#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# creates and prints RSS 1.0 file
# This is an example of using the XML::RSS
# module to create an RSS file with all
# the trimmings so you can see what elements
# are available.

use strict;
use warnings;

use XML::RSS;
my $rss = XML::RSS->new (version => '1.0');

   title        => "freshmeat.net",
   link         => "http://freshmeat.net",
   description  => "the one-stop-shop for all your Linux software needs",
   dc => {
     date       => '2000-08-23T07:00+00:00',
     subject    => "Linux Software",
     creator    => '[email protected]',
     publisher  => '[email protected]',
     rights     => 'Copyright 1999, Freshmeat.net',
     language   => 'en-us',
   syn => {
     updatePeriod     => "hourly",
     updateFrequency  => "1",
     updateBase       => "1901-01-01T00:00+00:00",

   title  => "freshmeat.net",
   url    => "http://freshmeat.net/images/fm.mini.jpg",
   link   => "http://freshmeat.net",
   dc => {
     creator  => "G. Raphics (graphics at freshmeat.net)",

   title       => "GTKeyboard 0.85",
   link        => "http://freshmeat.net/news/1999/06/21/930003829.html",
   description => "GTKeyboard is a graphical keyboard that ...",
   dc => {
     subject  => "X11/Utilities",
     creator  => "David Allen (s2mdalle at titan.vcu.edu)",

   title        => "quick finder",
   description  => "Use the text input below to search freshmeat",
   name         => "query",
   link         => "http://core.freshmeat.net/search.php3",
print $rss->as_string;