, $with_po ? <pod/*/*.pod> : ()
dist => { COMPRESS => "xz -f", SUFFIX => ".xz" },